Software Tools Subsystem You are using the Software Tools Subsystem, developed as a human- engineered alternative to Primos. Commands are of the form: command parameter ... where "command" is the name of a program, and "parameter" is any string of characters. Each individual command defines the syntax of any parameters it may allow or require. Program names are specified by 'pathnames', which describe paths through directories and subdirectories to particular files. Pathnames have the form: /packname/directory:password/.../file where most components are optional. Examples: //src/std.r /system_pack/lib:secret/ftnlib myprog subdir/myfile Complete information on pathnames and other aspects of the file system may be found in the _U_s_e_r_'_s _G_u_i_d_e _t_o _t_h_e _P_r_i_m_o_s _F_i_l_e _S_y_s_t_e_m. You can read this guide by typing the command: guide fs A copy will be printed, one page at a time, on your terminal. Similarly, you can get quick information about any command by using the 'help' command; simply type: help command_name and information on the specified command will be printed on your terminal. Typing "help" alone produces this documentation. For an index of the standard commands and library subprograms with a brief description of each, type: help -i For a description of the meta-language used to describe the syntax of commands, type: help -g bnf 'Help' prints out a page at a time and then asks " [+] more ? ", where is the name of your request to 'help' and is the number of the pageful that 'help' has printed to you for that request. If you want to see another screenful, simply type a carriage return. If you lose interest in what 'help' is telling you, type "n" followed by a carriage return. When you are ready to end your terminal session, simply type bye after the "]" prompt and wait for the LOGOUT message to appear.