[cc]mc | .hd gtacl$ "get acl protection into ACL common block" 09/04/84 integer function gtacl$ (path, key, at) character path(ARB) integer key, at .sp Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) .fs If 'key' is 1, 'gtacl$' retrieves the standard ACL protection for the file 'path' into the ACL common block, or if 'key' is 2, it returns the priority ACL protection into the ACL common block. 'At' is set to YES if the current attach was moved to get to the specified file. The function return is OK if the information was was retrieved and ERR otherwise. .im 'Gtacl$' attempts to attach to the directory containing the file and then procedes to retrieve the acl information. It then scans through the returned information and formats it for further use in the common blocks. If any error is encountered it attaches home if the attach point has changed and returns an error, otherwise it returns OK. .ca ctov (2), equal (2), follow (2), getto (2), mkpa$ (2), mktr$ (2), mapstr (2), vtoc (2), Primos pa$lst, Primos ac$lst .sa gfdata (2), sfdata (2) [cc]mc