yesno (1) --- selective filter with user decision 08/06/82 _U_s_a_g_e yesno [-yes | -no] _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n This program can be used as a filter in a pipe to regulate input to other commands. It reads a line at a time from standard input (STDIN), echoes the line in quotes followed by a question mark, and then prompts the user for a yes or no answer. A response of "y", "ye", "yes", or "ok" all result in the line being passed to standard output (STDOUT). | A response of "n" or "no" discards the line. Any other | response causes an error message and the user is prompted | with the line again. Case is not significant in responses. Use of the optional "-yes" argument causes a carriage return (null response) to default to a "yes" response. Use of the optional "-no" argument causes a null response to default to "no." If the user types an end-of-file character (normally a control C) as the response to any decision prompt then the current line and all subsequent lines in the input are discarded. All display and prompting are done to and from device TTY and thus will not show up in any of the standard inputs or outputs should they be redirected or piped. As a result, this command cannot be used in a phantom job, nor may a set of pre-determined answers be constructed as input to the program. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s lf -ca | yesno -no | del -n lf -c /user/mfd | yesno | del -sd -n =dictionary=> yesno -yes >my_dictionary _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Usage: yesno ..." for improper command line syntax. "answer YES or NO." for incorrect or unknown response. _B_u_g_s Does not recognize "-y" or "-n" as command line arguments. Will not work in batch or phantom jobs. yesno (1) - 1 - yesno (1)