!Monday, 04/26/82 14:33:59 *Perry $lps #Modified to allow listing of multiple spool queues in one #invocation. When multiple spool queues are listed, a label giv- #ing the pack name is printed. More information is included in #the brief listing format (-q option). Currently printing jobs #are now flagged by a leading asterisk on the destination name #instead of the arrow at the end. This change was made to speed #up printing on hard-copy terminals. # #The cancel option (-c) no longer allows files to be cancelled #from remote spool queues. !Saturday, 05/01/82 16:01:45 *Terry $se #Fixed typo in 'how_to_add_terminal_types' file about which module #to add cursor positioning routines to. Fix installed in all #source, /swt/src/..., /share/src/....,/swt/v8_tape/src/...., #/share/v8_tape/..... !Saturday, 05/01/82 16:15:31 *Terry $radix #It was writing to ERROUT, not STDOUT like the doc said. It now #writes to STDOUT. Copied to A, B, C, and D system's =bin=. !Friday, 05/14/82 19:26:01 *Terry $se #Several terminal types added; 'hz1421', 'hp9845', 'bantam', and #'ts1' (this went out with the release). The 'haz' terminal type #has been removed. Internally 'HAZ1510' and 'HP21' changed to #'HZ1510' and 'HP2621' respectively. 'Hp21pos.r' changed name to #'hppos.r'. # #Bug fixes: #Fixed the characteristics for the 'FOX' terminal, it does NOT #have line wraparound. #Fixed the characteristics for the 'NETRON' terminal, took away #clear to end-of-line ability (to speed up performance). #Fixed a problem with command options, the "Nlines" was not #initialized. #Fixed the "zb" command, it would only let you draw a box out to #col 79. It can now draw out to col 126 (MAXLINE - 2; left room #for NEWLINE and EOS) #Cleaned up some code in 'hwinsdel.r'. !Friday, 05/14/82 19:44:41 *Terry $vth, sorted and sundry #Several terminal types added; 'bantam', 'hp9845', 'hz1421', and #'ts1' (this one made the release tape). # #The 'hp9845' terminal type needed a different coordinate type. #So in 'vth_def.i' MAXCOORDTYPE changed to 6 from 5. And in #'vtterm.r' added more data for the DATA statement initialization. # #Changed the 'ibm', 'netron', and 'tvi' characteristic files; #removed the 'tab_set', 'tab_reset', and 'tab_clear' keywords from #the input section. Also set clear_to_eol for the netron to EOS #(performance improvement). !Friday, 05/14/82 19:46:21 *Terry $=ttypes= #Added 'bantam', 'hp9845', 'hz1421', and 'ts1' (made release tape) #terminal types. !Friday, 05/14/82 19:47:39 *Terry $=ttypes= #Changed 'hp21' to 'hp2621', to be similar to 'hp9845'. !Friday, 05/14/82 20:32:37 *Terry $se, vthlib, =vth=/?*, =ttypes=, =lbin=/sol #Changes for new terminal types and bug fixes farmed out to all #systems. !Friday, 05/14/82 21:26:53 *Terry $se doc #Installed new version of 'se' doc. This reflects the changes #noted in the last several 'history'ies. !Thursday, 05/20/82 21:27:25 *Dan $call$$ #Changed code to save the "output suppressed" bit when restoring #the terminal configuration word. Without this fix, the Subsystem #resets "control-s" every time a program exits. !Friday, 05/21/82 18:41:10 *Terry $sh (sh_onany, sh_shany) #Fixed a problem when the on-units were invoked and the Primos #option was taken. The problem was that the duplex setting was #the one from the program that was running (so echo and XOFF/XON #did't always work). # #Also installed the changed library that Dan fixed. !Sunday, 05/23/82 04:51:51 *Terry $=incl=/lib_def.r.i #Added the definitions the pattern matching routines in prepara- #tion to adding those routines to the standard Subsystem libraries #(nvswtlb, vswtlb). !Sunday, 05/23/82 04:55:46 *Terry $vswtlb, nvswtlb #Added the pattern matching routine from 'vpatlb'. This necces- #sitated adding the names of the