Subject: unmaintained/obsolete/unnecessary file cleanup + new include file Index: src,src/sys/pdpstand,src/sys,src,,src/bin/tcsh Description: There are files which are unnecessary because 1) they are obsolete due to being unmaintained copies, 2) wrong architecture (VAX driver include files) or 3) the file does nothing and is never used by anything in the system. Repeat-By: Observation. 1) /usr/src/include is an obsolete/outdated copy of /usr/include. The last update in /usr/src/include was 23 years ago. Many of the out of sync files in /usr/src/include are 30 years old - from when they were copied from 4BSD. Having the same file in multiple places in the system is a BAD thing! The end result is an out of sync/obsolete/unmaintained copy. If anyone ever did this: cd /usr/src/include make install they would seriously corrupt their system! Also in /usr/src/Makefile the use of the obsolete copy was commented out about 24 years ago!! For these reasons /usr/src/include is being removed from the system. 2) 2.11BSD has its own RX02 driver include file in pdpuba/rxreg.h and does not need the VAX version present in vaxuba/rxreg.h 3) The assembly editing sed scripts /usr/src/asm.sed and asm.sed.pdp are NO-OP files. They are NOT used by anything in the system and the 'pdp' version does NOTHING because it substitutes a dummy string with itself. The asm.sed.vax file is an example of a wrong architecture file which is not needed and can not (and is not) used. 4) In the process of fixing a bug in tcsh's Makefile it was observed that the Makefile was approximately 50% "junk" consisting of commands for other architectures (tahoe, vax, mips) and operating systems (hpux, irix, etc). If any of those want to port tcsh they're not going to start with the 2.11BSD source tree. It was deemed to be time to clean up the Makefile. 5) In the uucp source tree it was noticed in aculib/ that there was a reference to which should have been because the header file had been relocated a very long time ago. Let's fix the reference even if no known system has the Datakit connection ;) 6) "cd /usr/src; make tags" could see "Don't know how to make tags" errors. Some Makefiles do not support the 'tags' target. Those directories should not be listed in TAGSDIR lists. Fix is to update a couple Makefiles. Fix: As long as the 'include' file situation is being cleaned up and in anticipation of the next patch (#460) a new include file (stdarg.h) is being installed into /usr/include. One less thing to do in in #460 (which will be large) - the start of 2.11's ANSIfication. There is both a new source file to be installed as well as a patch file. A 'shar' file is used as a container. Cut where indicated and save to a tmp file such as /tmp/459, Then: cd /tmp sh 459 patch -p0 < 459.patch install -c -m 444 -o root -g wheel stdarg.h /usr/include The following REMOVES files from the system. If you have a 'sentimental attachment' to the files make backup copies ;) # remove the symlink rm /usr/include/vaxuba # remove the directory rm -r /usr/include/sys/vaxuba # remove the asm.sed files rm /usr/src/asm.sed* # remove the unmaintained/outdated copy of include files in the source tree rm -r /usr/src/include Nothing is required to be recompiled as part of applying this patch. This and previous updates to 2.11BSD are available at the following locations: ---------------------------cut here-------------------- #! /bin/sh # This is a shell