!Thursday, 08/09/79 15:35:24 *Allen $rf, swtlib, st_profile #Added "-c" option to Ratfor to allow statement-level profiling #count. Also made trivial changes to improve speed. Added #'st_profile' command to post-process the statement profiling info #from Ratfor. Added two library routines ('c$incr' and 'c$end') #for statement profiling support. !Friday, 08/10/79 15:46:14 *Dan $os #Changed calls to 'getch' to calls to 'getlin'. Execution time is #cut in half. !Sunday, 08/12/79 12:54:45 *Allen $stacc #Replaced miscellaneous calls to 'getch' and 'putch' with calls to #'getlin' and 'putlin'. 30% speed improvement realized. 'Stacc' #now uses a halfway-clean pushback mechanism that allows 'getlin' #to be used for input, 'putlin' to be used for outputting the same #buffer, and does not require the input line to be reversed. #Should be useful elsewhere. !Tuesday, 08/14/79 15:32:12 *Allen $swtlib #Added routine 'prot$' to allow Subsystem programs to change #protection attributes on files. 'Prot$' uses a new syntax for #specifying permissions. !Tuesday, 08/14/79 15:33:16 *Allen $rsa #Added toy RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) public-key cryptosystem to #local progs, installed help script, sent news. !Friday, 08/24/79 15:20:57 *Allen $stacc #Fixed bug that caused incorrect line numbers to be printed on #error messages. !Sunday, 08/26/79 12:47:27 *Allen $stacc #Added ".ext_term" declaration to declare terminal symbols whose #values are defined external to the code generated by 'stacc'. #Particularly useful for allowing non-printing characters to be #used as terminal symbols (by employing their definition in #/syscom/defi as a terminal symbol). # #Actions may now appear before the first alternative of any right- #hand-side. These actions will be executed unconditionally #whenever the rhs is entered. (Only "accept" actions are #honored.) # #Actions may now appear after the semicolon terminating a produc- #tion. These actions will be executed unconditionally whenever #the production terminates normally (i.e., with NOMATCH or ACCEPT #as the return state). !Wednesday, 08/29/79 13:20:17 *Allen $diff #New and fast file comparator 'diff' installed in /bin. !Thursday, 08/30/79 14:07:22 *Allen $guide #Implemented 'guide' command so I don't have to explain to n.u.'s #where the User's Guides are located. Updated reference manual to #reflect new function. !Thursday, 08/30/79 14:36:19 *Allen $hp #Now automatically prints value of expressions given on command #line. !Friday, 08/31/79 15:28:51 *Perry $term #Added status of break inhibit flag to information given when term #is invoked without arguments. This change requires revision 17 #Primos to work. !Tuesday, 09/04/79 11:56:48 *Perry $dnum #Added checks to insure proper specification of starting head and #number of heads parameters for storage module packs. !Tuesday, 09/04/79 23:22:56 *Perry $se #Bugs fixed: current line pointer is positioned more rationally #upon exit from overlay mode; leading blanks before the first line #number are now ignored; "o-" now insures that the screen has at #least one line for text, in addition to the command and status #lines. !Monday, 09/10/79 17:56:49 *Perry $del #Added check to prevent disastrous accidental deletion of current #directory when trying to delete a ufd whose name begins with "#" #(e.g., SEG runfiles). Fixed "-s []" option to descend #the correct number of levels -- it previously went one level too #far. !Tuesday, 09/11/79 21:43:22 *Dan $fc #Added g, h, o, m options to provide access to the Rev. 17 FTN's #DEBUG, PROD, UNCOPT, and OPT options, respectively. !Thursday, 09/13/79 01:45:41 *Perry $swt #Added a new subroutine to close all file units regardless of #Primos configuration parameters. Added a new interlude routine #to replace SEG's RUNIT. Said new interlude builds the stack in a #segment specified when 'swt' is linked, and locates the stack #root in the same segment (it was previously in segment 4000). #Changed the build_procedure shell file to define the symbol #"root_" which locates the stack root. !Monday, 09/17/79 09:42:23 *Allen $wcnt lcnt ccnt tc #Replaced the tools 'wcnt', 'lcnt', and 'ccnt' with the new tool #'tc' (for "text counter"). 