!Wednesday, 02/28/79 14:30:47 *Dan $rf #Syntax to allow continuation of quoted literals # "continued literal_ # "rest of literal" # #Changed profile mechanism to generate executable subroutine #t$init instead of block data. !Wednesday, 02/28/79 14:32:55 *Dan $history.sh #Addition of 'history' command. !Thursday, 03/01/79 11:49:10 *Perry $publish.r #Added name of author to news index. Truncated seconds from time #stamp in news index. !Sunday, 03/04/79 15:25:44 *Dan $ld #Added -g option and a symbol definition for KP$LS. !Sunday, 03/04/79 15:30:57 *Dan $sh, getarg, ld #Changed argument handling: # - 'Getarg' extract arguments directly from shell's linked # string space. Pointers are placed in the common block in # argv and the first 32 words of buf. Argument 0 is now ac- # cessible through 'getarg'. Argc is 1 when no arguments are # specified. # - 'Sh' now copies argument points into argv. Buf is not used. # - 'Ld' includes the symbol definition for kp$ls so that # programs using 'getarg' from the unshared library will # correctly access the linked string space. !Sunday, 03/04/79 15:32:14 *Dan $sh #The search rule mechanism now replaces the metacharacter "&" in #the search rule elements with the search target, rather than #unconditionally appending the search target. !Sunday, 03/04/79 18:45:06 *Dan $ld #Added -e option to specify default segment number. !Sunday, 03/04/79 19:08:06 *Dan $sh #Fixed 'getnet': did not set function value if it did not see #EOF. !Sunday, 03/04/79 21:52:43 *Dan $term_type, e #Added 'term_type' shell function to print out 'se'-compatible #terminal type. !Sunday, 03/04/79 21:54:11 *Dan $sh #Fixed bug in the initialization of std_port_tbl in the common #areas which resulted in the erroneous redirection of the first #function in a command line immediately following a pipe. !Sunday, 03/04/79 21:55:44 *Dan $ld, vswtlb, nvswtlb, sswtlb #Changed default shared library name to 'vswtlb', default unshared #library name to 'nvswtlb'. 'Sswtlb' will no longer be supported. !Thursday, 03/15/79 20:09:40 *Dan $rf.r #Added code to detect declarations at other than level 1 of nest- #ing and print an error message. Message indicates missing brace #or paren in last routine. !Monday, 03/19/79 12:19:16 *Allen $stacc #Added 'stacc' to /bin, stacc.r and stacc.com to #/swtsrc/cmn_progs. !Friday, 03/30/79 14:31:33 *Paul $mail, to #An updated version of the function 'vfyusr' (which checks the #validity of a login name) was added. The new version searches #/extra/users for the name instead of searching /system/passwd, #since the latter file may not exist at all installations. 'Mail' #and 'to' have been recompiled with the new routine. !Friday, 03/30/79 14:39:02 *Paul $swtlib #Added 'vfyusr' to the standard SWT library. !Friday, 04/13/79 18:06:00 *Perry $All #Version 6 of Software Tools Subsystem frozen; distribution tape #created. !Thursday, 04/19/79 19:05:15 *Perry $fixdot #Changed "badusage" label to conform to new label syntax. !Friday, 04/20/79 10:36:35 *Perry $dnum #'Dnum' command added to generate and interpret Primos physical #disk numbers. Source code added to /swtsrc/std_progs. !Tuesday, 04/24/79 09:18:21 *Perry $swt #Fixed the bug that prevented 'swt' from creating a .vars file for #a new user. Rewrote the subroutine that prompts the user for his #Subsystem password (non-Ga. Tech installations only) so that it #preserves the terminal configuration word. !Friday, 04/27/79 11:34:42 *Allen $hp #Resurrected 'hp' by using 'stacc' to produce a quick-and-dirty #version. Arithmetic, logical, and stack print/delete operators #included, but looping and conditional operators omitted. 