sph (5) --- system phantom processor 08/30/84 | _U_s_a_g_e | x sph [-u ] [-p ] [-g {}] | [-v ] | _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n | 'Sph' is a SWT supplied command that enables the system | administrator to create phantoms with certain attributes | (name, project, groups, or special phantom privileges) | specified. It can be run only from the system console or, | at Georgia Tech, by a user that has the .GURU group | associated with his job. 'Sph' is a primos command, so if | it is to be run from the subsystem, the 'x' command must be | used to pass it directly to primos, or it must be called | through the 'sys$$' subroutine. | The required argument is the primos treename | of the file to phantom. This file is a _P_r_i_m_o_s command file, | not a SWT shell file or executable binary. All the remain- | ing arguments are optional and, except for the '-v' option, | default to the attributes that the caller currently has. | The '-u' specifies the user name of the process to create | and the '-p' option specifies the project. The '-g' option | is followed by zero or more groups that the phantom is to | have. The group names should not be preceded by a '.' | (which is the Primos standard) because the 'sph' command | will include them automatically. The '-v' option allows the | caller to set the privilege word (prvl) in the Primos inter- | nal databases for the process privilege. Currently, the | only useful values for this option are zero and one. Zero | prevents the phantomed process from being able to execute | 'sph' and one allows the programs to use 'sph'. | _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s | "Can't attach to (SPH)" for a non-attachable | directory. | "Phantom is user on at