'Tc' also has the ability to count #pages. In addition, output may be labeled for readability by #nu's. !Thursday, 09/20/79 18:51:43 *Perry $pr #Modified format of header line to print entire text of filename. #Identifier printed on banner page is now taken from the first ar- #gument to 'pr'. Argument syntax added to allow printing of all #three standard input ports (same as 'cat's argument syntax). #When a standard input port is being printed, the header line #contains the text "Standard Input n" (where n is the port number) #in the place of the filename instead of nothing at all. !Monday, 09/24/79 14:31:01 *Dan $mktree #Added shell function (stolen from 'ld') to convert a path name #into a Primos tree name. !Monday, 09/24/79 17:54:00 *Perry $chown #Revised error messages. Removed call to 'exit' from execution #path followed when changing owner of current directory. The call #was previously inserted for debugging and never removed. !Wednesday, 09/26/79 17:15:16 *Allen $defi #Added definition: define(pointer,integer) !Saturday, 09/29/79 22:27:16 *Dan $call$$ #Check for keys in the ECB did not allow any of the fault bits to #be set. This precluded the execution of PL/I G programs. !Sunday, 09/30/79 01:01:35 *Dan $ld #Changed '-p' global option to modify default behavior to correct- #ly load a PL/I G program. Old '-p' option is now '-z' option. #Also added '-c ' option to allow the changing of the #segment in which common blocks are loaded. !Sunday, 09/30/79 01:02:02 *Dan $line #Replaced ruined reference manual entry. !Sunday, 09/30/79 01:03:15 *Dan $rcl #Modified 'rcl' so that if the source file (always ending in ".r") #does not exist, 'rcl' exits. This will avert destruction of a #naive user's source file if he doesn't follow the naming con- #ventions. !Sunday, 09/30/79 01:03:43 *Dan $pl1c, pl1cl #Added shell files to invoke the PL/I G compiler. !Monday, 10/01/79 10:03:22 *Allen $wcnt, lcnt, ccnt #Deleted appropriate entries from source code and reference #manual. Changed programs in /bin to be shell files that complain #to ERROUT then call 'tc' to perform the correct function. !Monday, 10/01/79 10:08:21 *Allen $alldoc #Deleted it. !Monday, 10/01/79 10:11:41 *Allen $total #Deleted source code. Changed object code in /bin to a shell file #requesting the use of 'stats -tq'. !Monday, 10/01/79 10:30:09 *Allen $dup #Deleted source and documentation. Changed program in /bin to #echo an error message. !Monday, 10/01/79 10:48:41 *Allen $tabs #Deleted it altogether. !Monday, 10/01/79 13:58:27 *Perry $pr #Fixed problems that resulted in incorrect date and time being #printed in the page heading. !Wednesday, 10/03/79 14:32:42 *Perry $common #Fixed bug in "common" that cause "common -3" to print all lines #from all files. !Wednesday, 10/03/79 17:40:25 *Perry $lf #Fixed bug that caused filenames to be sorted differently than #they would be by 'sort'. Added "-n" option to disable sorting #altogether. !Saturday, 10/06/79 15:29:38 *Dan $sp, spool #Added options to allow specification of printer location & use #the multiple-copy feature of the Rev. 17 spooler. !Saturday, 10/06/79 16:44:09 *Dan $pr #Modified calling sequence to 'spool' to include the two ad- #ditional arguments. !Sunday, 10/07/79 14:38:17 *Dan $os #Removed call to 'print_buf' at end of file to suppress trailing #page eject. !Sunday, 10/07/79 15:28:49 *Dan $copyout #Installed 'copyout' which opens a spool file on the comoutput #unit. !Tuesday, 10/09/79 21:31:57 *Dan $batch #Installed 'batch', the Subsystem interface to the Primos Batch #subsystem. !Wednesday, 10/17/79 14:20:51 *Perry $cmp #'Cmp' now accepts both "=" and "==" relational operators for com- #patibility with Ratfor and 'eval'. !Wednesday, 10/17/79 15:01:21 *Perry $history #When invoked with arguments other than a single "-", or with no #arguments at all, 'history' now invokes 'phist' to print the