routines to the file 'shared'. #These routines have been split out 'patlib.r' and cleaned up to #use more of 'rp' and to use the definitions added to #=incl=/lib_def.r.i (see last history). !Saturday, 05/29/82 04:32:23 *Peter $former pattern library routines #The pattern library routines have been incorporated into the #standard Subsystem library. The documentation has been modified #to reflect this. !Saturday, 06/12/82 15:25:11 *Terry $phone #Added/changed the phone directory file name to =phonelist=. This #is so that individual users can maintain their own 'phonelist' if #they want to. Added =phonelist= to the =template= file. Updated #manual entry. !Saturday, 06/12/82 15:27:19 *Terry $=template= #Added =phonelist=. This addition along with the change to #'phone' (last history) will allow individuals to maintain per- #sonal 'phonelist's. !Monday, 06/14/82 13:58:25 *Terry $rp (rp_init, rp_prof) # Fixed a bug with the "-x" option, the transliteration file was #being opened in WRITE mode instead of READ mode; so no #transliterations were being read in. # # Removed the code that generated the "CALL INIT". This was #partially because it is no longer needed, but mainly for the #changing of the value of EOS (an easy way to notify the users). !Wednesday, 06/23/82 21:16:18 *Terry $EOS, the Subsystem, sh, se, fmt, etc #The value of EOS has changed to 0 (zero). The whole Subsystem #has been modified and recompiled because of this. This Subsystem #is incompatible with earlier versions. !Thursday, 06/24/82 22:34:14 *Terry $lslib #Fixed the linked string library, corrected problems caused by the #EOS value change and cleaned up code. !Thursday, 06/24/82 22:36:20 *Terry $vswtlb,nvswtlb #Installed the 18.3 vspoo$ library as the one bmerged in with the #standard Subsystem libraries. This fixed a problem with Perry's #new version of 'lps'. !Friday, 06/25/82 16:05:09 *Peter $=doc=/man/s4/???$xs.d #Installed the documentation for the shortcallable library. These #comprise functions and subroutines which may be accessed from #FORTRAN to perform operations which, until now, were available #only to PMA programmers. Functions include queue manipulations, #setting/querying cpu keys, memory access functions, i/o tests, #and stack manipulations. The library has been installed in the #directory =src=/lcl/lib/shortlb.u, =lib=, and in =incl=. !Friday, 06/25/82 18:08:34 *Terry $rf #Fixed a new version to run with the new EOS value, changed some #internal defines to be compatible with the rest of the Subsystem. !Friday, 06/25/82 18:09:57 *Terry $=incl=/defi #Changed old defines file (=incl=/defi) to be compatible with the #current Subsystem. !Sunday, 06/27/82 22:48:54 *Terry $p4c, p4clib (used to known as pasclib) #Installed code that was changed last summer. Changed the name of #the run-time library from "pasclib" to "p4clib". This will cause #less confusion with PR1ME's "paslib". Changed the 'build', #'clean', 'install', and 'loc' files accordingly. !Sunday, 06/27/82 22:49:58 *Terry $p4cl #Changed to use 'p4clib' as the library loaded instead of #'pasclib' (see last history). !Monday, 06/28/82 20:03:24 *Peter $=doc=/man/s4/(dacos dasin dbexp dbsqrt dflot drand) #Added documentation for the double precision floating point #routines in the SWT Math Library. These routines have always #been available in the library VSWTML, but were never documented. !Tuesday, 06/29/82 17:50:05 *Terry $swtseg #Installed the 18.3 SWTSEG. Installed the source and command #files in =src=/spc/swtseg.u. This version was modified by Perry #for the Subsystem. Source locations are NOT being made for #'swtseg' now, this is because PR1ME rewrote it and all of the #code is in =src=/spc/swtseg.u now. !Tuesday, 06/29/82 23:00:11 *Peter $=doc=/guide/rp/?