archive, meaning: # 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line. # 2. Save the resulting text in a file. # 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create: # 459.patch # stdarg.h # This archive created: Sat Jan 4 22:23:02 2020 export PATH; PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:$PATH if test -f '459.patch' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file '459.patch'" else sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > '459.patch' X*** ./usr/doc/2.10/setup.2.11/1.t.old Fri Jan 24 20:08:32 1997 X--- ./usr/doc/2.10/setup.2.11/1.t Sat Jan 4 20:20:58 2020 X*************** X*** 2,8 **** X .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement X .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. X .\" X! .\" @(#)1.t 2.5 (GTE) 1997/1/24 X .\" X .ds lq `` X .ds rq '' X--- 2,8 ---- X .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement X .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. X .\" X! .\" @(#)1.t 2.6 (2.11BSD) 2020/1/4 X .\" X .ds lq `` X .ds rq '' X*************** X*** 162,170 **** X followed by a full dump of a root file system (see \fIdump\fP\|(8)). X Following the root file system dump is a tape archive image of \fB/usr\fP X except for \fB/usr/src\fP (see \fItar\fP\|(1)). Finally, a tape archive X! of source for include files and kernel source ends the first tape. The X second tape contains a tape archive image, also in \fItar\fP format, of X! all the remaining source that comes with the system. X .PP X The entire distribution (barely) fits on a single TK50 cartridge, references to X the second tape should be treated as being the 9th file on the TK50. Many of X--- 162,170 ---- X followed by a full dump of a root file system (see \fIdump\fP\|(8)). X Following the root file system dump is a tape archive image of \fB/usr\fP X except for \fB/usr/src\fP (see \fItar\fP\|(1)). Finally, a tape archive X! of the kernel source ends the first tape. The X second tape contains a tape archive image, also in \fItar\fP format, of X! the remaining source that comes with the system. X .PP X The entire distribution (barely) fits on a single TK50 cartridge, references to X the second tape should be treated as being the 9th file on the TK50. Many of X*************** X*** 187,193 **** X 4 1024 32 standalone \fBicheck\fP(8) X 5 10240 285 \fIdump\fP of ``root'' file system X 6 10240 3368 \fItar\fP dump of /usr, excepting /usr/src X! 7 10240 519 \fItar\fP dump of /usr/src/include and /usr/src/sys X .TE X X TAPE 2: X--- 187,193 ---- X 4 1024 32 standalone \fBicheck\fP(8) X 5 10240 285 \fIdump\fP of ``root'' file system X 6 10240 3368 \fItar\fP dump of /usr, excepting /usr/src X! 7 10240 519 \fItar\fP dump of /usr/src/sys X .TE X X TAPE 2: X*************** X*** 195,201 **** X n n n l. X Tape file Record size Records\(ua Contents X _ X! 0 10240 4092 \fItar\fP dump of /usr/src, excepting include and sys X .TE X .DE X .KE X--- 195,201 ---- X n n n l. X Tape file Record size Records\(ua Contents X _ X! 0 10240 4092 \fItar\fP dump of /usr/src excepting sys X .TE X .DE X .KE X*** ./usr/doc/2.10/setup.2.11/2.t.old Mon Aug 11 22:53:52 1997 X--- ./usr/doc/2.10/setup.2.11/2.t Sat Jan 4 12:35:16 2020 X*************** X*** 2,8 **** X .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement X .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. X .\" X! .\" @(#)2.t 1.10 (GTE) 1997/8/11 X .\" X .ds lq `` X .ds rq '' X--- 2,8 ---- X .