Sub- #system history file. In addition, when adding new entries to the #file, the description of the change is formatted (piped through #'fmt') before being recorded. !Wednesday, 10/17/79 15:05:49 *Perry $phist #The new program 'phist' has been added to /bin to print selected #portions of the Subsystem history file. Optional arguments allow #entries concerning specific commands or entered on or after a #specific date to be selected for printing. Because the pattern #matching routines are used, the source code resides in #/swtsrc/special_progs/phist.u. !Tuesday, 10/23/79 16:37:00 *Allen $help, usage, guide, hscript, Reference Manual, User's Guide #Moved reference manual and user's guide documentation out of #/extra and into /doc (to be described later). This necessitated #a complete rewrite of 'help' and 'guide'. Took this opportunity #to significantly expand capabilities of 'help' and 'usage'. #Deleted 'hscript', no longer required to implement 'help'. !Tuesday, 10/23/79 17:14:25 *Allen $/extra, /doc #Moved all documentation out of /extra into /doc. # #/doc is now structured as follows: # #A line-printer-formatted (but not overstruck) copy of the #reference manual resides in /doc/fman. This is to be released #with the Subsystem as standard procedure. An unformatted copy of #the reference manual resides in /doc/man. This is to be released #with the Subsystem, but on a separate logical tape so that people #not updating their documentation frequently need not waste space. # #Each of the above contain subdirectories 's1' and 's2', contain- #ing the files for section 1 and 2 of the reference manual, #respectively. # #Each section entry "xxx" resides in a file "xxx.d", un- formatted #in /doc/man and formatted in /doc/fman. These subdirec- tories #are not to contain anything other than the manual entries. # #/doc/man also contains the necessary formatter macros (excepting #'ev') and unformatted header and section 3 information. # #/doc/fman also contains formatted headers, tables of contents, #etc. # #Unformatted copies of general information needed by 'help' reside #in /doc/help/. Formatted copies of the same information #reside in /doc/help/.d # #A line-printer-formatted (but not overstruck) copy of the user's #guide resides in /doc/fguide. This is also a standard release #item. An unformatted copy resides in /doc/guide. As with the #reference manual, this is to be released on a separate logical #tape to conserve space. # #/doc/guide contains one subdirectory for each user's guide ('ed' #for the text editors, 'sh' for the shell, etc.) as well as a #file named "intro" containing the introductory material. # #/doc/fguide contains one file for each user's guide, containing #the formatted version of the corresponding guide. # #Procedures for building /doc/fguide from /doc/guide and /doc/fman #from /doc/man reside in /doc/build/guide and /doc/build/man, #respectively. # #Procedures for printing the contents of /doc/fguide and /doc/fman #reside in /doc/print/guide and /doc/print/man, respectively. # #Procedures for determining undocumented commands and subprograms #reside in /doc/undoc/man. # #The unformatted version of the linked string reference manual #resides in /doc/ls. # #The unformatted version of the PDP-11 Cross-Assembler reference #manual resides in /doc/as11. # #The help scripts for 'se' are files in the directory /doc/se_h. #Although 'se' does not use these scripts at the moment, it should #be modified to do so before the next release. # #Substantial changes, too numerous to detail here, have been made #to certain subdirectories of /doc/guide. Please check the direc- #tories themselves for further information. # # #Problems with the current state of /doc: # #The organization of /doc/help is inconsistent; there should #probably be a /doc/help and a /doc/fhelp. # #Some sections of the reference manual are treated in ways vastly #different from sections 1 and 2. To prevent some hair pulling in #the future, this should probably be changed. !Thursday, 10/25/79 10:53:10 *Perry $/swtsrc/swt_history #Ran all change descriptions through 'fmt' so that they conform to #the same format now produced by 'history'. !Thursday, 10/25/79 10:59:03 *Perry $history #Modified the procedure by which the history file is updated so #that it is opened only once, thus eliminating a possible source #of inconsistency. !Tuesday, 11/06/79 14:24:29 *Allen $fmt #Changed underlining algorithm so underlines are overwritten by #underlined characters, rather than the other way around. !Wednesday, 11/07/79 14:23:42 *Allen $help #Change to formatter necessitated change to terminal output #routines in 'help'. !Sunday, 11/18/79 12:29:07 *Dan $guide #Replaced the 'guide' shell file with a program (a cannibalized #version of 'help) to take advantage of the formatted user's #guides in "/doc/fguide". Command line syntax is similar to #'help'. !Monday, 11/19/79 20:05:44 *Dan $mon #Added code to display per-user CPU time and rearranged output #format. !Monday, 11/19/79 20:06:58 *Dan $history #Changed calls to 'term' to '/bin/term' so that 'history' will #work correctly, even when called from "cmdnc0". !Sunday, 11/25/79 16:50:01 *Dan $defi #Added constants 'ABS' and 'REL' for use with 'seekf'. !Wednesday, 11/28/79 14:54:14 *Perry $history, phist #Moved the Subsystem history file to /doc/hist/history. The #'history' shell program and the 'phist' command have been changed #to reference the new location. !Thursday, 11/29/79 00:26:12 *Perry $e #Modified 'e' to pass all command line arguments on to 'se'. !Sunday, 12/02/79 06:27:23 *Perry $se #Installed new version of 'se' that utilizes the 'erase-to-end-of- #line' function on those terminals that have it (B150, B200, SBEE, #CONSUL, FOX, REGENT). This modification achieves a substantial #reduction in the number of transmitted characters (and #consequently the amount of time) required to update the screen. #The change will be most noticeable on terminals running at low #baud rates. !Wednesday, 12/05/79 02:15:17 *Perry $scroll #Added code to Jack Waugh's scrolling terminal program for the #GT40 to support a 'clear-to-end-of-line' function. The character #DC4 (ctrl-t) is used for this purpose. In addition, the source #code for the terminal program was moved into the new source #directory structure and now resides in /src/lcl/spc/scroll.u. !Wednesday, 12/05/79 02:17:28 *Perry $se #Added GT40 to those terminal types using the 'clear-to-end-of- #line' terminal function to take advantage of the upgrade to the #GT40's terminal program (see previous entry). !Thursday, 01/10/80 15:18:49 *Allen $diff #Rewrote output code entirely. Now has one of three formats: #English-like difference summary, automatic revision-bar genera- #tion for formatter input text, and editor script. Eliminated use #of permuted-block feature, although such blocks are still #recognized by the algorithm (if anyone can find any use for #them). !Thursday, 01/10/80 15:20:37 *Allen $find #Fixed bug that caused filenames to be printed incorrectly. #Removed -q option and replaced it with -v, on the theory that #programs should behave quietly no matter how many arguments #they're passed, unless specifically requested otherwise. Con- #verted code to 'rp'. !Thursday, 01/10/80 15:21:08 *Allen $as6800 #Added 'org' and 'res' pseudo-ops. !Friday, 01/11/80 15:05:52 *Allen $all local programs and subprograms #Moved documentation for local progs to new manual section s3. #Set up new manual section s4 for local subprograms, should those #ever be formalized. !Friday, 01/11/80 15:06:58 *Allen $help #Changed to reflect new manual structure; automatic search in sec- #tion 3 for programs and section 4 for subprograms. !Saturday, 01/19/80 14:59:38 *Allen $mail #Rewrote completely. Now allows multiple addressees, buffers let- #ters in temporary files, and saves mail in =varsdir=/.mail rather #than in the user's login UFD. !Sunday, 01/20/80 11:42:26 *Allen $mkci #Deleted. !Sunday, 02/24/80 17:45:11 *Dan $sh #Modified compound node handling to use a special flag to indicate #the "name" of a compound node. 