[cc]mc | .hd pword "change login password" 08/24/84 pword .ds 'Pword' changes a user's login password. A Primos login password consists of up to 16 letters, numbers, and the following special characters: '#', '$', '&', '*', '-', '.', and '/'. Null passwords (consisting of no characters) may or may not be allowed depending on the specific system. .sp 'Pword' turns off terminal echo (to prevent someone from peeking) and requests the old password. It then requests the new password. The new password is requested a second time to verify that the user is changing his password to the correct string. If the two new passwords differ in any way then an error message is printed and the users password is left unchanged. 'Pword' then calls the Primos routine CHG$PW to change the user's password. Any errors are interpreted and printed on the terminal. .es pword Old password: old.password New password: new.password$ Reenter new password for verification: new.password$ .me "One of the passwords was illegal" if a password containing an illegal character is entered. .sp "The old password did not match the actual password" if the old password entered did not match the actual old password of the account. .sp "Disk is write protected. See system administrator" if the disk on which the passwords reside is write protected. .sa Primos CHANGE_PASSWORD command, Primos chg$pw [cc]mc