profile (1) --- print execution profile 03/25/82 _U_s_a_g_e profile [ -d ] [ ] _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Profile' formats the information recorded by a profiled Ratfor program (one compiled with "rp -p") and prepares a report. Two input files are used. The first contains a dictionary of the subroutines in the traced program and is produced by 'rp' when the program is compiled (with the "-p" option). The name of the dictionary file may be specified explicitly after the "-d" argument; otherwise, "timer_dictionary" is assumed. The second file contains the actual profile data that are recorded when the traced program is run. Its name may also be specified as an argument; "_profile" is assumed other- wise. Profile analyzes the two data files and produces a report on standard output, containing the following information: - Number of times each routine was called - Real time spent in each routine - Percentage real time spent in each routine - CPU time spent in each routine - Percentage CPU time spent in each routine - Milliseconds spent in each routine per call - Paging time spent in each routine - Percentage paging time spent in each routine Note that profile can only be used to summarize execution of Ratfor programs compiled with the "-p" option, or Fortran programs in which the necessary trace calls have been included by hand. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s profile | sp profile -d dict1 prof_info _F_i_l_e_s "timer_dictionary" for default dictionary. "_profile" for default profile data. _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Usage: profile ..." for invalid argument syntax. profile (1) - 1 - profile (1) profile (1) --- print execution profile 03/25/82 _B_u_g_s If the profiled program exits without calling the profile exit routine (e.g. by calling 'error' rather than using 'stop', from Ratfor) no profile data file will be created. The system clock only has a resolution of 1/330 second, so 'profile' may not be accurate in timing short routines. Procedure call overhead is charged to the calling routine rather than to the called routine. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o rp (1), st_profile (1), t$entr (6), t$exit (6), t$time (6) profile (1) - 2 - profile (1)