/* memory.h --- declare mem* functions */ /* File : memory.h Author : Richard A. O'Keefe. Updated: 1 June 1984 Purpose: Header file for the System V "memory(3C)" package. Edited for GT-C by Arnold Robbins, 1 August 1984 All the functions in this package are the original work of Richard A. O'Keefe. Any resemblance between them and any functions in AT&T or other licensed software is due entirely to my use of the System V memory(3C) manual page as a specification. */ #ifndef _MEM_ #define _MEM_ 1 extern int memcmp(/*char^,char^,int*/); extern char *memcpy(/*char^,char^,int*/); extern char *memccpy(/*char^,char^,char,int*/); extern char *memset(/*char^,char,int*/); extern char *memchr(/*char^,char,int*/); #endif