[cc]mc | .hd vtmsg "display a message in the status line" 07/11/84 [cc]mc subroutine vtmsg (msg, type) character msg (MAXLINE) integer type .sp [cc]mc | Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) [cc]mc .fs 'Vtmsg' is used to place an arbitrary message in the "status line" (if one has been enabled). If there has been no status line enabled, 'vtmsg' has no effect. Messages are 'typed' with simple integers; each new message overwrites any old one with the same 'type'. Messages with different types are simply shuffled to different places on the status line. .im 'Vtmsg' first checks to see if the status line has been enabled and, if not, simply returns. The status line is then scanned for another message with the same type. If one is found, it checks to see if the new message will fit in [cc]mc | place of the old one, and if not, if proceeds to shuffle [cc]mc the existing messages around to attempt to fit them on. If another message is not found with the same type, it just looks for enough space on the status line to place the new message, shuffling the others around, if necessary. If there isn't enough space in which to place the message, as much of it as is possible is placed on the status line. .ca length, vt$put .sa length (2), and other vt?* routines (2)