pg (1) --- list a file in paginated form 06/22/84 | _U_s_a_g_e | pg [-e] [-v] [-s ] [-m ] {} ::= | -[] | -n( | ) _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n | 'Pg' is a filter which displays the contents of a disk file | in paginated form. It allows skipping pages forward and | backward as well as searching for patterns within the file. | 'Pg' is primarily intended for viewing a file on a high | speed CRT, but it may be used from any terminal. | 'Pg' displays the named files (see 'cat' for further | information on s) by calling the library routine | 'page', which accepts the following responses: | f Display the file whose pathname is . | f Redisplay the original file. | h Print a command summary. | l Set screen size to specified number of lines. | Display starts over on page 1. | n Proceed to next file (exit if on last file). | p Display given number of pages (default 1), | prompting only after the end of the range. | q Proceed to next file (exit if on last file). | x Exit immediately from 'pg'. | y Advance to the next page (proceed to next | file if on last page). | ctrl-c Exit immediately from 'pg'. | newline Advance to the next page (proceed to next | file if on last page). | Display specified page number. | - Back up given number of pages (default 1). | ^ Redisplay previous page. | . Redisplay current page. | + Advance given number of pages (default 1). | $ Display the last page. | /[/] Display the next page containing . | \[\] Display the previous page containing . The pattern is a regular expression with the full set of options found in the editor. The file is searched cir- cularly from the current position for the next page that | contains the specified pattern. As in the editor, the | trailing delimiter is optional. (See _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n _t_o _t_h_e _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _T_o_o_l_s _T_e_x_t _E_d_i_t_o_r in the _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _T_o_o_l_s _S_u_b_s_y_s_t_e_m _U_s_e_r_'_s _G_u_i_d_e for details.) By default, 'pg' prompts after each page with a string of | the form | file [n+]? pg (1) - 1 - pg (1) pg (1) --- list a file in paginated form 06/22/84 | and after the last page with a string of the form | file [n$]? | if the '-e' command line argument is not specified. "File" | is the name of the file being displayed, and "n" is the page | number within the file. If the '-e' argument is specified, | 'pg' will not issue a prompt after the final page of a file, | but instead it proceeds to the next file in the argument | list (if any). The '-m ' argument sequence may be | used to specify a prompt string different from the default; | this string is used as both the intermediate and final prompt. For details on how this string is interpreted, see the entry for 'page' in section 2. | 'Pg' normally displays each file using the 'vth' subroutine | package to manage the screen. If the current terminal type | is not one of those that 'vth' supports, or if the '-v' | argument is specified, then 'pg' displays each file using | ordinary sequential output. | The user can inform 'pg' of the number of lines on his | terminal screen with the '-s ' command line | argument. If 'vth' output is used, 'pg' takes advantage of | the fact that 'vth' knows the size of the screen, and uses | all available lines to display the file. In this case the | '-s' argument is ignored. If 'vth' output is not used, and | the '-s' argument is omitted, 'pg' uses a default value of | 23 lines. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s pg -s 5 file fmt english | pg help -i | pg -m "continue or quit? " _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s | "Usage: pg ..." for invalid argument syntax. | _B_u_g_s | The "h" command output is not paged. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o | cat (1), copy (1), print (1), page (2), vt?* (2), _I_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n _t_o _t_h_e _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _T_o_o_l_s _T_e_x_t _E_d_i_t_o_r pg (1) - 2 - pg (1)