enable = <6 pri = 5 stopint = 0320 # location of display stop interrupt vector .=0400 # past all interrupt vectors placate: point 200; 600 # invisible statsa ital1 sync char int1 'Scrolling, cursor positionable terminal program.' point 200; 500 char 'LOADING -- please wait.' .even # point # 100; 100 # statsa ital0 # char int7 # 'Copyright (c) 1978, Georgia Institute of Technology' # # written by Jack Waugh # .even djmp; placate main: .=dpc placate .=main start': reset # stop display jmp entry . = 01000 # leaving 0400 bytes or 128. words for the stack entry: mov $entry, sp clr r0 mov (pc)+, (r0)+; jmp *(pc)+ # place jump in loc. 0 mov sp, (r0)+ # to entry mov $disaster, (r0)+ mov $7