!Sunday, 10/21/84 10:53:51 *arnold $//src/std.r/mail.r #Changed the "Save mail? " prompt to "Save mail (y) ?" so that #the default action would be clear. !Thursday, 10/25/84 11:28:26 *jeff $dnum #Fixed indexing error in 'dnum's string table. Caused it to print #out control characters when giving help. !Thursday, 10/25/84 11:50:27 *jeff $bmerge, bnames, brefs #Increased buffer size to 256 to accomodate Prime's larger object #groups. !Thursday, 10/25/84 11:55:53 *jeff $cdmlc, cobc, csubc, ddlc, f77c, fc, fdmlc #Fixed to pipe the output of the interludes into 'x' instead of #calling them as arguments. This prevents running out of #arguments by having them accepted as input. !Thursday, 10/25/84 12:00:00 *jeff $fsubc, pc, plgc, plpc, pmac, splc #Fixed to pipe the output of the interludes into 'x' instead of #calling them as arguments. This prevents running out of #arguments by having them accepted as input. !Thursday, 10/25/84 12:00:31 *jeff $quota #Added the extra argument to 'gctol' which caused a pointer fault #whenever one set a quota. !Thursday, 10/25/84 12:03:46 *jeff $shtrace_cmd #Fixed the two character mnemonic for onunit tracing to be "ou" #instead of "on" which prevented "shtrace on" from being #recognized. !Thursday, 10/25/84 12:06:02 *jeff $mktr$ #Fixed a bug which added a space in a pathname of one character #which then proliferated throughout the subsystem making single #character filenames unusable. !Thursday, 10/25/84 12:08:36 *jeff $gfdata #Fixed a bug where 'szfil$' was declared integer, thus causing #'gfdata' to return the wrong file size. !Thursday, 10/25/84 12:10:22 *jeff $lib_def.r.i, vtterm, vt$pos #Added a new positioning type for ANSI positioning sequences. #This fixed the bugs with the VT100 and PST100 terminal types. !Wednesday, 10/31/84 17:12:00 *arnold $fmt #Added "italicizing" to fmt. This involes the .it command and the #[it ...] inline function. Italicized text consists of #, as opposed to underlined text which #is . The main reason for doing this #is to give access to both italics and underlined text with the #OCS Xerox 9700 laser printer. Text meant for the line printer #will come out the same (as underlined) when run through 'os' and #spooled. Italicized text will come out as underscores on a CRT. #Oh well; can't always have one's cake and eat it too.