* #Removed all references to the now defunct 'init' subroutine. It #is no longer needed, since the shell handles the "attach to home" #function. Also, it allows us to notify all the users of version #8 compilations, so that they can recompile for version 9. !Wednesday, 06/30/82 17:33:33 *Terry $brefs #Installed source and doc for Perry's 'brefs'. !Wednesday, 06/30/82 17:39:47 *Terry $tsort #Installed the source and doc for Perry's 'tsort'. !Friday, 07/02/82 16:41:40 *Terry $memstat #Re-arranged the code and cleaned up the output format. Changed #the error message. !Friday, 07/02/82 17:20:42 *Terry $mon #Installed Jeff's version that has the "x" command (for executing #PRIMOS commands). This is useful for system administrators when #changing scheduling parameters. !Sunday, 07/11/82 21:17:21 *Dan $=bin=/ucc,//src/std.sh/ucc.sh,//src/ext.c,//extra/bin/ucc #Installed them. !Sunday, 07/11/82 21:19:02 *Dan $//extra/bin/c1, //extra/bin/c2 #Moved them from //lbin. !Sunday, 07/11/82 21:28:51 *Dan $//extra/bin/cck(1 2), //src/ext.r/cck(1 2).r #Installed them. !Sunday, 07/11/82 21:57:57 *Terry $cp #Corrected a problem that happened when doing "cp -s ?*/" #when already existed in the current directory. Because of #the internal logic, a test for the already existing was not #made. !Monday, 07/12/82 20:21:28 *Peter Wan $=doc=/guide/mgr/installation #The Manager's Guide has been modified such that it correctly #indicates the location of 'cldata' via the "=cldata=" template. #The versions of Primos for which it stated that certain locations #of 'cldata' were valid were incorrect. !Thursday, 07/15/82 09:56:33 *Jeanette $cc #Created =src=/spc/vcg.u # =src=/spc/c1.u # #Since both use "sep", I also created a "clean" that deletes .f$ #files. Install puts vcg in =bin= and c1 in =ebin=. # #Created =src=/lib/cio. Install puts cio in =lib=/ciolib. # #Might eventually want to modify Arnold's rather unorthodox #"build". # #Created =src=/std.sh/cc.sh =src=/std.sh/ccl.sh # #Created =doc=/man/s1/vcg.d =doc=/man/s1/cc.d #=doc=/man/s1/ccl.d =doc=/man/s5/c1.d # #The documentation still needs some work. I (and Dan) are taking #care of that. !Sunday, 07/18/82 19:31:19 *Peter Wan $=doc=/guide/ed/?*, =doc=/man/s1/(ed se).d #Various documentation shortcomings have been remedied. These #include : # # 1) The use of "&" as the only character in the replacement # string has been documented; in this case, it refers to the # previous replacement string used in a substitute command. # # 2) The use of ";" to separate line number elements to a # command has been documented; it causes the "current line" # pointer to be set before the next line number expression is # evaluated. This is especially useful when the line number # elements are patterns. # # 3) The extended use of the message option in 'se' has been # documented. Invoked without line numbers, this option will # just display messages sent to the user by the 'to' command. # Given line numbers and either a login name or process id # (via the command line "line1,line2om user"), this option # causes the given lines to be sent to the desired user, and # then it deletes those lines from the edit buffer. This is # useful for answering messages without leaving the editor. # # 4) In 'se', the line number element "#" is used to refer to # the line number of the line at the top of the screen; this # fact is now documented. # # 5) The valid options in 'ed' have now been explicated; they # are the options "d", "k", and "p", where "d" and "k" are as # in the screen editor. The "p" option, vaguely alluded to in # the Tutorial section of the editor guide, causes a prompt to # be issued before input of 'ed' commands. This is useful for # the user who is disturbed by 'ed's quiet behavior. !Monday, 