broadcast (3) --- send a Primos message to a user on all machines 07/20/83 | _U_s_a_g_e | broadcast [( | all) []] | _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n | The 'broadcast' command allows users to send a Primos mes- | sage on all systems that are running the SWT process 'ring'. | If the first argument is "all", 'ring' broadcasts the mes- | sage to all users on each machine in the ring, otherwise | is the user name of the recipient of the message. | The remaining arguments constitute the text of the 80 | character message to be broadcast. If omitted, 'broadcast' | reads one line from standard input (STDIN) and broadcasts | it. If no arguments are given, 'broadcast' reads one line | from STDIN and broadcasts it to all users. | _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s | broadcast all System going down in 5 minutes. Please log off. | broadcast jeff Your wife called. The house burned down. | _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s | Cannot transmit BROADCAST request | Something interfered with the transmission of the | BROADCAST command to the 'ring' process. This should | never happen. | Message complete | The BROADCAST command has been successfully attempted | on all systems in the ring. | Message has been transmitted | The BROADCAST command has been transmitted to the | 'ring' process. | Networks are not configured | The system is not configured to support PRIMENET. | Request to failed | The attempt to broadcast the message on system | failed. | Request to succeeded | The attempt to broadcast the message on system | succeeded. | Ring connection has been terminated | The connection to the 'ring' process has been cleared. broadcast (3) - 1 - broadcast (3) broadcast (3) --- send a Primos message to a user on all machines 07/20/83 | Unable to connect to ring node | The current system is not running a 'ring' process. | You are not validated to BROADCAST | Your user number is not allowed to use the BROADCAST | command. | _B_u_g_s | Will not work if the current system is not running 'ring'. | Message is sent by the 'ring' process because that is the | process which actually executes the Primos 'message' com- | mand. | _S_e_e _A_l_s_o | execute (3), setime (3), terminate (3) broadcast (3) - 2 - broadcast (3)