[cc]mc | .EV [cc]mc .ce .bf Section 1 - Commands .fo ``- # -`` .sp 3 .ti +5 By far the most important component of the Software Tools Subsystem is its complement of commands. This section is devoted to the description of the commands currently available. .sp .ti +5 Documentation for each command is divided into the following sections. Note that sections that would otherwise contain no information will be omitted. .sp 2 .in +10 .ti -5 .ul Header Line .sp The command's name, function, and the date of last modification to the documentation. .sp 1 .ti -5 .ul Usage .sp A description of the syntax permitted on the command line. [cc]mc | The notation used in this description was discussed above in the section labelled "Key to Notation." [cc]mc .sp 1 .ti -5 .ul Description .sp A detailed coverage of the capabilities and operation of the command. .sp 1 .ti -5 .ul Examples .sp A few short examples of the command. .sp 1 .ti -5 .ul Files .sp A list of the names of special files used by the command. .sp 1 .ti -5 .ul Messages .sp A listing of important error messages or diagnostic information issued by the command. .sp 1 .ti -5 .ul Bugs .sp Known bugs in the operation of the command. .sp 1 .ti -5 .ul See Also .sp References to further information or related commands. .in -10