07/19/82 00:48:29 *Peter Wan $=doc=/man/s1/lorder.d, =src=/std.sh/lorder.sh #Installed the 'lorder' command source and documentation. #'Lorder' orders the object code modules in a library so that it #can be loaded in one pass by the Primos loader. !Monday, 07/19/82 02:07:09 *Peter Wan $=doc=/guide/sh/appl_notes #Added descriptions of the "_eof" and "_newline" shell variables. !Tuesday, 07/20/82 19:30:33 *Terry $maksub.r, catsub.r, =incl=/lib_def.r.i # Corrected a subtle EOS value dependency in these pattern #routines. In 'se', the substitution pattern was 'ctoc'ed #elsewhere; however 'maksub' when seeing an "&" in the replacement #string stored the PAT_DITTO and then stored a 0 (aka EOS) as a #relative array index. 'Ctoc' stopped copying when it found EOS #(value 0 now). This caused problems when the replacement string #was used later by 'catsub'. Fix called for a new define #PAT_MARK; it is now added the relative array index, and substrac- #ted off before the index is used. # #Watch out for possible problems with the pattern routines #(especially 'getccl' and 'stclos'. ) !Sunday, 07/25/82 19:48:21 *Terry $who, nstat # Added Dan's changes. They include handling the ugly format of #the Ga Tech =userlist=, and a new argument for 'who' ; "-q" for #quiet, it won't produce the headings. Installed the new doc #files. The new versions are running on GT.A, GT.B, and GT.C. # !Wednesday, 08/04/82 22:11:31 *Peter Wan $=doc=/man/s1/se.d, =doc=/guide/ed/se_options #I have added documentation on the "oss" and "osf" options in the #screen editor documentation; these are short for the option #sequences "ospma" and "osftn", respectively. !Thursday, 08/05/82 17:01:42 *Terry $se #Added the HP2626 terminal type. Basically the same as HP2621. #Updated doc. !Thursday, 08/05/82 17:02:50 *Terry $=vth=/hp2626, =vth=/hp2621 #Added these terminal description files. !Thursday, 08/05/82 17:03:59 *Terry $=ttypes= #Added hp2626 to the list, and changed the hp2621 entry so that #VTH was enabled. !Thursday, 08/05/82 19:31:39 *Terry $hd #Installed Perry's new version. This uses 1024 words as the #default record size. Also a new "-v" (verbose) option, it tells #the number of heads and total number of records on a partition. !Friday, 08/06/82 17:33:27 *Terry $fsize #Installed Perry's new version. It uses the record format as the #default now. New "-w" option, to get the number of words format. #The code was cleaned up, and reaaranged some. !Friday, 08/06/82 17:38:03 *Terry $dprint #Cleaned up code, and rearranged some routines. Made it somewhat #faster bye changing the mkou$f call to a mkonu$ call. This made #the program special it now needs the "-q" 'fc' option to compile. #Source moved into =src=/lcl/spc/dprint.u. Doc updated. !Friday, 08/06/82 19:55:43 *Peter $=doc=/man/s1/yesno.d, =src=/std.r/yesno.r #The 'yesno' filter has been installed in =bin= and as a section #one entry in the Reference Manual. This filter allows the user #to interactively select the portions of the input that will be #passed to the output. This filter is useful for creating input #to programs which do not have a verify option (for example, 'del' #allows the user to interactively select the files from an input #list that are to be deleted; other programs would benefit from #such an option or operation). !Saturday, 08/07/82 05:06:53 *Peter $=doc=/guide/sh/reference #The Shell Guide now contains documentation on the "restric- #ted internal command" feature, which allows the system #administrator to limit a user's access to certain internal com- #mands. However, it should be noted that this is not a fool-proof #way of limiting user access to certain commands. A better way to #accomplish the same goal is to set up a program which is run at #login; this