\" All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement X .\" specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. X .\" X! .\" @(#)2.t 1.11 (2.11BSD) 2020/1/4 X .\" X .ds lq `` X .ds rq '' X*************** X*** 61,67 **** X Build and restore the /usr file system from tape X with \fItar\fP\|(1). X .IP 7) X! Restore the include and kernel sources from tape. X .IP 8) X Extract the remaining source from the second tape. X .IP 9) X--- 61,67 ---- X Build and restore the /usr file system from tape X with \fItar\fP\|(1). X .IP 7) X! Restore the kernel sources from tape. X .IP 8) X Extract the remaining source from the second tape. X .IP 9) X*************** X*** 535,541 **** X .DE X The data on the seventh tape file has now been extracted. X All that remains on the first tape is a small archive containing X! source for the kernel and include files. X .PP X If you have an existing/old password file to be merged back into X \*(2B, special steps are necessary to convert the old password file X--- 535,541 ---- X .DE X The data on the seventh tape file has now been extracted. X All that remains on the first tape is a small archive containing X! the kernel source files. X .PP X If you have an existing/old password file to be merged back into X \*(2B, special steps are necessary to convert the old password file X*************** X*** 547,553 **** X \fB#\fP mt -f /dev/rmt12 fsf (position tape at beginning of next tape file) X \fB#\fP mkdir src (make directory for source) X \fB#\fP cd src (make /usr/src the current directory) X! \fB#\fP tar xpbf 20 /dev/rmt12 (extract the system and include source) X (this takes about 5-10 minutes) X \fB#\fP cd / (back to root) X \fB#\fP chmod 755 / /usr /usr/src /usr/src/sys X--- 547,553 ---- X \fB#\fP mt -f /dev/rmt12 fsf (position tape at beginning of next tape file) X \fB#\fP mkdir src (make directory for source) X \fB#\fP cd src (make /usr/src the current directory) X! \fB#\fP tar xpbf 20 /dev/rmt12 (extract the system source) X (this takes about 5-10 minutes) X \fB#\fP cd / (back to root) X \fB#\fP chmod 755 / /usr /usr/src /usr/src/sys X*** ./usr/src/sys/pdpstand/Makefile.old Sun Dec 3 19:01:24 2000 X--- ./usr/src/sys/pdpstand/Makefile Sat Jan 4 12:37:43 2020 X*************** X*** 1,4 **** X! # Makefile (2.11BSD) 2.4 2000/11/13 X # X # The limitations on program size have been removed. The addition X # of disklabel support pushed 'restor' over the limit. Even with X--- 1,4 ---- X! # Makefile (2.11BSD) 2.5 2020/1/4 X # X # The limitations on program size have been removed. The addition X # of disklabel support pushed 'restor' over the limit. Even with X*************** X*** 13,18 **** X--- 13,20 ---- X # It is still possible to hand craft a version of the utilities by leaving X # out all but the necessary drivers. X # X+ # 2020/1/4 - remove unmaintained copy of the system include files in src/ and X+ # the unused sed scripts asm.sed* X # 2000/11/13 - use libkern instead of libc because the libc routines use X # floating point which may not exist. X # 1997/8/11 - add -O to maketape and makesimtape compile commands X*************** X*** 72,80 **** X lib libdata libexec local man msgs new old preserve pub \ X sbin share spool tmp ucb X cd ${ROOT}/usr/src; tar cfb /dev/nr${TAPE} 20 \ X! sys include X cd ${ROOT}/usr/src; tar cfb /dev/r${TAPE} 20 \ X! Makefile asm.sed asm.sed.pdp asm.sed.vax bin etc games \ X lib libexec local man new old sbin share ucb usr.bin \ X usr.lib usr.sbin X X--- 74,82 ---- X lib libdata libexec local man msgs new old preserve pub \ X sbin share spool tmp ucb X cd ${ROOT}/usr/src; tar cfb /dev/nr${TAPE} 20 \ X! sys X cd ${ROOT}/usr/src; tar cfb /dev/r${TAPE} 20 \ X! Makefile bin etc games \ X lib libexec local man new old sbin share ucb usr.bin \ X usr.lib usr.sbin X X*************** X*** 86,92 **** X lib libdata libexec local man msgs new old preserve pub \ X sbin share spool tmp ucb X cd ${ROOT}/usr/src; tar cfb /dev/nr${TAPE} 20 \ X! sys include X X switch_tapes: FRC X @echo "Switch tapes. Hit CR when second tape is mounted." X--- 88,94 ---- X lib libdata libexec local man msgs new old preserve pub \ X sbin share spool tmp ucb X cd ${ROOT}/usr/src; tar cfb /dev/nr${TAPE} 20 \ X! sys X X switch_tapes: FRC X @echo "Switch tapes. Hit CR when second tape is mounted." X*************** X*** 96,102 **** X X tape2: X cd ${ROOT}/usr/src; tar cfb /dev/r${TAPE} 20 \ X! Makefile asm.sed asm.sed.pdp asm.sed.vax bin etc games \ X lib libexec local man new old sbin share ucb usr.bin \ X usr.lib usr.sbin X X--- 98,104 ---- X X tape2: X cd ${ROOT}/usr/src; tar cfb /dev/r${TAPE} 20 \ X! Makefile bin etc games \ X lib libexec local man new old sbin share ucb usr.bin \ X usr.lib usr.sbin X X*** ./usr/src/bin/tcsh/Makefile.old Sun Dec 28 01:16:48 1997 X--- ./usr/src/bin/tcsh/Makefile Wed Dec 18 20:52:43 2019 X*************** X*** 1,4 **** X! # Makefile 4.3.2 1997/12/27 X # X # C Shell with process control; VM/UNIX VAX Makefile X # Bill Joy UC Berkeley; Jim Kulp IIASA, Austria X--- 1,4 ---- X! # Makefile 4.4 2019/12/17 X # X # C Shell with process control; VM/UNIX VAX Makefile X # Bill Joy UC Berkeley; Jim Kulp IIASA, Austria X*************** X*** 11,104 **** X BUILD=tcsh X X ################################################################ X! ## CLAGS. For various -D things, see config.h X ################################################################ X- # X # These are the default suffixes from .c to .o and -c to get there X- # but to use the global optimizer on the mips boxes, see below X- # X SUF=o X CF=-c X X LFLAGS=-I. X- #LFLAGS=-Zn10000 # hpux lint X X SYSDEFINE=pdp11 X CFLAGS= -I. -O -D${SYSDEFINE} X- #CFLAGS= -I. -g X X! #CFLAGS= -g -pg -I. -DPROF X! #CFLAGS= -O -pg -I. -DPROF X! X! # gcc 1.37- X! #CFLAGS=-O -I. -finline-functions -fstrength-reduce X! X! # gcc 1.37+ X! #CFLAGS=-O -I. -fcombine-regs -finline-functions -fstrength-reduce #-msoft-float X! X! #CFLAGS= -O -I. -fvolatile X! X! # for silicon graphics (and other mips compilers) -- use the X! # global optimizer! (-O3). X! #CFLAGS= -O3 -I. X! #CF=-j X! #SUF=u X! #.SUFFIXES: .u ## Ultrix needs that X! X! # for at&t machines X! #CFLAGS= -O -Ksd -I. X! X! # for convexen X! #CFLAGS= -I. -ext -tm c1 X! X! # Stardent Titan X! #CFLAGS = -I. -O -43 X! X! ################################################################ X ## LDLAGS. Define something here if you need to X ################################################################ X LDFLAGS=-i -X X X ################################################################ X! ## LIBES. Pick one, or roll your own. X ################################################################ X LIBES= -ltermcap ## BSD style things X- #LIBES= -ltermcap -lcs ## Mach X- #LIBES= -lcurses ## Sys V3 w/o networking X- #LIBES= -lcurses -lnet ## Sys V3 with networking X- #LIBES= -lcurses -ldir ## Sys V2 w/o networking [needs directory lib] X- #LIBES= -lcurses -ldir -lnet ## Sys V2 with networking [needs directory lib] X- #LIBES= -lcurses -lbsd ## For Irix3.1 on SGI-IRIS4D X- #LIBES= -lcurses -lsun -lbsd -lc_s ## For Irix3.3 on SGI-IRIS4D (w/ yp) X- #LIBES= -lcurses -lbsd -lc_s ## For Irix3.3 on SGI-IRIS4D (wo/ yp) X- #LIBES= -lcurses -lbsd ## or for aix on an IBM 370 or rs6000 or ps2 X- #LIBES= -lcurses -lcposix ## ISC 2.2 X- #LIBES= -lposix -ltermcap ## A/UX 2.0 X- #LIBES= -ltermcap -lseq ## Sequent's Dynix X- #LIBES= -lcurses -lsocket ## Intel's hypercube X X- # The difficult choice of a c-compiler... X- # First, you should try your own c-compiler. X- # Gcc -traditional is also a safe choice. X- # If you think that you have good include files try gcc -Wall... X- # If you want to take out -traditional, make sure that your sys/ioctl.h X- # is fixed correctly, otherwise you'll be stopped for tty input! X- #CC= gcc -Wall X CC= cc X- #CC= occ X ED= -ed X AS= -as X RM= -rm X CXREF= /usr/ucb/cxref X- VGRIND= csh /usr/ucb/vgrind X CTAGS= /usr/ucb/ctags X XSTR= /usr/ucb/xstr X- #MKSTR= /usr/ucb/mkstr X MKSTR= ./mkprstr X- SCCS= /usr/local/sccs X- PARALLEL=12 # Make the multi-max run fast. X- #P=& # Use Sequent's parallel make X- P= X DESTDIR= X BINDIR=/bin X CATSECT=0 X--- 11,45 ---- X BUILD=tcsh X X ################################################################ X! ## CFLAGS. For various -D things, see config.h X ################################################################ X # These are the default suffixes from .c to .o and -c to get there X SUF=o X CF=-c X X LFLAGS=-I. X X SYSDEFINE=pdp11 X CFLAGS= -I. -O -D${SYSDEFINE} X X! ################################################################ X ## LDLAGS. Define something here if you need to X ################################################################ X LDFLAGS=-i -X X X ################################################################ X! ## LIBES. Edit as needed. X ################################################################ X LIBES= -ltermcap ## BSD style things X X CC= cc X ED= -ed X AS= -as X RM= -rm X CXREF= /usr/ucb/cxref X CTAGS= /usr/ucb/ctags X XSTR= /usr/ucb/xstr X MKSTR= ./mkprstr X DESTDIR= X BINDIR=/bin X CATSECT=0 X*************** X*** 105,111 **** X MANSECT=1 X DESTMAN=/usr/man/man${MANSECT} X DESTCAT=/usr/man/cat${MANSECT} X- FTPAREA=/usr/spool/ftp X X ASSRCS= sh.c sh.dir.c sh.dol.c sh.err.c sh.exec.c sh.char.c \ X sh.exp.c sh.file.c sh.func.c sh.glob.c sh.hist.c sh.init.c \ X--- 46,51 ---- X*************** X*** 148,178 **** X DISTSRCS= ${PSSRCS} ${TWSRCS} ${EDSRCS} ${TCSRCS} ${AVSRCS} X X X OBJS= ${SHOBJS} ${TWOBJS} ${EDOBJS} ${TCOBJS} ${ALLOC} ${ERROBJ} ${STRINGS} X! ################################################################ X ## ERROBJS. File for mkstr error processing X ################################################################ X- #ERROBJ=jpnerror.o errlst.o X ERROBJ=jpnerror.o X STRINGDIR=/etc X STRINGFILE=tcsh${VERSION}strgs X STRINGS=strings.o X! # X! #all: ${BUILD} X! # X! #tcsh:$(P) ${OBJS} X! # rm -f tcsh core X! # ${CC} ${LDFLAGS} ${CFLAGS} ${OBJS} -o tcsh ${LIBES} X! # X! tcsh.1 X! # rm -f X! # -ptroff -man tcsh.1 > X! # X! # X! # STRINGS must be last, to keep in sync with mkstr and xstr ouput X! #OBJS= ${SHOBJS} ${TWOBJS} ${EDOBJS} ${ALLOC} ${PRINT} ${DIROBJS} \ X! # ${ERROBJ} ${STRINGS} X! #ALLOC=tc.alloc.o X ALLOC=tc.alloc.o alloc11.o X X all: mkprstr tcsh tcsh.