AAA RRReee---UUUsssaaabbbllleee CCCooodddeee GGGeeennneeerrraaatttooorrr fffooorrr PPPrrriiimmmeee 555000---SSSeeerrriiieeesss CCCooommmpppuuuttteeerrrsss UUUssseeerrr'''sss GGGuuuiiidddeee T. Allen Akin School of Information and Computer Science Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia 30332 March, 1983 ___FFF___ooo___rrr___eee___www___ooo___rrr___ddd Although the School of Information and Computer Science has operated Prime 400 and 550 computers for over four years, as yet there has been no successful local attempt to produce a compiler for them. The main reasons for this failure are the irregularity of the architecture and existing system software, the complexity of Prime's standard object code format, and the lack of documentation on matters of importance to compiler writers. This paper discusses the design, implementation, and usage of a re-usable code generator. This program can serve as a com- mon "back-end" for a number of language translators, producing 64V-mode assembly language code suitable for execution on the P400 and higher numbered processors in Prime's "50" series. Furthermore, it could be tailored to match specific front-ends, when needs for special optimizations arise. A preliminary version of the code generator is available for general use. ___HHH___ooo___www___ ___ttt___ooo___ ___UUU___sss___eee___ ___TTT___hhh___iii___sss___ ___GGG___uuu___iii___ddd___eee The first chapter of this GGGuuuiiidddeee is the _O_v_e_r_v_i_e_w. The _O_v_e_r_v_i_e_w is a brief summary of the design and construction of the code generator. This chapter may be of general interest, but it is not necessary to read it in order to learn to use the code generator. The _C_o_d_e _G_e_n_e_r_a_t_o_r _U_s_a_g_e chapter describes the location of the code generator and its associated run-time support libraries, as well as the Software Tools Subsystem commands necessary to access them. Recommended procedure is to study this section, then generate command language programs to do the low-level file access operations. _I_n_p_u_t _D_a_t_a _S_t_r_e_a_m _F_o_r_m_a_t_s gives a bird's-eye view of the formats of the three code generator input streams. This chapter merits some study, although it is supplemented by the _E_x_t_e_n_d_e_d _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s. The three operator definitions chapters (_O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s _U_s_e_f_u_l _i_n _t_h_e _S_t_a_t_i_c _D_a_t_a _S_t_r_e_a_m, _O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s _U_s_e_f_u_l _i_n _t_h_e _P_r_o_c_e_d_u_r_e _D_e_f_i_n_i_t_i_o_n _S_t_r_e_a_m, _O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r_s _U_s_e_f_u_l _i_n _P_r_o_c_e_d_u_r_e _D_e_f_i_n_i_t_i_o_n_s) provide a detailed reference for the intermediate form operators interpreted by the code generator. One or two readings through this chapter are desirable; thereafter, it can be used as a reference with the _O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r/_F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n _I_n_d_e_x and the Table of Contents used as entry points. The _E_x_t_e_n_d_e_d _E_x_a_m_p_l_e_s are comprised of several short (but complete) programs written in the language C. These examples include the original C code, annotated versions of the three code generator input streams, and an annotated listing of the code generator's assembly language output. The chapter should be useful in learning how the various intermediate form operators work together, and may be used as a reference when building a new front end. 'Drift' is a very small expression-based language whose structure closely mimics the code generator's internal world- model. _T_h_e _'_D_r_i_f_t_' _C_o_m_p_i_l_e_r is a complete, working compiler using the code generator as a back-end. It serves as an example of one way to construct a front-end for the VCG. For ease of reference, all the intermediate form operators have been organized by subject in the _I_n_t_e_r_m_e_d_i_a_t_e _F_o_r_m _O_p_e_r_a_t_o_r/_F_u_n_c_t_i_o_n _I_n_d_e_x. Typically, one would look up some func- tion (e.g., "subscripting") in the _I_n_d_e_x, find the name of the appropriate intermediate form operator (e.g., INDEX_OP), then look up that operator in the table of contents to find its com- plete description. - 1 - ___OOO___vvv___eee___rrr___vvv___iii___eee___www PPPhhhiiilllooosssoooppphhhyyy DDDeeesssiiigggnnn CCCooonnnsssiiidddeeerrraaatttiiiooonnnsss The design of the code generator (hereinafter referred to as VCG, for "V-mode Code Generator") was driven by a number of considerations: ... For experimental language translators, code generation should be fast and straightforward. This is necessary both for fast turnaround and ease of debugging in the development stage, and for fast turnaround in typical educational applications. ... The VCG should insulate front-ends from details of storage allocation and data format selection, as well as instruction generation. This encourages inter-language compatibility at the object code level, as well as providing a framework for easily retargetable front-ends. ... The intermediate form (IMF) that is processed by the VCG should be simple to generate and display (for debugging purposes). Furthermore, it should not unduly restrict extension for additional functionality or optimization. ... The output object code should conform to Prime's current standards, and should include at least minimal provisions for separate compilation and run-time debugging. IIImmmpppllleeemmmeeennntttaaatttiiiooonnn AAApppppprrroooaaaccchhheeesss After some time, consideration of the goals above led to the following approaches to the implementation of the VCG: ... The basic IMF handled by both the front end and the VCG should be a