t$exit (6) --- profiling routine called on subprogram exit 03/25/82 _C_a_l_l_i_n_g _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n subroutine t$exit Library: vswtlb (standard Subsystem library) _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n 'T$exit' is called from profiled programs just before a "return" statement is executed. It records the current amount of real, cpu, and paging time used, and determines from these the amount of time spent in the current sub- program. This information is added to the total time figures maintained for each subprogram. _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n 'T$time' is called to fetch the pertinent information, which is then subtracted from the values on the stack to obtain the time spent in the current routine. Adjustments are made to items remaining on the stack so that they do not reflect time spent in subordinate subprograms. _C_a_l_l_s t$time _S_e_e _A_l_s_o t$entr (6), t$clup (6), t$time (6), t$trac (6), rp (1) t$exit (6) - 1 - t$exit (6)