program would supervise the user's session and #enforce any restrictions desired. !Sunday, 08/08/82 20:39:28 *Terry $se #Cleaned up some extra declarations (deleted them). No user #visible changes. !Monday, 08/09/82 01:17:05 *Terry $rp #Cleaned up some extra declarations (deleted them). No user #visible changes. !Monday, 08/09/82 01:20:52 *Terry $sh #Cleaned up some extra declarations (deleted them). No user #visible changes. !Monday, 08/09/82 06:20:11 *Terry $chkarg, cpseg$, ctod, ctop, dmark$, encode #Removed unneeded declarations (cleaned up some). !Monday, 08/09/82 06:21:59 *Terry $getkwd, getto, init$p, input, ldtmp$, lopen$ #Removed unneeded declarations (cleaned up some). !Monday, 08/09/82 06:22:12 *Terry $lutemp, mapstr, mkpa$, mktr$, mntoc, open #Removed unneeded declarations (cleaned up some). !Monday, 08/09/82 06:22:26 *Terry $parscl, remark, rmtemp, t$clup, tscan$ #Removed unneeded declarations (cleaned up some). !Monday, 08/09/82 06:24:39 *Terry $gfnarg #Fixed a possible bug; there was a variable 'fd' used where state #(3) should have been. Also some unneeded declarations have been #removed. !Thursday, 08/12/82 09:36:15 *jeff $vthlib #Changed all calls to 't1in' to 'c1in' to have the user placed on #the higher priority queue while the program is waiting for #terminal input. The library was recompiled and installed. !Friday, 09/03/82 00:15:19 *Terry $sh #Fixed a slight problem with the way external commands/files are #invoked. The "file_type" routine was checking for the file #descriptor equal to ERR or that the file type was equal to the #UFD type and returning UNKNOWN_FTYPE in either case. BUT that #would leave the UFD open for reading! Put in a test for type = #UFD and fd ~= ERR, and had it close the UFD before returning. !Monday, 09/06/82 00:04:00 *Terry $vfyusr #Made it check the length of its argument, if it is longer than #MAXNAME it returns ERR. This was allowing mail and such to be #sent to "TERRELL" and "BREEZEY"; the trouble was that because #these "legal" names did not match the login/user names mail to #these "legal" names could not be received. !Wednesday, 09/08/82 20:01:16 *Terry $=incl=/?*, swt_def.r.i, swt_def.s.i #Put the header line in most of the files. Cleaned up some #differences. "Net_def.r.i" was changed to include "x$keys.r.i" #instead of having the same definitions in two places (net_def.r.i #and x$keys.r.i). !Friday, 09/10/82 21:07:46 *Peter $=doc=/man/s2/isnull.d, =src=/lib/swt/src/isnull.r #The 'isnull' routine, which tests to see if a given file descrip- #tor corresponds to the null device, has been added. !Sunday, 09/19/82 18:35:26 *Terry $=src=/ext.r/splc.r, =src=/std.sh/splc.sh =src=/std.sh/splcl.sh #installed. Doc added also. !Tuesday, 09/28/82 18:56:47 *jeff $vthlib #Recompiled for systems A and B and installed. !Monday, 10/04/82 23:22:55 *Dan $swt_com.r.i, swt_com.s.i, swt_def.r.i, swt_def.s.i #Added variable 'Eosval' to common blocks. Added definitions for #V8EOS (-2) and V81EOS (0). !Monday, 10/04/82 23:24:07 *Dan $icomn$, dmpcm$, init, rtn$$ #Added code to manage handling of Version 8 object programs #without recompilation. !Monday, 10/04/82 23:24:58 *Dan $v8vswtlb, nv8vswtlb #Added these libraries that handle EOS as -2. !Friday, 10/08/82 11:06:58 *jeff $cdefs #Added a define for _CLOSED for Arnold. !Wednesday, 10/13/82 20:14:09 *dan $isph #Added it. !Sunday, 10/17/82 21:54:46 *Dan $ld #Added '-b' option for C run-time support and '-f' option for #obtaining full load maps. !Sunday, 10/17/82 21:55:11 *Dan $ccl #Changed to use 'ld -b'. !Monday, 10/18/82 00:23:10 *Dan $os #Added the "-x" option to support Printronix printers suggested by #Clarke Gerber of Kuring-Gai. Also added the bookkeeping to keep #track of which portions of the output buffer