cp (1) --- generalized file copier 08/30/84 | _U_s_a_g_e cp [-m] [-p] [-s [] ] [ ] _D_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n 'Cp' copies files or directories from one place in the file system to another. The single required argument '' specifies the source file or directory. The '' argument, which is optional, may be used to specify the destination file or directory. Omitting this argument produces the same effect as specifying the pathname of the current working directory. The precise result of any invocation of 'cp' depends on whether or not the destination is an existing directory and, in the case where the source is a directory, whether the "m" and/or "s" options is specified. For a more detailed explanation of the semantics of the "s" option, see the Reference Manual entries for the 'chat', 'del' and 'lf' commands. The various cases are elaborated below. | If the destination is an existing directory, the source is | normally copied _i_n_t_o that directory, retaining its original name. If the source is also a directory, its contents may be merged into the destination directory by specifying the "m" option. Otherwise, the source directory will be copied as a subdirectory of the destination directory. If the destination is not an existing directory, the destination file is exactly as specified by the '' path- name. If the "p" option is specified, any directories created in the process of copying are given the same passwords as their counterparts in the source. If the option is not specified, these directories are given default passwords. (At instal- lations running the Ga. Tech version of Primos, the defaults are the user's login name for the owner password and zeroes for the non-owner password; at installations run- ning standard Primos, the defaults are blanks for the owner password and zeroes for the non-owner password.) In all cases, the protection, date-modified and read/write lock attributes of the copied files are set identically to those of their source counterparts. _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s cp file //dir/file cp file //dir cp file cp file1 file2 cp old_dir new_dir cp -p old_dir new_dir cp (1) - 1 - cp (1) cp (1) --- generalized file copier 08/30/84 _F_i_l_e_s None. _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s "Usage: cp ..." for illegal argument syntax. ": can't open" if source file can't be opened for reading. ": can't create" if destination can't be created. ": copy incomplete" if an error occurred while mov- ing the contents of the source file to the destination. ": non-empty directory" when the source is an ordinary file and the destination is a non-empty direc- tory. _B_u_g_s | Works only on disk files. | Cannot copy specific ACL's or access categories _S_e_e _A_l_s_o cat (1), chat (1), cn (1), copy (1), del (1), lf (1) cp (1) - 2 - cp (1)