[cc]mc | .hd rdcount "count the number of rows in a relation" 07/01/82 rdcount [] .ds 'Rdcount' is part of the toy relational data base management system, 'rdb'. It lists the number of rows in a relation satisfying the optional select expression. If no select expression is given then it lists the total number of rows in the relation. Standard input 1 must be directed to a file containing an 'rdb' relation. The result is written to standard output. .sp The input relation must be a file containing a relation that was created by 'rdmake' or other 'rdb' programs; the relation cannot be read from the terminal. The select expression is formed from the logical operators "&" (and), "|" (or), and "~" (not) connecting relational conditions involving two domains or a domain and a literal. .es p.rel> rdcount p.rel> rdcount "color='red'" .me "Sorry, a relation can't be read from the terminal" .br "relation is corrupted!!" .br "Cannot load input relation" .br "Invalid expression" .br "expected domain name or literal" .sa rdcat (1), rdextr (1), rdjoin (1), rdmake (1), rdprint (1), rdproj (1), rdsel (1), rdsort (1), rduniq (1), rdatt (1), rdavg (1), rddiff (1), rddiv (1), rdint (1), rdmax (1), rdmin (1), rdnat (1), rdsum (1) [cc]mc