'Execute_node' looks for this #flag and reconstructs the temporary file name. Otherwise, the #current directory must be in the search rule for compound nodes #to work. !Sunday, 02/24/80 17:47:05 *Dan $swt #Corrected argument parsing problem that cause "Ph_unit" in the #common area to always be set to zero. !Sunday, 02/24/80 17:49:04 *Perry $expand #Added code to pass through escaped equal signs. Template names #are now defined as identifiers, rather than any string that can #get through 'initswt'. !Sunday, 02/24/80 17:50:29 *Perry $sh #Added "missing pathname in redirector" error message to shell to #diagnose a funnel surrounded by blanks. !Monday, 02/25/80 11:31:00 *Perry $chkarg #Modified the code so that the only possible return values are ERR #and non-negative integers. The former case occurs when an il- #legal (i.e., non-alphabetic or specifically disallowed al- #phabetic) character appears in an option argument (one that #begins with "-"). In all other cases, the return value indicates #the number of options letters that were encountered. !Monday, 02/25/80 11:33:38 *Perry $tc #Modified code to allow a pathname argument to be specified as the #input source. In the absence of such a pathname, the former #behavior manifests: standard input 1 is used. !Wednesday, 02/27/80 16:35:00 *Allen $whoami #Deleted forever. !Wednesday, 02/27/80 16:35:20 *Allen $error #Deleted forever. !Wednesday, 02/27/80 17:24:02 *Allen $compare, diff #Deleted compare. Functionality now handled by "diff -c[v]". !Wednesday, 02/27/80 17:36:29 *Allen $du #Liquidated. !Wednesday, 02/27/80 17:38:20 *Allen $login #Vanquished. !Thursday, 02/28/80 11:12:26 *Allen $slice #Now accepts regular expressions for starting- and ending- #patterns. An "inclusive/exclusive" flag must be specified for #each pattern supplied, to indicate whether the line containing #the pattern is to be copied through. If the ending-pattern and #its associated inclusion flag are missing, copying proceeds until #EOF. !Thursday, 02/28/80 11:13:09 *Allen $cto #Replaced Ratfor code with a shell file that calls 'slice'. #Semantics unchanged. !Thursday, 02/28/80 11:18:33 *Dan $rp #Added '-m' option for case mapping. !Thursday, 02/28/80 13:37:07 *Allen $memo #Made 'memo' available for general use as a locally-supported #program. !Friday, 02/29/80 13:54:50 *Allen $speling #Now accepts input from files named as arguments or from STDIN1. #Also uses dictionary in =aux=/spelling, rather than #=extra=/spelling. !Friday, 02/29/80 16:47:48 *Dan $initswt #Made 'initswt' accept an argument to name the template file. #Default is still "extra>template". !Sunday, 03/02/80 17:16:35 *Dan $=incl=/swt_def.r.i #Added definition "define(longreal,real*8)". New name for double #precision real is "longreal". !Monday, 03/03/80 10:51:42 *Dan $rp #Added keyword "doubleprecision". Removed keywords "double" and #"precision". Added "stmtfunc" keyword to allow declaration of #statement functions. Added code so that "call init" and trace #code is not added to "blockdata" subroutines. !Monday, 03/03/80 11:21:13 *Dan $mkfd$ #Added to library. !Monday, 03/03/80 11:25:39 *Dan $dopen$ #Removed unnecessary code for setting the open mode of the file. !Tuesday, 03/04/80 15:52:11 *Dan $dtoc #Corrected handling of exponential format output. "1E6" was being #output as "16", etc. !Thursday, 03/06/80 13:14:50 *Allen $dprint #Fixed bug that caused phantom blanks to print incorrectly. !Thursday, 03/06/80 13:22:20 *Allen $fmt #Added 'BS' and 'bs' functions for generating backspaces, 'bl' #function for generating unpaddable blanks. !Friday, 03/07/80 18:26:34 *Perry $phist #Modified argument handling code to use 'parscl'. Changed the #syntax of the date accepted by the "-f" option to # # day | month/day | month/day/year # #where the current month and year are used if not explicitly #specified. !Friday, 03/07/80 18:59:42 *Perry $dprint #Added a "-j" option to cause a final page eject. !Monday, 03/10/80 12:39:48 *Perry $tputl$ #Fixed bug that caused the grave accent to print as an "at" sign #when