[cc]mc | .hd dbg "invoke the Primos source level debugger (DBG)" 08/31/84 [cc]mc dbg { } { } .ds 'Dbg' allows the user to access the facilities of the Primos source level debugger (DBG) while still in the Subsystem. is a Subsystem program that has been linked by 'ld' with the "-d" option (i.e., it is a segment directory). 'Dbg' sets up the standard input and output ports and for access by the program and then executes DBG with a call to Primos routine CP$. .es dbg -vfyi -vfyp prog.r> new_rp >prog.f dbg test.o -s -t 3 .me .in +5 .ti -5 "command too long" for too many DBG options to fit on a Primos command line. .in -5 .bu If DBG bombs (as it has been known to do), the Subsystem must be reinitialized with the sequence "dels all;dels 6002" and then "swt". .sp Ratfor programs must be debugged using the Fortran names and line numbers (yuk!). [cc]mc | .sp When DBG terminates (with the "q" command) it exits to PRIMOS. Typing "ren" will return back to the subsystem. [cc]mc .sa fc (1), f77c (1), pc (1), plgc (1), ld (1)