tree structure. A tree is easily generated from the information available on the semantic stack during a bottom-up parse, and can be generated directly without an explicit stack during a top-down parse. A number of operations like constant folding, reordering of operands of commutative operators, and global context propagation are readily performed on a tree structure. Furthermore, use of a tree can eliminate the need for generation and tracking of temporary variables in the front end. ... The IMF operators should be close to the constructs used in an algorithmic language of the level of, say, Pascal. This permits straightforward translation of most algorithmic - 2 - languages, and provides enough additional context to sim- plify many optimization tasks. For example, the IMF resem- bles the program's flow graph closely enough that simple global register allocation can be performed without graph reduction. ... One of the basic functions of the VCG is the mapping of data descriptions supplied by the front end into physical storage layouts. The goal of complete machine data structure independence in the front end cannot be met without com- promising the code generator's utility for languages that allow storage layout specification (C and Ada are notable examples). Therefore, the IMF should contain descriptions of data structures in terms of a small set of primitive data modes that can easily be parameterized in front-end code. Simple variables, structures, and arrays defined in the front end must be converted to single or multiple instances of the following basic machine data modes: 16-bit signed integer, 16-bit unsigned integer, 32-bit signed integer, 32- bit unsigned integer, 32-bit floating point, and 64-bit floating point. ... The IMF tree should be linearized and passed to the VCG as a stream of data in prefix Polish notation. The linearized form partly reflects the usual Software Tools methodology of expressing even complex data transformations as "filters." However, there are other advantages, particularly in storing and interpreting the IMF for debugging. Prefix Polish was chosen because it can be generated easily from the internal representation of the tree, and because it minimizes the amount of state information that must be explicitly maintained by both the front end and the VCG in order to output or input the IMF. ... The final output of the VCG should be a stream of Prime Macro Assembly Language source code. Although the time required to assemble this source imposes a significant penalty on code generator performance, it appears to be unavoidable if the compiler writer is to be insulated from Prime's object code format. (In addition, Prime has scheduled object code format changes, and it would not be wise to invest heavily in the present format.) SSStttrrruuuccctttuuurrreee The VCG "main loop" simply reads each module present on its input, rebuilds the tree represented by the input, transforms the tree to a linked list of machine instructions, performs register tracking optimizations on that list, and finally converts the list to assembly language and outputs it. The input and output routines are straightforward and relatively uninteresting. - 3 - The optimization routines amount to about 13 pages of Ratfor code, and work by simulating the effect of each machine instruc- tion on the contents of the six registers that are tracked. At the moment, three types of optimization are performed: redundant loads are eliminated, some memory references are eliminated in favor of register-to-register transfers, and general instruction sequences are replaced with special-case code. The heart of the code generator is the set of transformation routines that convert the tree representation to the doubly- linked list of machine instructions. The transformation routines exhibit a great deal of knowledge about the machine architecture, but actually employ only very simple algorithms for code generation. IMF operators may appear in one of several "contexts," identified internally by the following terms: RRReeeaaaccchhh. An operator evaluated in reach context yields the address of a word in memory containing the result of the operation, if possible. At present, only the object, constant, pointer dereferencing, array indexing, and struc- ture member selection operators yield addresses. All other operators behave as if they were evaluated in "load" context. LLLoooaaaddd. An operator evaluated in load context yields a value in a machine register. The particular register used depends only on the basic machine data mode of the operation. Most IMF operators are evaluated only in this context. VVVoooiiiddd. An operator evaluated in void context yields side effects only. In a very few cases, this results in an opportunity to exploit special-case machine instructions that perform some calculation without making the result available in a register (incrementing a memory location, for example). FFFlllooowww. An operator evaluated in flow context yields a change in flow-of-control rather than a value. For example, a "test for equality" operator would return 1 or 0 in a load context, but in flow context would cause a jump to a given label depending on the outcome of the test. AAAPPP. An operator evaluated in AP context yields an "argument pointer" rather than a value. Argument pointers are used to pass parameters to procedures. Context information is propagated top-down by the code generator as it scans the IMF tree. Additional information in the form of register requirements is propagated from the bottom up during the same scan. Together, context and register usage determine with fair accuracy the optimal code sequence to be generated for a given operator. - 4 - IIInnnpppuuuttt///OOOuuutttpppuuuttt