case mapping was turned off. !Monday, 03/10/80 16:04:50 *Dan $tgetl$ #Corrected handling of "DEL" in "erase_escape". It was only eras- #ing 2 character instead of 3. !Tuesday, 03/11/80 15:23:10 *Dan $rp #Fixed bug that botched output code when presented with "return}". !Tuesday, 03/11/80 15:25:52 *Dan $rp #Added "escape" line handling. Lines beginning with "%" are pas- #sed through into the Fortran. "%1" passes to declaration stream, #"%2" to data, and "%3" to code. "%" defaults to "%3". Following #the escape sequence immediately by an ampersand causes first non- #blank to be output in column 6 rather than column 7. !Friday, 03/14/80 09:04:07 *Allen $guide #Increased input buffer size to 500 characters; 300 was not enough #to handle some underlined/boldfaced output from the formatter. !Friday, 03/14/80 16:16:35 *Allen $iota #Fixed totally unreasonable argument order. Also added optional #format specification argument. !Saturday, 03/15/80 17:20:24 *Perry $common #Fixed bug that caused common to go into an infinite loop when the #input files were of different length. !Sunday, 03/16/80 15:29:58 *Dan $sep #Changed method of finding "include" files. Instead of looking #for "include" statements, now 'sep' just looks for "_com.i" #or "_com.r.i" and forgets about the rest. !Monday, 03/17/80 14:05:58 *Perry $lps #Fixed bug that caused number of copies to always be displayed as #"1". !Tuesday, 03/18/80 21:12:07 *Dan $rp #Added handling for Prime Fortran octal constants (":") in #'string_table' declarations !Friday, 03/21/80 17:52:54 *Dan $getto, follow, tscan$ #Added on-unit to catch bad password errors. !Friday, 03/21/80 17:53:47 *Dan $bpas$ #Added to library to catch (and subvert) the "bad password" error #signalled by "atch$$". !Friday, 03/21/80 17:57:15 *Perry $=extra=/template #Added templates =template= (which expands into =extra=/template) #and =utemplate= (which expands into =varsdir=/.template). The #latter is in anticipation of the implementation of per-user tem- #plates. !Friday, 03/21/80 18:49:05 *Perry $swt #Added code to initialize per-user templates. !Friday, 03/21/80 18:50:59 *Perry $=incl=/swt_com.r.i #Added to the end of the common block the declarations necessary #to implement per-user templates. !Friday, 03/21/80 19:17:07 *Perry $lutemp #Added code to search the per-user template area before the system #template area, completing the implementation of per-user tem- #plates. !Monday, 03/24/80 13:07:18 *Dan $cn #Added code to allow escaped slash in new file name. !Monday, 03/24/80 16:22:16 *Dan $guide #Changed "display_line" to always throw away the first LINE_START #- 1 characters of each line, so that revision bars are thrown #away on display to a terminal. !Monday, 03/24/80 16:23:27 *Dan $help #Changed "display_line" to always throw away the first LINE_START #- 1 characters of each line, so that revision bars are thrown #away on display to a terminal. !Tuesday, 03/25/80 13:36:08 *Dan $del #Changed call to 'ptoc' to 'upkfn$' so that 'del' would correctly #delete directories containing files with slashes in the names. !Tuesday, 03/25/80 14:29:48 *Perry $lps #Fixed bug in error reporting. !Tuesday, 03/25/80 15:19:37 *Perry $lf #Fixed bug that prevented sorting on file size from operating #correctly. !Thursday, 03/27/80 12:34:26 *Dan $guide #Changed overstrike handling algorithm to make sure that under- #lined characters are printed on CRT's. !Thursday, 03/27/80 16:40:17 *Perry $se #Fixed bug in cursor positioning routine for ADDS Consul 980 #terminal. !Thursday, 03/27/80 17:14:12 *Perry $sh #A number of changes and improvements have been made to the shell. #Most of these are internal and should not be apparent to users, #except as they manifest through improved speed and robustness. #The following list summarizes the bug fixes and enhancements that #have been made: # #- Commands that contain more than 10 nodes are now correctly # diagnosed as errors; the message "too many nodes in network" # is printed. # #- A network consisting of 10 nodes, each of which is explicit- # ly