publish (1) --- publish a news article 03/23/82 _U_s_a_g_e publish { } _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Publish' is the recommended means of publishing an article in the Software Tools Subsystem news service. The contents of the files given as arguments (there must be at least one) are entered into the news service archive and sent to all news service subscribers. Each file named is published as a separate news item. The first non-blank line of each file should be the "headline." The headline may be left-justified or centered. The head- line is placed in the index entry for an item, along with the time and date of publishing and the item number. (The item number is used for retrieving specific news items; see the help for the 'news' command.) 'Publish' deletes leading and trailing blank lines and always insures that there is a blank line following the headline. Because of this, output from the text formatter is suitable for publication if it contains no underlining or boldfacing. WARNING: When news has a large circulation, 'publish' will take a significant amount of time to do its job. DO NOT interrupt it, or you may prevent some users from obtaining a copy in their news box. In the event that 'publish' is interrupted, use "retract -q" to remove the article and then publish it again. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s publish new_york_times publish first second _F_i_l_e_s =news=/articles/art for archived articles =news=/index for article index =news=/delivery/ for delivery to subscribers =news=/subscribers for the subscription list _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "
: cannot open" for not being able to access article file. "
: empty file" for trying to publish an empty file. "Headline too long: " for trying to use a head- publish (1) - 1 - publish (1) publish (1) --- publish a news article 03/23/82 line that will not fit in the index. "can't open archive copy file" for not being able to open =news=/article/art. "cannot make delivery" for not being able to open delivery file. "can't open index file" for not being able to open index file. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o news (1), subscribe (1), retract (1) publish (1) - 2 - publish (1)