.# .# .# .ch "References" .sb .nh .in +8 .tc \ .ta 7 .# .# .de zb .ne 4 .sp .ti -6 {[1]}\[2] .en zb .# .zb 1 "Dr. John Spitzer;" private communication to Academic Computing Center, State University College at Brockport, NY, and reported to Prime Computer; 1978 .zb 2 "Mark P. C. Legg;" copies of TAR reports to Prime computer dated 1980 to 1982 from The Flinders University of South Australia; private communication; 1982 .zb 3 "Harold Stone, editor;" .ul Introduction to Computer Architecture, 2nd. Edition; Science Research Associates, Inc; 1980 .zb 4 "Andrew Tanenbaum;" .ul Structured Computer Organization; Prentice-Hall; 1976 .zb 5 "M. Sporer;" Prime PE-T 416, "P400 Instruction Times"; Prime Computer, Inc.; 1978 .zb 6 "Mark P. C. Legg;" untitled report contained in private communication; Computer Centre of The Flinders University of South Australia, Bedford Park; 1982 .zb 7 "William J. Cody, Jr. and William Waite;" .ul Software Manual for the Elementary Functions; Prentice-Hall; 1980 .zb 8 "George S. Fishman and Louis R. Moore;" .ul 2 A statistical Evaluation of Multiplicative Congruential Random Number Generators with Modulus 2 ^ 31 - 1; Journal of the American Statistical Association, March 1982, Volume 77 # 377 .zb 9 "Martha August;" Prime PE-T 1025, "50 Series General Architecture"; Prime Computer, Inc.; 1982 .ta 8 .# .# .de zb .ne 4 .sp .ti -7 {[1]}\[2] .en zb .# .zb 10 "Anne P. Ladd;" .ul Subroutines Reference Guide; Doc 3621-190, Revision 19.0; Prime Computer, Inc.; 1982 .zb 11 "Ivars Peterson;" "Can You Count on Your Computer"; Science News, Vol. 122 #5; Jul 31, 1982 .zb 12 "W. J. Cody;" "Analysis of Proposals for the Floating-Point Standard"; IEEE Computer, Volume 14 #3, March 1981 .zb 13 "David Hough;" "Applications of the Proposed IEEE 754 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic"; IEEE Computer, Volume 14 #3, March 1981 .zb 14 "Jerome T. Coonen"; "Underflow and the Denormalized Numbers"; IEEE Computer, Volume 14 #3, March 1981 .zb 15 "A Proposed Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic"; IEEE Computer, Volume 14 #3, March 1981 .in