'Hp' #installed in /bin and news article published. !Friday, 04/27/79 11:38:10 *Tom $shell #'Save' internal command added to force level 1 shell variables to #be written to the .vars file. !Tuesday, 05/01/79 19:31:02 *Perry $se #Bugs fixed: # - All problems associated with improper updating of the screen # after it has been split. # - Improper updating of the screen when changing line 1 of a # file less than one screenful long. # - Substitution of the last line in the file for the current # line when garbage collection occurs during a 's' or 't' com- # mand. # #New features: # - Arbitrary tab stops. # - Inline character scans. # - Ability to enter ASCII control characters using the ESC key. # - Inline appends, changes and insertions. # - Global appends, changes and insertions. !Saturday, 05/12/79 19:51:37 *Perry $se #Fixed the bug that caused 'se' to go into an infinite loop when #using the inline character scan control characters. Added a #feature to save the last character scanned for; if the same scan #control character is hit twice in a row, the last character scan- #ned for is used for the scan. Modified append mode to position #the window more intelligently when the text being entered wraps #from the bottom row to the top row. Reinstated clearing of the #row below the command row in append mode. Fixed the bug that #caused the current line to be incorrect after doing an "e" com- #mand on a non-existent or unreadable file. !Saturday, 05/12/79 23:22:37 *Perry $getkwd #Rewritten for new argument handling protocols. Now uses 'getarg' #to fetch arguments instead of accessing them directly from a com- #mon block. !Monday, 05/14/79 09:53:54 *Perry $punch, typo, sw$in, sw$out #The 'punch' and 'typo' commands have been removed from the Sub- #system, as have the library routines 'sw$in' and 'sw$out'. !Friday, 05/18/79 10:50:03 *Perry $open.r #Fixed 'open' so that it attempts to allocate an i/o buffer before #it attempts to open the file. If no buffer space is available, #the file is not opened. The fact that it performed these #operations in the reverse order was the reason that 'mktemp' #would occasionally create 99 temporary files in /temp and still #return an error. # #This change is to source code only; the library has not yet been #recompiled. !Friday, 05/18/79 11:02:08 *Perry $mt #'Mt' command for handling unlabeled magnetic tapes added to /bin. #Source code added to /swtsrc/cmn_progs, manual entry written, and #news article published. !Friday, 05/18/79 11:41:04 *Paul $file #'File' command to check on attributes of files added to /bin. #Reference manual entry added to online documentation. Source #code placed in /swtsrc/std_progs. !Friday, 05/18/79 14:05:57 *Perry $fcopy #The subroutine 'fcopy' has been modified to do a fast, binary #file copy when the input and output files are both disk files. !Wednesday, 06/13/79 15:20:01 *Allen $swtlib #Added six routines for simple symbol table management: mktabl, #rmtabl, lookup, enter, delete, and st$lu. !Thursday, 06/21/79 14:33:13 *Allen $stacc #Installed first production version of 'stacc' in /bin. # #Changes from bootstrap version include: # # - Rewriting of parser portion in 'stacc'. # - Addition of simple error recovery code. # - Rewriting of output routines to provide indented output code # and elimination of unused 'case' alternatives. # - Introduction of the equals sign (=) into terminal symbol # declarations, allowing two terminals to be interchangeable # (have the same lexical representation). # - Introduction of the "no advance" construct (a period after a # terminal symbol) which prevents the automatic call to the # lexical analyzer after matching a terminal symbol. # - Change of the "action" character from sharp (#) to bang (!). # - Introduction of Ratfor-style comments, preceded by a sharp # sign (#) and continuing to the end of the line on which they # appear. # - Single characters enclosed in single or double quotes may # now be used as terminal symbols. They are replaced with # their Prime ASCII values, and so may be matched against # characters returned by Subsystem I/O routines. # - Terminal symbol definitions are output to standard output 2 # rather than standard output 1. # - Definitions for the three parser states are now output # automatically. # #Reference manual entry updated. !Thursday, 06/21/79 16:20:51 *Allen $swtsrc #Created /swtsrc/stacc_progs to hold Subsystem programs that #require 'stacc' to be rebuilt. Proper modifications were made to #the build_procedures. /swtsrc/special_progs/hp.u