${CATSECT} X--- 88,104 ---- X DISTSRCS= ${PSSRCS} ${TWSRCS} ${EDSRCS} ${TCSRCS} ${AVSRCS} X X X+ # STRINGS must be last, to keep in sync with mkstr and xstr ouput X OBJS= ${SHOBJS} ${TWOBJS} ${EDOBJS} ${TCOBJS} ${ALLOC} ${ERROBJ} ${STRINGS} X! X! ################################################################ X ## ERROBJS. File for mkstr error processing X ################################################################ X ERROBJ=jpnerror.o X STRINGDIR=/etc X STRINGFILE=tcsh${VERSION}strgs X STRINGS=strings.o X! X ALLOC=tc.alloc.o alloc11.o X X all: mkprstr tcsh tcsh.${CATSECT} X*************** X*** 251,266 **** X -Y -ltermcap -lc X @-size $@ X X- #.c.${SUF}: X- # ${CC} ${CF} ${CFLAGS} $< X- X- #.c.${SUF}: X- # ${MKSTR} - ${STRINGFILE} x $*.c X- # mv -f x$*.c x.c X- # ${CC} ${CFLAGS} ${CF} x.c X- # mv x.o $*.o X- # rm -f x.c X- X .c.${SUF}: ${MKSTR} X ${MKSTR} - ${STRINGFILE} x $*.c X ${CC} -E ${CFLAGS} x$*.c | ${XSTR} ${CF} - X--- 177,182 ---- X*************** X*** 269,282 **** X mv x.o $*.o X rm -f x.c X X- # Don't do any special massaging of C files for sharing of strings!! X- # it causes weird segmentation faults on some systems. X- #.c.o: X- # ${CC} -E ${CFLAGS} $*.c | ${XSTR} ${CF} - X- # ${CC} ${CF} ${CFLAGS} x.c X- # mv -f x.o $*.o X- # rm -f x.c X- X strings.o: strings X ${XSTR} X ${CC} ${CF} xs.c X--- 185,190 ---- X*************** X*** 289,300 **** X mv -f x.o $*.o X rm -f x.c X X- ##.DEFAULT: X- ## ${SCCS} get $< X- X- ##.DEFAULT: X- ## co $< X- X ed.defns.h: ed.defns.c X @rm -f $@ X @echo '/* Do not edit this file, make creates it. */' > $@ X--- 197,202 ---- X*************** X*** 337,358 **** X @ls -l | pr X @pr sh*.h [a-rt-z]*.h sh*.c alloc.c X X! vprint: X! @pr -l84 READ_ME TODO X! @pr -l84 makefile makefile.* X! @(size -l a.out; size *.${SUF}) | pr -l84 -h SIZES X! @${CXREF} sh*.c | pr -l84 -h XREF X! @ls -l | pr -l84 X! @${CXREF} sh*.c | pr -l84 -h XREF X! @pr -l84 sh*.h [a-rt-z]*.h sh*.c alloc.c X! X! vgrind: X! @cp /dev/null index X! @for i in *.h; do vgrind -t -h "C Shell" $$i >/crp/bill/csh/$$i.t; done X! @for i in *.c; do vgrind -t -h "C Shell" $$i >/crp/bill/csh/$$i.t; done X! @vgrind -t -x -h Index index >/crp/bill/csh/index.t X! X! install: tcsh tcsh.${CATSECT} X -mv -f ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/tcsh ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/tcsh.old X install -s -m 555 -o bin -g bin tcsh ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/tcsh X install -c -m 444 -o bin -g bin ${STRINGFILE} ${DESTDIR}${STRINGDIR} X--- 239,246 ---- X @ls -l | pr X @pr sh*.h [a-rt-z]*.h sh*.c alloc.c X X! # tcsh tcsh.${CATSECT} X! install: all X -mv -f ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/tcsh ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/tcsh.old X install -s -m 555 -o bin -g bin tcsh ${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/tcsh X install -c -m 444 -o bin -g bin ${STRINGFILE} ${DESTDIR}${STRINGDIR} X*************** X*** 372,428 **** X tags: /tmp X ${CTAGS} sh*.c X X- tar: X- rm -f tcsh.tar.Z X- rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION} X- mkdir tcsh-${VERSION} tcsh-${VERSION}/config X- cp ${ALLSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION} X- cp ${CONFSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION}/config X- tar cvf - tcsh-${VERSION} | compress > tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.Z X- rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION} X- X- tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.Z: X- rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION} X- rm -f tcsh-${VERSION}.tar tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.Z DIFFS.