spell (1) --- check for possible spelling errors 06/21/84 | _U_s_a_g_e | spell [ -(f | v) ] { } _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Spell' can be used to check all the words in a document for presence in a dictionary. Thus, it provides an indication of words that may be misspelled. 'Spell' has two modes of operation, controlled by the absence or presence of the "v" option. If the "v" option is not specified, 'spell' simply produces a list of words that it thinks are misspelled. If "v" is specified, 'spell' will also print the original input text, following each line with a line containing possibly misspelled words. (This is intended to make the erroneous words easier to locate.) Each text line is preceded by a blank, while each word list line is preceded by a plus sign ('+'); if the output is redirected to /dev/lps/f, this causes all misspelled words to be boldfaced. Normally, 'spell' ignores input lines that begin with a period, since those are normally text formatter control directives. However, the "-f" option can be used to force 'spell' to process those lines. | If the template =new_words= is defined, 'spell' will treat | it as the pathname of a file into which it will append all | words that it could not find. This file should be | periodically sorted, uniq'ed, and then checked by hand | against a dictionary. Any real words found in this manner | should be added to =dictionary=. 'Spell' supersedes the slower and less functional 'speling' command. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s spell report spell -v report >/dev/lps/f spell -f arbitrary_text | pg spell part1 part2 part3 >new_words files .fmt$ | spell -n _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Usage: spell ..." for improper arguments. "in dsget: out of storage space" if there are too many mis- | spelled words to handle. spell (1) - 1 - spell (1) spell (1) --- check for possible spelling errors 06/21/84 | _B_u_g_s | Could stand to be made smarter about suffixes and prefixes. | At least it does now handle words with a trailing "'s". _S_e_e _A_l_s_o speling (1) spell (1) - 2 - spell (1)