[cc]mc | .hd ccl "compile and load a C program" 10/10/84 ccl [] [<'ld' args>] [/ <'cc' args>] .ds 'Ccl' is a shell program that compiles and loads the C program in . If 'ccl' is invoked with no argument, it automatically processes the last program edited, since it shares the shell variable 'f' with the shell program 'e'. If the source file name specified in does not have a ".c" suffix, 'ccl' will append a ".c" and attempt to process a file with that name. The ".c" suffix on the source file name is not required, although 'ccl' requires that the source code reside in a file named with a ".c" suffix. The executable code is stored in , or a file named appropriately from <'ld' args> (e.g., "-o gorf") or from <'cc' args> (e.g., "-b bonzo"). .sp Options for 'ld' (names of libraries, for example) may follow the name of the source file, e.g. "ccl prog -l mylib". Special options for 'cc' may be placed after the 'ld' options, as long as they are separated by an argument consisting only of a slash; for example, "ccl prog -l mylib / -f". Aberrent command syntax may produce bizarre results. .es ccl # cc and ld the last file edited with 'e' .sp ccl profile ccl profile.c .sp ccl change -l mylib .me ": can't open" for missing ".c" file .bu .bf 100 This program is only available to licensees of Version 2.0 of the Georgia Tech C Compiler. .bf 0 .sa compile (1), cc (1), vcg (1), ld (1), ucc (1), c1 (5), bind (3), .ul User's Guide for the Georgia Tech C Compiler [cc]mc