rsa (3) --- toy RSA public-key cryptosystem 01/15/83 _U_s_a_g_e rsa (-i | -e | -d) _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Rsa' is a simplified implementation of an RSA (Rivest- Shamir-Adleman) public-key cryptosystem. While interesting as a novelty, it does not provide sufficient security to resist an informed attack. 'Rsa' has three options. The "-i" (initialize) option must be selected by a user before any other users can send him encrypted information. The "-e correspondent" (encipher) option is used to encrypt standard input to standard output using the public key of the named user. (In a practical system, only the named user would then be able to decrypt the result, using his private key.) The "-d" (decipher) option is used to decrypt standard input to standard output using the private key of the current user. Thus, if the current user has login name "BOZO", the network rsa -e bozo | rsa -d effects an identity transformation. Further information on public-key cryptosystems in general and the RSA algorithm in particular can be found in the fol- lowing references: Hellman, Martin E. "The Mathematics of Public-Key Cryptography," in _S_c_i_e_n_t_i_f_i_c _A_m_e_r_i_c_a_n, Vol. 241, No. 2, pp. 146-157, August, 1979 Rivest, R. L., Adi Shamir, and Len Adleman _O_n _D_i_g_i_t_a_l _S_i_g_n_a_t_u_r_e_s _a_n_d _P_u_b_l_i_c_-_K_e_y _C_r_y_p_t_o_s_y_s_t_e_m_s, Report MIT/LCS/Tm-82, Laboratory for Computer Science, Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology, April, 1977 Rivest, R. L., A. Shamir, and A. Adleman "A Method for Obtaining Digital Signatures and Public-Key Cryp- tosystems," in _C_o_m_m_u_n_i_c_a_t_i_o_n_s _o_f _t_h_e _A_C_M, Vol. 21, No. 2, pages 120-126, February, 1978. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s rsa -i # initializes public and private key files plaintext> rsa -e system >ciphertext ciphertext> rsa -d >plaintext rsa -e bozo >>=extra=/mail/bozo rsa (3) - 1 - rsa (3) rsa (3) --- toy RSA public-key cryptosystem 01/15/83 _F_i_l_e_s "=varsdir=/.rsa_encipher" for public-key information; "=varsdir=/.rsa_decipher" for private-key information. _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Usage: rsa ..." for invalid argument syntax. Various self-explanatory messages if key files are not present or unreadable. _B_u_g_s 32 bit arithmetic is insufficient to guarantee security. Locally supported. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o Subsystem Mathematical Function Library ('vswtml') rsa (3) - 2 - rsa (3)