[cc]mc | .hd setime "set time of day/date on all systems running ring" 07/20/83 setime [-d mmddyy] [-t hhmm] .ds The 'setime' command is an interface to the SWT 'ring' process which allows validated users to change the time of day on all systems that are running 'ring'. If the "-d[bl]mmddyy" argument is present, the current month, day, and year is set to the given value, otherwise the date remains unchanged. If the "-t hhmm" argument is present, the current time of day is set to that value, otherwise the time of day remains unchanged. At least one of the arguments must be present. .sp If the current time of day is being reset, the 'setime' command executes immediately. Otherwise, 'setime' pauses until the beginning of the next minute to complete execution. .es setime -d 030184 .sp setime -t 1400 .me .in +5 .ne 2 .ti -5 Cannot transmit SETTIME request .br Something interfered with the transmission of the SETTIME command to the 'ring' process. This should never happen. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 Networks are not configured .br The system is not configured to support PRIMENET. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 Request to failed .br The attempt to set the time of day/date on system failed. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 Request to succeeded .br The attempt to set the time of day/date on system succeeded. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 Ring connection has been terminated .br The connection to the 'ring' process has been cleared. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 Setime complete .br The SETTIME command has been successfully attempted on all systems in the ring. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 SETTIME request initiated .br The SETTIME command has been transmitted to the 'ring' process. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 The first day of the month must be at least 1 .br 0 is not a valid day of the month. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 The month must be between 1 and 12 (inclusive) .br The only valid months are 1 through 12. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 The hour must be between 0 and 23 (inclusive) .br The only valid hours are between 0 and 23. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 The minute must be between 0 and 59 (inclusive) .br The only valid minutes are between 0 and 59. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 Usage: setime @[-d mmddyy] @[-t hhmm] .br Some argument was incorrectly specified. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 Unable to connect to ring node .br The current system is not running a 'ring' process. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 You are not validated to SETTIME .br Your user number is not allowed to use the SETTIME command. .sp .ne 2 .ti -5 has only days .br The number of days specified is not correct for the given month. .in -5 .bu Will not work if the current system is not running 'ring'. .sp Is inherently inaccurate because of the time required for the SETTIME request to go around the ring. .sa broadcast (3), execute (3), terminate (3) [cc]mc