tail (1) --- print last n lines from standard input 01/09/82 _U_s_a_g_e tail [ ] [ ] _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Tail' is a filter that prints on standard output the last few lines that it reads from standard input. The number of lines printed may be specified as an integer argument; the default value is twenty if none is given. Currently, the maximum number of lines that can be printed is 300. If a number larger than this is specified, a value of 300 is used and no error message is issued. | If is preceded by a minus sign, 'tail' discards the first lines from its input file and copies the remainder to standard output. If a file name is given as the second argument, 'tail' takes its input from the named file instead of standard input. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s log_file> tail 10 tail 10 log_file lf -cw | sort | tail 5 listfile> tail -1 tail -1 listfile _B_u_g_s For the single argument case, if argument is the string "0", the program will read in the default number of lines from file "0". If the single argument is a file name that starts with digits, those digits will be interpreted as the number of lines to be read from standard input. For the two argument case, if the first argument is the string "0", the second argument is ignored and a file name of "0" is assumed. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o slice (1) tail (1) - 1 - tail (1)