[123] X- mkdir tcsh-${VERSION} X- ./MAKEDIFFS bsd X- mv DIFFS.1 DIFFS.2 DIFFS.3 tcsh-${VERSION} X- cp ${DISTSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION} X- mkdir tcsh-${VERSION}/config X- cp ${CONFSRCS} tcsh-${VERSION}/config X- cp Makefile tcsh-${VERSION}/ X- tar cvf - tcsh-${VERSION} | compress > tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.Z X- rm -rf tcsh-${VERSION} X- X- tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION}.tar.Z: X- rm -rf tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION} X- rm -f tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION}.tar tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION}.tar.Z DIFFS.[123] X- mkdir tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION} X- ./MAKEDIFFS tahoe X- mv DIFFS.1 DIFFS.2 DIFFS.3 tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION} X- cp ${DISTSRCS} tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION} X- mkdir tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION}/config X- cp ${CONFSRCS} tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION}/config X- cp Makefile tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION}/ X- tar cvf - tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION} | compress > tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION}.tar.Z X- rm -rf tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION} X- X- tcsh.reno-${VERSION}.tar.Z: X- rm -rf tcsh.reno-${VERSION} X- rm -f tcsh.reno-${VERSION}.tar tcsh.reno-${VERSION}.tar.Z DIFFS.[123] X- mkdir tcsh.reno-${VERSION} X- ./MAKEDIFFS reno X- mv DIFFS.1 DIFFS.2 DIFFS.3 tcsh.reno-${VERSION} X- cp ${DISTSRCS} tcsh.reno-${VERSION} X- mkdir tcsh.reno-${VERSION}/config X- cp ${CONFSRCS} tcsh.reno-${VERSION}/config X- cp Makefile tcsh.reno-${VERSION}/ X- tar cvf - tcsh.reno-${VERSION} | compress > tcsh.reno-${VERSION}.tar.Z X- rm -rf tcsh.reno-${VERSION} X- X- ftp: tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.Z tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION}.tar.Z X- cp tcsh-${VERSION}.tar.Z tcsh.tahoe-${VERSION}.tar.Z ${FTPAREA} X- cp ${FTPAREA} X X # X # Dependencies X--- 260,265 ---- X*** ./usr/src/lib/libc/pdp/sys/Makefile.old Fri Apr 21 22:25:10 2000 X--- ./usr/src/lib/libc/pdp/sys/Makefile Sat Jan 4 21:40:01 2020 X*************** X*** 1,6 **** X # Placed in the public domain - 1995/05/06 X # X! # @(#)Makefile 1.9 (2.11BSD) 2000/2/28 X X CPP= /lib/cpp X LD= /bin/ld X--- 1,6 ---- X # Placed in the public domain - 1995/05/06 X # X! # @(#)Makefile 1.9.1 (2.11BSD) 2020/1/4 X X CPP= /lib/cpp X LD= /bin/ld X*************** X*** 54,60 **** X X OBJS= ${PDPOBJS} ${NORM1} ${NORM2} ${LONG} ${ERROR} ${NOERROR} X X! TAGSFILE=tags X X .s.o: X /lib/cpp -DPROF ${DEFS} $< | sed -e 's;^#;/;' | as -V -o $@ X--- 54,60 ---- X X OBJS= ${PDPOBJS} ${NORM1} ${NORM2} ${LONG} ${ERROR} ${NOERROR} X X! tags: X X .s.o: X /lib/cpp -DPROF ${DEFS} $< | sed -e 's;^#;/;' | as -V -o $@ X*** ./usr/src/usr.bin/uucp/aculib/dk.c.old Mon Feb 16 18:21:35 1987 X--- ./usr/src/usr.bin/uucp/aculib/dk.c Thu Dec 26 12:40:37 2019 X*************** X*** 1,10 **** X #ifndef lint X! