# define_def.r.i --- definitions for the 'define' program define(DEFINE_COMMON,"define_com.r.i") # common definitions for 'define' define(MEMSIZE,25000) # maximum memory size define(MAXTOKEN,200) # maximum characters in a token define(MAXDEF,400) # maximum length of a definition define(MAXLEVEL,5) # maximum number of nested files define(PBLIMIT,400) # maximum number of characters in In_line define(NOT_EOF,1) # read_line returns NOT_EOF if it could # read a line define(INFOSIZE,3) # the size of a node in the definition table define(POINTER,1) # the fields in the node - a pointer to the define(NUM_ARGS,2) # definition string, the number of arguments, define(LENGTH,3) # and the length of the definition define(MAXCALLSIZE,36) # maximum number of parameters plus # the other information needed during # expansion define(MAXPARAMS,32) # maximum number of parameters define(TEXT_POINTER,33) # fields in the stack entries - a pointer define(NUM_ARGUMENTS,34) # to the definition string, the number of define(TEXT_LENGTH,35) # arguments, the length of the definition, define(NUMBER_READ,36) # the number of arguments read, and the define (DEBUG,#) # debugging switch undefine (file_mark) # so we don't get mixed up with the # system definition