rdextr (1) --- extract relation data from a relation 02/22/82 _U_s_a_g_e rdextr _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Rdextr' is part of toy relational data base management system 'rdb'. It converts a relation to a standard text file using a format file. Standard input 1 must be directed to a file containing an 'rdb' relation and standard input 2 must be directed to a file containing a description of the desired output format (see below). The relation data is output on standard output as a text file. The output format file is very similar in structure to the input format file used by 'rdmake'. The only difference is that the data type of the relation domain is not included in the output format. Each line of the output format file controls the the conversion of one domain of the relation. The domains are output in the order listed in the format file; domains may be omitted or duplicated by omitting or duplicating lines in the output format file. Each line of the file has the following format: [ d[] ] [ l ] must be the name of a domain in the relation; is a single character delimiter; is non-negative integer. When a field is output, it is con- verted to character form and blank padded so that it takes no less than characters (if "l" is not specified, is assumed to be zero). The characters are placed in the output followed by the delimiter character (if "d" is not specified, is assumed to be a blank; if "d" with no delimiter is specified, no delimiter is output). For the last domain in the format file, is always assumed to be a NEWLINE charac- ter. For example, pno d, pname d l20 city d$ l10 In the first line, "pno" is output with no blank padding, followed by a comma. In the second line, "pname" is output with blank padding to 20 characters with no delimiter (assuming "pname" was described as "s20" in the relation, 20 characters would always be output for "pname"). In the last line, "city" is output with blank padding to 10 characters and then followed by a newline character. rdextr (1) - 1 - rdextr (1) rdextr (1) --- extract relation data from a relation 02/22/82 _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s y.rel> y.fmt> rdextr >y.data p.rel> p.fmt> rdextr | field ... ... rdsort | rduniq | x.fmt> rdextr >x.data _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Cannot access input relation" ": domain not found" "Illegal output length" "Unrecognized word" "Sorry, a relation can't be read from the terminal" "Relation is corrupted!!" _S_e_e _A_l_s_o dtoc (2), ltoc (2), rdcat (1), rdextr (1), rdjoin (1), rdmake (1), rdprint (1), rdproj (1), rdsel (1), rdsort (1), rduniq (1) rdextr (1) - 2 - rdextr (1)