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)dk.c 4.1 (Berkeley) 1/22/85"; X #endif X X #include "../condevs.h" X #ifdef DATAKIT X! #include X #define DKTRIES 2 X /*** X * dkopn(flds) make datakit connection X--- 1,10 ---- X #ifndef lint X! static char sccsid[] = "@(#)dk.c 4.2 (2.11BSD) 2019/12/26"; X #endif X X #include "../condevs.h" X #ifdef DATAKIT X! #include X #define DKTRIES 2 X /*** X * dkopn(flds) make datakit connection X*** ./usr/src/usr.lib/Makefile.old Fri Dec 13 22:09:03 1996 X--- ./usr/src/usr.lib/Makefile Sat Jan 4 22:13:50 2020 X*************** X*** 3,9 **** X # All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement X # specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. X # X! # @(#)Makefile 5.12.3 (2.11BSD GTE) 1996/12/13 X # X DESTDIR= X CFLAGS= -O X--- 3,9 ---- X # All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement X # specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. X # X! # @(#)Makefile 5.12.4 (2.11BSD) 2020/1/4 X # X DESTDIR= X CFLAGS= -O X*************** X*** 14,21 **** X # master tags file (/usr/lib/tags); the Fortran libraries should X # be on this list. X # X! TAGSDIR=libcurses libdbm libln libm libmp libpc libtermlib libutil libvmf \ X! liberrlst X X # Programs that live in subdirectories, and have makefiles of their own. X # X--- 14,20 ---- X # master tags file (/usr/lib/tags); the Fortran libraries should X # be on this list. X # X! TAGSDIR=libcurses libdbm libln libmp libtermlib libutil liberrlst X X # Programs that live in subdirectories, and have makefiles of their own. X # X*** ./usr/src/Makefile.old Sun Oct 27 01:08:45 1996 X--- ./usr/src/Makefile Sat Jan 4 07:50:44 2020 X*************** X*** 3,9 **** X # All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement X # specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. X # X! # @(#)Makefile 4.15 (2.11BSD) 96/10/21 X # X # This makefile is designed to be run as: X # make build X--- 3,9 ---- X # All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement X # specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. X # X! # @(#)Makefile 4.16 (2.11BSD) 2020/1/4 X # X # This makefile is designed to be run as: X # make build X*************** X*** 60,68 **** X build: buildlib ${SRCDIR} X X buildlib: FRC X- @echo installing /usr/include X- # cd include; make ${MFLAGS} DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} install X- @echo X @echo compiling libc.a X cd lib/libc; make ${MFLAGS} ${LIBCDEFS} X @echo installing /lib/libc.a X--- 60,65 ---- X*************** X*** 108,114 **** X done X X tags: X! for i in include lib usr.lib; do \ X (cd $$i; make ${MFLAGS} TAGSFILE=../tags tags); \ X done X sort -u +0 -1 -o tags tags X--- 105,111 ---- X done X X tags: X! for i in lib usr.lib; do \ X (cd $$i; make ${MFLAGS} TAGSFILE=../tags tags); \ X done X sort -u +0 -1 -o tags tags X*** ./VERSION.old Tue Dec 17 07:58:48 2019 X--- ./VERSION Sat Jan 4 07:51:14 2020 X*************** X*** 1,5 **** X! Current Patch Level: 458 X! Date: December 17, 2019 X X 2.11 BSD X ============ X--- 1,5 ---- X! Current Patch Level: 459 X! Date: January 4, 2020 X X 2.11 BSD X ============ SHAR_EOF fi if test -f 'stdarg.h' then echo shar: "will not over-write existing file 'stdarg.h'" else sed 's/^X//' << \SHAR_EOF > 'stdarg.h' X#ifndef _STDARG_H_ X#define _STDARG_H_ X X/* X * stdarg.h 1.0 (2.11BSD) 2020/1/4 X*/ X Xtypedef char *va_list; X#define va_start(list, fmt) (list = ((char *)&fmt + sizeof(fmt))) X#define va_end(list) X#define va_arg(list,mode) ((mode *)(list += sizeof(mode)))[-1] X X#endif SHAR_EOF fi exit 0 # End of shell archive