who (3) --- find out who's on the system and where they are 08/20/83 | _U_s_a_g_e | who {-a|-l|-p|-q} _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n | 'Who' prints a listing on standard output that shows which | users are currently logged in. Information provided on each logged-in user includes his login name, his process number, | the time at which he logged in, his full name, and either | his location or his current login project. If the length of | a login name exceeds 8 characters then 'who' prints the name | on a line by itself and the other information on the next | line. | Available options are: | -a Display information on all active processes, | including phantoms; by default, 'who' provides | information only on real users. | -l Display the locations of the logged in users. | This is the default behavior. This option cannot | be specified if the "-p" option is used. | -p Display the current projects of the logged in | users. This option cannot be specified if the | "-l" option is used. | -q Do not print the header lines. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s who who -a | who -p _F_i_l_e_s =userlist= to correlate a login name with the user's full name =termlist= to correlate process numbers with terminal locations _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Usage: who ..." for invalid argument syntax. "can't read user list" when unable to read "=userlist=". | "can't read terminal list" when unable to read "=termlist=". | "can't display both location and project at the same time" | when both "-l" and "-p" options are specified. who (3) - 1 - who (3) who (3) --- find out who's on the system and where they are 08/20/83 _B_u_g_s The date of login is not displayed; thus, the time displayed * for phantom users is probably useless. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o us (1) who (3) - 2 - who (3)