[cc]mc | .hd ld "interface with the Primos loader" 08/27/84 ld [-(a|b|d|f|h|n|p|u|w)] { | -c | -e | -g | -l | -m [ ] | -i | -t | -s } [ -o ] [cc]mc .ds 'Ld' is used to call the Primos loader (SEG) from the Subsystem. .sp The following global options indirectly affect the production of loader commands: .sp .in +10 .rm -5 .lt +5 .ta 6 .tc & .ti -5 -a&Modify the load sequence to include run-time support for Pascal programs. This option may be used with '-b' and '-p' for mixed-language programs. .sp .ti -5 -b&Modify the load sequence to include run-time support for C programs. (The load of the C main program is triggered by the appearance of the first binary file or library.) This option may be used with '-a' and '-p' for mixed-language programs. [cc]mc | Besides loading the C run-time library "ciolib", this option automatically loads the SWT math library, "vswtmath", and the shared shell library, "vshlib". [cc]mc .sp .ti -5 -d&Produce a SEG-compatible segment directory rather than P300 memory image. This option must be used with the source-level debugger (DBG) or when more than 64K of memory must be initialized when a program is loaded (usually Fortran programs with block data subroutines). .sp .ti -5 -f&Generate a full load map after commands are complete. The name of the map file will be the same as the name of the output file with the ".o" suffix (if any) replaced by ".m". This option performs the same action as the options "-t -m" at the end of the argument list. .sp .ti -5 -h&Suppress the inclusion of the "mix" command in the load sequence, so that procedure and linkage will be loaded in different segments. .sp .ti -5 -n&Do not include the high-memory common blocks or load the default libraries unless the '-i' and '-t' options are encountered. This allows the loading of non-Subsystem programs or the insertion of additional loader commands at the beginning and end of the load. .sp .ti -5 -p&Modify the load sequence to include run-time support for PL/I subset G programs. This option may be used with '-a' and '-b' for mixed-language programs. .sp .ti -5 -u&Generate a load map of undefined symbols after the default libraries have been loaded. [cc]mc | .sp .ti -5 -w&Modify the load sequence to include run-time support for Prime C programs. [cc]mc .sp .in -10 .rm +5 The following local options are examined in the order presented and directly produce commands to the loader: .sp .in +10 .rm -5 .lt +5 .ti -5 specifies a binary code file to be loaded. .sp .ti -5 -c& cause subsequent common blocks to be loaded in the specified segment. By default, common blocks are loaded into segment 4001 (Fortran, Ratfor) or segment 4000 (PL/I G). .sp .ti -5 -e& specifies the default segment number for a load using the "-v" option. The segment numbers used for the , -l , and -t directives are affected. This option normally has use only when a shared, multi-segment program is being loaded. .sp .ti -5 [cc]mc | -g& causes up to 28 characters specified as [cc]mc to be used for the names of the segments produced from a load using the "-v" option. The default is "..". This option normally has use only when a multi-segment, shared program is being loaded. .sp .ti -5 -l& specifies a library file to be loaded. .sp .ti -5 -s& allows arbitrary loader commands to be inserted in the command stream .sp .ti -5 -m& presents a map command to the loader. If is omitted, the first ".m" is assumed. (If ends with ".b", the "b" is replaced with an "m".) .sp .ti -5 -i&causes the inclusion of the initial sequence of Subsystem program loader commands (the definition of Subsystem common block locations and default segment for user common blocks) to be included, regardless of the "-n" global option. .sp .ti -5 -t&causes the inclusion of the terminal sequence of Subsystem program load commands (the default library loads) to be included, regardless of the "-n" global option. If the "-n" option is not specified, the sequence of commands will be included at this point, so that loader commands may be inserted after the libraries have been loaded. This option may be used with the "-m" option to generate a full load map. .sp .ti -5 -o& specifies the output file for the results of the load. If omitted, the first ".o" is assumed. (If ends with ".b", the "b" is replaced with an "o".) .sp .in -10 .rm +5 Commands are presented to the loader in the order in which they are encountered in the command line, except for "-o", which appears only at the end of the command stream. .es ld -du rf.b -t -m ld sol.b -l vthlib -o sol ld sh.b -s "sy kp$swt 165035" -o sh .bu 'Ld' pays no attention to standard ports. .sp If the "-d" option is not present, 'ld' must be able to create files in the current directory. .sp All files specified must be disk files. .sa [cc]mc | fc (1), pc (1), plgc (1), f77c (1), pmac (1), x (1), rfl (1), xcc (1), xccl (1), bind (3) [cc]mc