need reinitializing #(that someone removed over the course of the years) and obtained #a 40% improvement in run time! !Monday, 10/18/82 22:53:06 *Dan $ucc #Taught 'ucc' about "ld -b". Made it call the compiler interludes #directly from "=ebin=". !Friday, 10/22/82 00:57:28 *Terry $copyout #Updated the version of spool$ so that it linked correctly with #the newer version of the spool library. Uses the 18.4 'spool$' #routine with appropriate changes (calls como$$). !Friday, 10/22/82 22:36:58 *Terry $dprint #Added new option suggested by Clark Gerber. The new option "-x" #will suppress the initial page eject. This comes in handy when #working with labels, bond paper, etc. !Friday, 10/22/82 22:41:25 *Terry $mon #Added 2 new single letter commands. The first one, "q", is just #another way to end the program (other than use BREAK). It was #suggested by Clark Gerber. The second one, "?", prints a help #display for those with weak memories to show the available com- #mands while 'mon' is running. This was requested by Dan. Doc #updated. !Monday, 11/01/82 05:21:31 *Terry $=src=/lib/swt/src/page.r, page.d, pg.d #Installed a new version of 'page' that knows about patterns and #file marks. It can search circularly forward for a pattern and #display the page that contains it. The files marks are a speed #improvement when perusing large files. Rather than having to #rewind the file and count lines/pages to get to the desired page, #'page' can use the array of filemarks and just seek to the #correct page. This version is from Roy, and then I munged it to #my liking. !Sunday, 11/07/82 14:05:13 *Terry $lps.r #Fixed a typo in an error message. Correct verion says ": #bad sequence number". !Sunday, 11/07/82 20:57:14 *Peter $=doc=/man/s1/isph.d #The 'isph' program is now properly documented (well, it may be a #matter of opinion). !Monday, 11/08/82 20:52:25 *Terry $fmt #Deleted some unused variables and did some other code cleanup. !Wednesday, 11/17/82 21:42:31 *Terry $=src=/lcl/std.r/show.r #Fixed an EOS value dependency. It was reading a text line (get- #lin) and then scanning the line until it saw an EOS. Trouble was #that if you feed binary files to 'show' NULs and EOSs like alike. #It now checks against the length of the line read. !Sunday, 11/21/82 05:51:35 *Terry $se #Added the 'microb' and 'pt45' terminal types. Fixed the 'hp2621' #and 'hp2626' characteristics, they do have line wrap around. #'Microb' type checked out; can't check out 'pt45' we don't have #one. !Sunday, 11/21/82 05:57:39 *Terry $init$p, file$p #Modified to handle the 18.4 Prime Pascal I/O structures and the #changes caused by the change to SPL for the library compiler. #Old functionality reestablished and the storing of the correct #file name into the Pascal file control blocks added. Doc #updated. !Sunday, 11/21/82 06:03:20 *Terry $dmpcm$, getarg, getvdn, icomn$, ioinit, ldtmp$ #Modified so they handle references to the Subsystem common areas #for the V8 compatibility library correctly. For the most part, #changes were mainly dealing with copying strings into or out of #the Common blocks. !Sunday, 11/21/82 06:05:34 *Terry $lopen$, lutemp, tcook$, ttyp$q, ttyp$r, ttyp$v #Modified so they handle references to the Subsystem common areas #for the V8 compatibility library correctly. For the most part, #changes were dealing with copying strings into or out of the Com- #mon blocks. !Sunday, 11/21/82 06:16:09 *Terry $cstr81.r, ctocv8.s, equl81.s, lgth81.s, scpy81.s, scpyv8.s #Added these routines for handling special cases caused by the V8 #compatibility library. 'Cstr81' is a munged version of 'chkstr', #it handles V81 strings. 'Ctocv8' is a munged version of 'ctoc', #it handles copying V81 strings into V8 strings. 