quota (1) --- read and set disk record quota limits 09/05/84 | _U_s_a_g_e | quota [-s ] [-v] {} | _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n | It is possible to set an upper limit to the number of disk | records that may be used in a directory. This command may | be used to read or set the quota limits on any directory. | Use of the 'quota' command without the "-s" argument will | result in a display of the form: | a/b (c) | where 'a' is the total number of records currently used in | the directory and all of its descendants, 'b' is the current | quota, and 'c' is the time-record product; the time record | product is a measure of how many records have been in use | over time in this directory and may be used in accounting. | Use of the "-s" option will set the quota for the named | directory. The argument after the "-s" must decode to a | positive-valued long integer. If the value is zero then | quota limits are removed from the directory. | Note that _n_o error is reported if the user should set the | maximum quota to a value less than the number of records | currently used. Should this event occur, no files or direc- | tories may be created in the directory, nor may any existing | files be expanded. | See the help on 'cat' for a full description of the meaning | of . | _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s | quota /u(a b c)/spaf -s 0 | quota foobar/junk | _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s | "Usage: quota ..." for improper arguments. | ": can't get quota information" for various file | system errors or lack of access rights. | ": not a quota directory"; self-explanatory. | "improper quota value" for invalid value of . | ": can't set quota" for various file system | errors or lack of access rights. | _S_e_e _A_l_s_o | cat (1), gfdata (2), sfdata (2) quota (1) - 1 - quota (1)