lsputc (4) --- put character into a linked string 02/23/82 _C_a_l_l_i_n_g _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n character function lsputc (ptr, c) pointer ptr character c Library: vlslb _F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n The character in 'c' is placed in the next position of the string specified by 'ptr'. 'Ptr' is then updated to point to the next available position. The function value is the value of 'c', unless there is no more room in the string. In this case, EOS is returned and the pointer is not updated. If an EOS is put in the string before the end, the remaining character positions are deallocated. _I_m_p_l_e_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n Pointers in the string are followed until a character is found. If the character is not EOS, it is replaced by the value of 'c' and 'ptr' is incremented. If the value of 'c' is EOS, 'lsfree' is called to deallocate the rest of the string. _A_r_g_u_m_e_n_t_s _M_o_d_i_f_i_e_d ptr, c _C_a_l_l_s lsfree _B_u_g_s 'Lsputc' should perhaps allocate more space if the receiving string overflows. Locally supported. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o lsgetc (4) lsputc (4) - 1 - lsputc (4)