[cc]mc | .hd vtclr "clear a rectangle on the screen" 07/11/84 [cc]mc subroutine vtclr (srow, scol, erow, ecol) integer srow, scol, erow, ecol .sp [cc]mc | Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) [cc]mc .fs 'Vtclr' is used to clear a rectangle on the users terminal. The arguments are the starting row 'srow', starting column 'scol', ending row 'erow', and ending column 'ecol'. .im After boundaries are checked and truncated (to 1 for values less than 1, and MAXCOL and MAXROW for values greater than their respective dimension) a small loop simply writes sequences of blanks on the screen using 'vt$put'. .ca vt$put .sa other vt?* routines (2)