[cc]mc | .hd vtputl "put line into terminal screen buffer" 07/11/84 [cc]mc subroutine vtputl (str, row, col) integer row, col character str (ARB) .sp [cc]mc | Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) [cc]mc .fs 'Vtputl' is used to place a string of characters into the screen buffer, in the specified position. The first argument is the EOS-terminated string of characters to be displayed; the second and third arguments are the (row, column) position on the screen where the first character of the string is to be displayed. 'Vtputl' only places the string into the screen buffer; 'vtupd' must be called before any changes to the internal buffer are reflected on the screen. .im 'Vtputl' simply calls 'vt$put' with the same arguments, plus the length of the string, and then returns. .ca vt$put, length .sa length (2), and other vt?* routines (2)