was destroyed, #since 'hp' now is properly assigned to stacc_progs. # #Conventions for programs in stacc_progs: # # - The Ratfor code for a program using a 'stacc' parser is in # the file "program.r" # - The 'stacc' code for the parser is in the file # "program.stacc" # - The output of 'stacc' will be directed to two files, # "program.stacc.r" and "program.stacc.defs", which should be # 'include'd in the Ratfor code as necessary. # - Any common block include files needed by the program should # be in "program.com" !Friday, 06/22/79 14:48:11 *Perry $hd #Changed default mfd password to "XXXXXX" for compatibility with #unmodified Primos systems. !Tuesday, 07/17/79 09:07:54 *Perry $apl #Added Ren Frame's APL interpreter to the Subsystem. Source code #placed in '/swtsrc/special_progs/apl.u', binary in '/bin/apl'; #all applicable build_procedures updated. Reference manual entry #not yet available -- in preparation from Ren's thesis. Installa- #tion not yet announced in news. !Monday, 07/30/79 15:30:09 *Dan $os #Corrected bug that cause a blank page to appear when the 66th #line on a page was not blank. 'Os' should not generate a page #eject when the paper is positioned to the first line of a page. !Monday, 07/30/79 21:22:01 *Dan $swt #Fixed password handling (again) to work properly on unmodified #Primos. The array 'passwd' in the profile is now set to EOS if #no password is specified. !Monday, 07/30/79 21:24:36 *Dan $getvdn #New subroutine. This subprogram takes a file name as one ar- #gument and returns the full path name (including password) of #that file in a user's variables directory. !Monday, 07/30/79 21:27:12 *Dan $fmt #Modified 'fmt' so that it doesn't die whan a margin greater than #MAXLINE - 3 is requested. Incidentally, 'mktl' will make a title #as large as (right margin value) + 2 without checking. !Tuesday, 07/31/79 12:33:05 *Dan $term #Modified to take ASCII mnemonics for erase and kill character #settings. !Thursday, 08/02/79 13:57:50 *Allen $fmt #Changed linear searches used in formatter for looking up func- #tions and commands to calls on symbol table routines. Also #replaced "if...else if...else if" chains with case statements. #Measured 11% reduction in CPU time for new version. Installed #new version, wrote news article. !Thursday, 08/02/79 17:38:29 *Allen $rf #Removed Jack's strange hashing algorithm from the 'define' #processor in Ratfor, replaced it with calls to the symbol table #routines. Also used symbol table routines to effect key word #lookup in 'lex'. Measured performance improvements ranging from #2% to 15%; improvement seems to be greatest in small programs. !Sunday, 08/05/79 12:26:07 *Allen $se #Rearranged subroutines in 'se' in hopes of providing greater #locality of reference. # #Technique used: compiled 'se' with profile option, then profiled #several editing sessions consisting only of one editing operation #(e.g. file reading, file writing, appending, global search, #etc.). Then clustered those routines with highest call counts #for each operation. # #Source directory "/swtsrc/special_progs/se.u" was also rearranged #somewhat, in particular each subprogram was placed in a separate #file in the subdirectory "source". !Wednesday, 08/08/79 14:32:35 *Perry $fmt #Fixed 'options' procedure to eliminate infinite loop when "-" #specified as first file name. Any unrecognized options are now #treated as file names. !Wednesday, 08/08/79 18:10:56 *Perry $getarg #Made getarg honor the third (length) parameter passed to it which #it previously did not do. !Wednesday, 08/08/79 18:15:19 *Allen $fmt #Made several modifications to 'fmt' to increase speed. Most #notable include replacing calls to 'putch' with calls to 'putlin' #and serializing some complex conditionals. Achieved ap- #proximately 30% improvement in speed. !Thursday, 08/09/79 15:16:10 *Dan $fcopy #Replaced "fast" version with old version because the former did #not take into account the state of the Subsystem I/O buffers. !Thursday, 08/09/79 15:31:21 *Dan $all #Software Tools Subsystem Version 6 Release Tape made.