'Equl81' is a #munged version of 'equal', it handles comparing a V8 string to a #V81 string (in that order, the V8 string first and the V81 string #second). 'Lgth81' is a munged version of 'length', it handles #determining the length of a V81 string for V8 programs. 'Scpy81' #and 'scpyv8' are munged versions of 'scopy', 'scpy81' handles #copying a V8 string into a V81 string, and 'scpyv8' handles copy- #ing a V81 string into a V8 string. # #These routines are not for general use. They are temporary #kludges for the V8 compatibility library and will hopefully be #shortlived. No more documentation than this brief description #will be provided. !Monday, 11/29/82 10:55:11 *roy $nodes #Fixed computation of primenet address indices to round correctly #if node name contains an odd number of chars. !Monday, 11/29/82 18:09:48 *Terry $=src=/lcl/spc/sol.u/sol.r #Fixed a minor updating bug caused by the condition handling. It #could double score your winnings or losings in certain condtions. !Monday, 12/06/82 14:07:30 *Roy $show #Fixed "for" loop so that LF at end of line is not discarded. !Friday, 12/17/82 05:30:29 *Terry $=src=/ext.r/pc.r,=src=/ext.r/plgc.r,=src=/ext.r/splc.r #Added new compiler options and side effects to these interludes. #'Pc', 'plgc', and 'splc' had the "-f" option expanded to handle #the new Primos "-map/-no_map" options. 'Plgc', and 'splc' also #had the "-p" and "-s" options added. These options control the #quick call (shortcall) of internal procedures, and the copying of #constants into temporaries when they are being passed as #subroutine arguments. They coorespond to the Primos options #"-quick/-no_quick" and "-copy/-no_copy" respectively. !Saturday, 12/18/82 13:13:28 *Terry $rtn$$.s, call$$.s # Moved the restoration of Eosval to 'call$$' from 'rtn$$'. When #it was in 'rtn$$', it caused problems when a user had his own #"CLEANUP$" handler. !Monday, 01/03/83 22:37:23 *Terry $=src=/lcl/lib/lslib.u/lslib.r #Cleaned up the code some. Decalared some functions that weren't, #and deleted some unneeded ones. !Tuesday, 01/04/83 15:32:39 *Ed Hunt $cc, ccl, c1 #Installed shell files 'cc' and 'ccl' in directory '=bin=', saved #earlier versions in 'old_cc' and 'old_ccl'. # #Installed executable files 'c1', 'cc', and 'ccl' in "=ebin=", #saved earlier version of 'c1' in 'old_c1'. !Wednesday, 01/05/83 14:03:26 *Ed Hunt $=doc=/guide/cc, =doc=/fguide/cc, =doc=/(f)man/s1/guide.d #Installed C User's guide, its source code, and the 'help' entry #"guide" that included a description of cc and vcg. !Wednesday, 01/12/83 17:58:49 *Peter $=aux=/spelling/(words dictionary gazetteer glossary) #Some rather spectacular errors have been corrected in the dic- #tionary. !Wednesday, 01/12/83 19:52:36 *Terry $rp #Corrected a bug that allowed single character constants to pass #thru untransliterated ('?'c). !Thursday, 01/13/83 15:28:17 *Terry $macro #Added a version with a "-e" option. This option enables the use #of "@" to escape characters. This is of value when a macro #argument must contain commas, right parentheses, etc. !Thursday, 01/13/83 16:34:13 *Terry $se #Added a new terminal type "NBY" for Newbury 7009 (from Logica). !Thursday, 01/13/83 16:35:13 *Terry $=vth=/nby #Added this new terminal description, sent in by Logica. !Tuesday, 01/18/83 23:38:02 *Terry $sspl, lex, opt6800, opt8080 #Deleted from system. Source and doc moved into the attic. !Thursday, 02/03/83 20:33:46 *Terry $define #Added the "$" to be part of a identifer, like 'rp'. From Logica. !Thursday, 02/03/83 21:10:14 *Dan $include #Changed behavior when it encounters an 'include' file it can't #open: it used to call 'cant'; now it prints a message on ERROUT #and outputs the line containing the 'include' to STDOUT. This #keeps it from bombing too badly on programs with 