labeled, will now execute properly. Before, it failed # with the message "too many labels". # #- A node may now have multiple labels. # #- If a label appears after the first redirector or argument # (including the command name) in a node, it is interpreted as # an argument and not as a label. # #- Nested iteration groups are now correctly diagnosed as # errors. # #- Empty iteration groups are no longer considered to be # errors. If a command contains an empty iteration group, the # result is a null command. # #- The "single-step" shell trace option now operates as it is # documented. # #- If the last line in a command file has a continuation # character it is not discarded as was previously the case. # #- Adjacent pipe connectors or i/o redirectors (without inter- # vening whitespace) are now correctly diagnosed. # #- Syntax errors detected while processing iteration now give # better context in the messages. # #- If a file specified in an i/o redirector can't be opened or # created, any previously opened redirected files are closed. # #- The "command_line" shell trace option now prints the command # line exactly as it is read from the command input stream. # #- A "symbol" (abbreviation "sy") shell trace option has been # added to allow tracing of the shell's lexical analyzer. # #- A "location" (abbreviation "lo") shell trace option has been # added to provide information on where a particular command # is located for execution. # !Thursday, 03/27/80 22:09:49 *Dan $publish #Now verifies user name before attempting delivery. !Tuesday, 04/01/80 13:46:49 *Paul $filtst #Added missing 'close' so the file is not left open. !Thursday, 04/03/80 12:55:32 *Perry $hd #Modified to print out logical disk number in octal, when the disk #number is known. !Friday, 04/04/80 09:27:59 *Perry $=incl= #Added the definition file "=incl=/char_def.r.i" which defines #standard mnemonic names for all ASCII printing characters. These #are the same character definitions that appear in "=incl=/defi" #and are intended for use by programmers converting their old 'rf' #programs to be processed by 'rp'. !Friday, 04/04/80 09:37:21 *Perry $=incl=/swt_def.r.i #Added a definition for "CHARACTER_DEFS" to define the location of #the new character definitions file. !Friday, 04/04/80 14:14:58 *Perry $lf #Fixed bug that caused garbage to be printed for the owner name #when requested by a non-owner. !Tuesday, 04/08/80 00:07:52 *Dan $sh #Modified behavior of "call_internal_command" so that it no longer #maps its argument to lower case. Its action made it impossible #to invoke shell variables with upper case letters in the names, #if the variables were searched after the internal commands. !Tuesday, 04/08/80 23:02:52 *Dan $open #'Open' did not set the device type in the file descriptor for a #line printer spooler file. This resulted in the "can't create" #message from the shell when the device type left over in the #descriptor was not a disk type (it almost always was, though). !Thursday, 04/10/80 11:59:31 *Perry $swt #Swt now does an automatic "rls -all" to clean out the Primos ring #3 stack. Implementation of this feature required the addition of #a "-c" command line option which suppresses the automatic #release. !Thursday, 04/10/80 14:19:41 *Perry $=incl=/swt_def.r.i (standard defines file) #Added "DS_DECL" macro to make proper declarations for users of #dynamic storage routines. Usage is # # DS_DECL (Mem, MEMSIZE) # #where 'Mem' is the name to be used for the dynamic memory array #and MEMSIZE is the size of the array. !Tuesday, 04/15/80 09:29:44 *Allen $phone #Added 'phone' command because I'm too lazy to look up phone num- #bers in the book. !Thursday, 04/17/80 22:12:02 *Dan $swt_def.r.i #Removed obsolete definition of "abs" as "iabs". No Subsystem #programs depend on this definition, and it can easily trip up #unsuspecting users. !Friday, 04/18/80 11:42:28 *Perry $lopen$ #Modified the code to use 'parstm' for parsing defer time instead #of the previous ad hoc method. !Friday, 04/18/80 12:56:26 *Perry $diff #Changed the output format for the "-d" and "-dv" options for the #sake of compactness and readability. !Friday, 04/18/80 12:58:07 *Perry $upkfn$ #Added code to properly handle passwords containing equals bars #(=). !Sunday, 04/20/80 16:26:25 *Perry $fmt #Added code to allow right brackets (]) to appear literally inside #function calls when preceded by the escape character (@). !Sunday, 04/20/80 16:30:49 *Perry $ar #Added to 'filarg' a declaration for 'ptoc', which declaration's #absence previously caused a floating-to-fixed conversion error. !Sunday, 04/20/80 18:03:16 *Perry $=bin=/sh #Two bugs fixed in the parser: 'equal' was undeclared in #'get_sym' causing the symbolic label "$" to result in a syntax #error; the wrong common variable was being passed to #'enter_label' by 'node', causing explicit labels to remain un- #defined. !Sunday, 04/20/80 18:03:49 *Dan $find #'Find' no longer catches control-p. !Sunday, 04/20/80 18:17:16 *Perry $se #Added code to do a "force write to disk" whenever a 'w' command #is given to a disk file. !Monday, 04/21/80 12:01:27 *Perry $ar #Fixed bug that prevented creation of new archive files. !Monday, 04/21/80 13:26:43 *Perry $fmt #Special character functions now take an optional repeat count ar- #gument; if specified, that many instances of the special charac- #ter are yielded as the function's result. !Monday, 04/21/80 14:02:49 *Dan $locate #Installed all 'loc' files in source directories; wrote #'make_srcloc'; modified 'locate' to work properly. !Monday, 04/21/80 14:03:19 *Dan $source #Fixed bug that caused source to hang waiting for terminal input #when no files are found. !Monday, 04/21/80 15:49:36 *Perry $swtseg #Installed a new version based on SEG revision 17.3. !Tuesday, 04/22/80 16:22:32 *Perry $se #Fixed bug that caused an extra blank to be appended to lines #edited in INSERT mode. Changed the assignment of the #INSERT_NEWLINE function from the ctrl-n key to the ctrl-_ key. #Added GOBBLE_SCAN_LEFT (ctrl-n), GOBBLE_SCAN_RIGHT (ctrl-b), #GOBBLE_TAB_LEFT (ctrl-\), GOBBLE_TAB_RIGHT (ctrl-^) and #INSERT_TAB (ctrl-x) functions. !Wednesday, 04/23/80 17:51:37 *Dan $find$ #Changed name to 'findf$' so that it won't conflict with the MIDAS #shared library. !Wednesday, 04/23/80 17:54:59 *Dan $exec, mkdir$, swt #Changed calls to "find$" to calls to "findf$". !Wednesday, 04/23/80 17:57:53 *Dan $missin #Removed it from Subsystem library, since it already in the Prime #Fortran library. !Wednesday, 04/23/80 18:31:55 *Dan $ld #Made 'ld' expand templates in file names. Also made 'ld' take #the directory name for accessing libraries from a template to al- #low a Subsystem rebuild to reference a different set of #libraries. !Thursday, 04/24/80 13:28:26 *Perry $fmt #Added 'eo' and 'oo' commands to specify additional page offsets #for even- and odd-numbered pages, respectively. Both values are #initialized to zero and revert to that when no parameter is #specified. !Friday, 04/25/80 12:36:58 *Dan $swt #Removed call to turn off command output. Commented out code to #release stack until a solution with better side effects can be #found. !Sunday, 04/27/80 23:38:47 *Dan $t$clup #'Create' was not declared as an integer function which caused a #fixed-to-floating overflow. !Monday, 04/28/80 14:50:01 *Perry $cp #Fixed bugs that prevented the "-s" option from working on #unmodified Primos systems. !Monday, 04/28/80 14:57:57 *Perry $mt #Redefined argument syntax as follows: only a single #read/write/position operation may be performed per invocation; #file numbers now start at 1 instead of 0; positioning to records #within files may be specified; file counts are no longer allowed #when reading files from tape; the "-1", "-2" and "-3" pathnames #are no longer supported because of the availibility of #/dev/stdin? and /dev/stdout?; if no pathnames are specified with #the "-r" or "-w" options, standard output 1 and standard input 1 #are used, respectively. # #In addition to these modifications, 'mt' now correctly handles #lines that contain 80 characters plus a newline.