C NEWSCOM.INS.FTN, SPOOL>INSERT, JCB, 06/24/81 C New queue control common for rev 19 information C Copyright (C) 1981, Prime Computer, Inc., Natick, MA 01760 NOLIST C INTEGER*2 S$BUFF(122) /* 122 words. C INTEGER*2 S$NLEN,S$UNAM,S$DTMD,S$PATH,S$COPY,S$SECS,S$EXTR C PARAMETER & S$NLEN=122, /* New rev 19 area length. & S$UNAM=1, /* 32 characters of username. & S$DTMD=17, /* Date-time modified of file (0 if invalid). & S$PATH=19, /* Pathname of file. & S$COPY=60, /* One if copy, two if not, zero if invalid. & S$SECS=61, /* Seconds file spooled (QBUF(27) is in use). & S$EXTR=62 /* Extra crap. C LIST