'define'd file #names. !Thursday, 02/03/83 22:04:56 *Dan $se #Changed maximum line length to 510 (or so) characters and maximum #number lines in buffer to 9500 (or so). !Thursday, 02/03/83 22:21:56 *Dan $c1 #Installed version of 'c1' whose preprocessor can handle expansion #of formal parameters inside quoted strings. !Thursday, 02/03/83 22:28:29 *Dan $vcg_defs.r.i vcg_defs.p.i #Moved them to =incl=. !Thursday, 02/03/83 22:29:06 *Dan $vcgdump.r, vcgdump_com.r.i #Installed the 'vcg' IMF dumper as 'vcgdump' in 'std.r'. !Thursday, 02/03/83 22:36:44 *Dan $vcg #Installed version that generates the ECBs in the linkage frame #and deletes redundant PRTNs and unnecessary loads. !Thursday, 02/03/83 22:37:25 *Dan $vcglib #Install 'vcg' run-time support library temporarily as 'vcglib'. #We should probably consider merging it with 'vswtlb' eventually. !Sunday, 02/06/83 06:21:38 *Terry $cc.sh, ccl.sh, ucc.sh #Added "_quote_opt" to all to prevent premature evaluation of #things. !Tuesday, 02/08/83 20:46:37 *Dan $ld #Changed "ma 3" to "ma 6" because it's much faster. !Thursday, 02/10/83 21:47:36 *Terry $define #Put in a correction; 'dsinit' was being called AFTER posible #calls to 'dsget'. Moved the call to 'dsinit'. Sent in by #LOGICA. !Friday, 02/11/83 11:53:43 *Terry $sprint #Installed it. Arguments compatible with 'dprint'. Installed in #=src=/lcl/spc/sprint.u. !Tuesday, 02/15/83 20:42:54 *Terry $dprint #Removed the "-x" option because the Diablo only has absolute #vertical positioning (when it goes to print any line other than #1; it positions to "its" absolute line number). Updated doc. !Thursday, 02/17/83 17:58:33 *Terry $at$, getto, follow, tscan$, fsize #Changed all references to 'at$' to 'at$swt' to remove conflicts #with Rev 19 of the same name ('at$'). All necessary doc updated. #'At$' routine now called as 'at$swt'. !Tuesday, 02/22/83 12:49:43 *Ed Hunt $ciolib #Installed "new" version of library & source; !Tuesday, 02/22/83 12:58:27 *jeff $del #Changed to initialize "max_levels". This variable was previously #uninitialized but accidently seemed to work. !Tuesday, 02/22/83 21:17:32 *Dan $c1 #Installed an updated version. !Sunday, 02/27/83 21:05:00 * Terry $define #Added changes to allow generalized file names, including tem- #plates, to be acceptable in 'include' statements. Also added #changes to handle mismatched quotes better (ie. stop it from #eatting the rest file). 'Define' still doesn't handle 'define'd #include file names. Changes from Logica. !Monday, 02/28/83 15:48:37 * Ed Hunt $=incl=/swt_def.c.i #Installed updated version of swt_def.c.i for current run_time #library. !Tuesday, 03/01/83 10:49:01 *Ed Hunt $=doc=/fguide/general #Changed to include 'cc' and 'vcg'. !Tuesday, 03/01/83 20:23:40 *Peter $=src=/std.sh/(pr sp).sh #Added the line "sema drain -32" to kick the spooler into action #just that much sooner. !Tuesday, 03/01/83 22:25:48 *Peter and Terry $rp #Updated source and documentation to add two options. "-b" #prevents mapping of long identifiers and identifiers with upper #case letters to unique Fortran six-character identifiers. "-h" #forces Hollerith-type string constants to be generated; default #now is to generate quoted string constants. # #'Select' statements will no longer generate unneeded temporary #variables. !Thursday, 03/03/83 20:59:07 *Dan $c1 #Fixed a bug in "initalizer" that caused too few words to be out- #put for an initialized union when the first element in the union #was shorter than the union. The repair just required the addi- #tion of a "while" loop in "c1_parse.r" similar to the one that #fills out the rest of an array when too few elements are #specified. (Slipped this fix onto the 8.1 release tape.) !Friday, 03/04/83 14:31:37 *Terry $V8.1 release #It is done.