vcg (1) --- Prime V-mode code generator 10/22/84 | _U_s_a_g_e | vcg [-m ] [-b []] [-s []] | _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n | 'Vcg' is a reusable, general purpose code generator which | accepts a linearized intermediate form tree and generates | either 64V-mode object text or PMA or both. For a complete | description of 'vcg' see the _V_C_G _U_s_e_r_'_s _G_u_i_d_e. | 'Vcg' requires three input files; the first contains entry | points, the second contains external definitions and the | third contains the intermediate form tree. | If given, the "-m" argument specifies the name of the | to which 'vcg' will append the suffixes ".ct1", | ".ct2", and ".ct3" for the three input files. Otherwise, | 'vcg' expects the three input files to be on its three stan- | dard input ports. | The following command line options are available: | -b Generate 'ld'-compatible object text directly. | 'Vcg' generates object text by default and places it | in the file "". If is not specified, | but a name is given with the "-m" argument, | 'vcg' will place the object text in the file | ".b". Otherwise, 'vcg' will print an error | message and exit. | -s Generate assembly code. 'Vcg' will produce Prime | Macro Assembly Language (PMA) and place it in the | file "". Object text generation is suppressed | unless the "-b" command line flag is also specified. | If is not specified, but a name is | given with the "-m" argument, 'vcg' will place the | PMA in the file ".s". Otherwise, 'vcg' will | simply write the PMA on its first standard output | port. | -m Specify input and output module names. This option | was discussed above. | In general, the user should not invoke this command | directly. Rather, 'vcg' should be called via one of the | compiler interludes, like 'cc'. | _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s | vcg -m temp # use temp.ct(1 2 3) | p.ent> p.ext> p.tree> vcg -s # write PMA to stdout vcg (1) - 1 - vcg (1) vcg (1) --- Prime V-mode code generator 10/22/84 | _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s | Numerous, but sometimes opaque. | _B_u_g_s | 'Vcg' expects correctly formed input. When it is | presented with something else, it usually manages to com- | plain, but it may either die or blithely emit incorrect | code. The major problem in dealing with 'vcg' is that it | is often not easy to tell what part of the input is caus- | ing the difficulty. | TTThhhiiisss ppprrrooogggrrraaammm iiisss ooonnnlllyyy aaavvvaaaiiilllaaabbbllleee tttooo llliiiccceeennnssseeeeeesss ooofff VVVeeerrrsssiiiooonnn | 222...000 ooofff ttthhheee GGGeeeooorrrgggiiiaaa TTTeeeccchhh CCC CCCooommmpppiiillleeerrr... | _S_e_e _A_l_s_o | cc (1), ccl (1), ucc (1), vcgdump (1), _A _R_e_-_U_s_a_b_l_e _C_o_d_e | _G_e_n_e_r_a_t_o_r _f_o_r _P_r_i_m_e _5_0_-_S_e_r_i_e_s _C_o_m_p_u_t_e_r_s _U_s_e_r_'_s _G_u_i_d_e, | _U_s_e_r_'_s _G_u_i_d_e _f_o_r _t_h_e _G_e_o_r_g_i_a _T_e_c_h _C _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_r vcg (1) - 2 - vcg (1)