lps (1) --- line printer status monitor 08/17/82 _U_s_a_g_e lps ( | ) ::= -c { } ::= { -{d|m|q} | -a | -p } { } _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Lps' allows the user to cancel entries from his home spool queue, or to list the contents of any spool queue in the system. To cancel entries, the "-c" argument is followed by the entry numbers to be cancelled. If an entry does not belong to the user, 'lps' prints an error message and leaves the entry intact. In the absence of the "-c" argument, 'lps' lists the contents of the spool queues on the specified disk packs, interpreting the remaining arguments as listing constraints as follows: -a list only entries that will be printed at the specified destination. -d list only entries that are deferred. -m list only entries that belong to the current user. -p list only entries that will be printed on the specified type of paper. -q print a "quiet" listing that contains no heading and lists only the sequence number, user name, size, destination and file name of each entry selected. (Note: this option merely controls the format of the listing and has nothing to do with which entries are selected.) If multiple constraints are specified, only entries that satisfy all constraints are listed. If no constraints are specified, the entire queue is listed. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s lps lps -c 1 5 prt10 lps -a lpb -p narrow -q sa sb sc _F_i_l_e_s //spoolq/q.ctrl queue control file //spoolq/prt??? print files lps (1) - 1 - lps (1) lps (1) --- line printer status monitor 08/17/82 _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Usage: lps ..." for improper command syntax. "Can't find SPOOLQ directory on disk " if the specified disk partition is inaccessible or does not contain a spooler queue. "Can't read queue on disk " if the spooler queue on the specified disk can't be opened for reading. ": bad sequence number" for illegal syntax in specify- ing a print file. ": in use" for trying to cancel a print file that is either being printed or still being written. ": can't cancel" when an unexpected error occurs while cancelling a print file. ": not found" for trying to cancel a non- existent print file. ": not yours" for attempting to cancel someone else's print file. _S_e_e _A_l_s_o sp (1), pr (1) lps (1) - 2 - lps (1)