.# NP --- new page with fancy header .de NP @[cc]bp @[cc]HD .en NP .MH "Summary of Commands Sorted Alphabetically" .TB [cc]mc | ?# [cc]mc ?RQ ".#" - - no Introduce a comment. ?RQ ".ad c" both both no Set margin adjustment mode. [cc]mc | ?RQ ".am xx" - - no Add additional text to the body of a previously defined macro. [cc]mc ?RQ ".bf N" N=0 N=1 no Boldface N input text lines. ?RQ ".bp [cu +]N" N=1 next yes Begin a new page. ?RQ ".br" - - yes Force a break. ?RQ ".c2 c" ` ` no Set no-break control character. ?RQ ".cc c" . . no Set basic control character. ?RQ ".ce N" N=0 N=1 yes Center N input text lines. ?RQ ".de xx" - ignored no Begin definition or redefinition of a macro. ?RQ ".dv " - "end '.dv'" no Temporarily divert the output stream to a "filename" or to a temporary file designated by an integer "N" (to be later read by a ".so N" command) until a 'dv' command with no arguments is seen. ?RQ ".ef /l/c/r/" blank blank no Set even-numbered page footing. ?RQ ".eh /l/c/r/" blank blank no Set even-numbered page heading. ?RQ ".en xx" - ignored no End macro definition. ?RQ ".eo [cu +]N" N=0 N=0 yes Set even page offset. ?RQ ".er text" - ignored no Write a message to the terminal. ?if [icmp [pl] == 66] / ?NP / ?# ?RQ ".ex" - - yes Exit immediately to the Subsystem. [cc]mc * [cc]mc ?RQ ".fi" on - no Turn on fill mode. ?RQ ".fo /l/c/r/" blank blank no Set running page footing. ?RQ ".he /l/c/r/" blank blank no Set running page heading. ?RQ ".hy" on - no Turn on automatic hyphenation. [cc]mc | ?RQ ".if " - ignored maybe Conditional execution of an input line. [cc]mc ?RQ ".in [cu +]N" N=0 N=0 yes Indent left margin. ?RQ ".lm [cu +]N" N=1 N=1 yes Set left margin. ?RQ ".ls N" N=1 N=1 no Set line spacing. ?RQ ".lt [cu +]N" N=60 N=60 no Set length of header, footer and titles. ?RQ ".m1 [cu +]N" N=3 N=3 no Set top margin before and including page heading. ?RQ ".m2 [cu +]N" N=2 N=2 no Set top margin after page heading. ?RQ ".m3 [cu +]N" N=2 N=2 no Set bottom margin before page footing. ?RQ ".m4 [cu +]N" N=3 N=3 no Set bottom margin including and after page footing. ?RQ ".mc " BLANK BLANK no Set margin character. ?RQ ".mo [cu +]N" N=0 N=0 no Set margin offset. ?RQ ".na" - - no Turn off margin adjustment. ?if [icmp [pl] == 87] / ?NP / ?# ?RQ ".ne N" - N=1 yes Express a need for N contiguous lines. ?RQ ".nf" - - yes Turn off fill mode. (Also inhibits adjustment.) ?RQ ".nh" - - no Turn off automatic hyphenation. ?if [icmp [pl] == 66] / ?NP / ?# ?RQ ".ns" on - no Turn on 'no-space' mode. ?RQ ".nx file" - "next arg" no Move on to the next input file. [cc]mc * [cc]mc ?RQ ".of /l/c/r/" blank blank no Set odd-numbered page footing. ?RQ ".oh /l/c/r/" blank blank no Set odd-numbered page heading. ?RQ ".oo [cu +]N" N=0 N=0 yes Set odd page offset. ?RQ ".pl [cu +]N" N=66 N=66 no Set page length. ?RQ ".pn [cu +]N" N=1 ignored no Set page number. ?RQ ".po [cu +]N" N=0 N=0 yes Set page offset. [cc]mc | ?RQ ".ps N M" N=M=0 N=M=0 yes Skip pages while (page number mod M) is less than N. [cc]mc ?RQ ".rc c" BLANK BLANK no Set tab replacement character. ?RQ ".rm [cu +]N" N=60 N=60 yes Set right margin. ?RQ ".rs" - - no Turn off 'no-space' mode. ?RQ ".sb" "off" - no Single blank after end of sentence. ?RQ ".so " - ignored no Temporarily alter the input source. "Stream can be a "-" to indicate standard input, a "filename," or an integer "N" corresponding to a temporary file created by a previous '.dv N' command. ?RQ ".sp N" - N=1 yes Put out N blank lines. ?RQ ".ta N ..." "9 17 ..." all no Set tab stops. ?RQ ".tc c" TAB TAB no Set tab character. ?RQ ".ti [cu +]N" N=0 N=0 yes Temporarily indent left margin. ?if [icmp [pl] == 66] / ?NP / ?# ?RQ ".tl 'l'c'r'" blank blank yes Generate a three part title. ?RQ ".ul N" N=0 N=1 no Underline N input text lines. ?RQ ".xb" on - no Extra blank after end of sentence. ?ET .########################################################################