SSSeeemmmaaannntttiiicccsss IIInnnpppuuuttt SSStttrrruuuccctttuuurrreee The IMF passed to the VCG consists of a sequence of _m_o_d_u_l_e_s. A module is a sequence of procedure definitions, static data definitions, and entry point declarations. The static data definitions build a data area that is shared by all procedures in the module, while the procedure definitions build code and data areas that are strictly local to each procedure, and the entry point declarations make the static data area or procedures visible to Prime's link editor. Prime's Fortran compilers currently generate code that is equivalent to one procedure per module under this scheme; Prime's PL/I and Pascal compilers generate code that is equivalent to a single IMF module. The VCG module structure permits com- patibility with either of these alternatives, as well as com- promise forms that are more suitable for other languages. Note: Separate compilation capability directly affects module structure. At present, there is no way for separately compiled procedures to share a static data area. Furthermore, separately-compiled static objects must be referenced by a unique 8 or fewer character name made visible to the loader. A Fortran COMMON block definition can be used to reduce the number of such external symbols, but COMMON definitions must match exactly in all separately-maintained modules. In addition, note that Prime's current loader software requires that external objects be referenced through an indirect address, which can cause a significant reduc- tion in performance. Each _s_t_a_t_i_c_ _d_a_t_a_ _d_e_f_i_n_i_t_i_o_n allocates space for an object and may specify an initial value for the object. A _s_t_a_t_i_c_ _d_a_t_a_ _d_e_c_l_a_r_a_t_i_o_n names an object that is defined outside the current module, but provides no other information about the object. Each _p_r_o_c_e_d_u_r_e_ _d_e_f_i_n_i_t_i_o_n consists of information associated with a closed routine defined by the front end. In particular, the procedure's argument types and code tree are included. The bulk of the IMF will be in subtrees defining the code associated with procedures. Most storage allocators, arithmetic operators, and flow controllers are straightforwardly expressed in tree form; a description of these IMF components is available elsewhere. OOOuuutttpppuuuttt SSStttrrruuuccctttuuurrreee Each VCG input module generates a single PMA input module, terminated by an END pseudo-op. The PMA input module may be - 5 - assembled, link-edited, and subsequently executed. The concatenation of all static data definitions and declarations forms a _l_i_n_k_ _f_r_a_m_e that is shared by all procedures in the module. Each procedure definition yields an entry control block (ECB) and a chunk of machine code that implements the function of the procedure, including the allocation of space in the procedure's _s_t_a_c_k _f_r_a_m_e for local variables. - 6 - ___CCC___ooo___ddd___eee___ ___GGG___eee___nnn___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___ ___UUU___sss___aaa___ggg___eee The code generator currently resides in the file =bin=/vcg. The three input streams can be read from the three standard inputs, or from three files (if a standard naming convention is used). The PMA output stream is produced on standard output 1, and should be redirected to a file for assembly. Assume temporary files will be used for communications between the front end and the code generator. The temporary files must have names of the form "xxx.ct1" (for IMF stream 1), "xxx.ct2" (for IMF stream 2), and "xxx.ct3" (for IMF stream 3), where "xxx" is completely arbitrary but must be the same for all of the three temporary files in a given run. When the code generator is invoked, the string "xxx" must be passed to it as a command line argument. To use the code generator, first run the front end to produce the temporary files: front_end Say, for example, this produces files "temp.ct1", "temp.ct2", and "temp.ct3". Next, run the code generator and produce the assem- bly language output: vcg temp >temp.s Run the assembler to convert the PMA source to relocatable binary code: pmac temp.s Finally, run the link editor to load the VCG main program, the binary code for your program, and all required library routines: ld =lib=/vcg_main temp.b =lib=/vcglib -o program This produces an object program (in the file "program") which may be executed simply by typing its name: program All run-time support routines called by the output of the code generator are available in the library =lib=/vcglib. The stub main program in =lib=/vcg_main calls a procedure named MAIN; therefore, the user's main program must be named MAIN. (This is the usual case in C environments.) One miscellaneous note: if the front end is being written in Ratfor, the complete set of macro definitions for the intermediate form operators can be obtained by simply including - 7 - the file "=incl=/vcg_defs.r.i". If the front end is being writ- ten in Pascal, the complete set of constant definitions for the intermediate form operators can be obtained by including the file "=incl=/vcg_defs.p.i". - 8 - ___III___nnn___ppp___uuu___ttt___ ___DDD___aaa___ttt___aaa___ ___SSS___ttt___rrr___eee___aaa___mmm___ ___FFF___ooo___rrr___mmm___aaa___ttt___sss This section describes the formats of the three code generator input streams. Note that all three have the same basic format: _ 32 MODULE_OP | _ | 59 SEQ_OP | Repeat for | Repeat for each ... Item of information _| each item | module | 39 NULL_OP _| 39 NULL_OP Stream termination Detailed examples of the code generator input can be found in the "Extended Examples" section of this guide. SSStttrrreeeaaammm 111 --------- EEEnnntttrrryyy PPPoooiiinnnttt DDDeeeccclllaaarrraaatttiiiooonnnsss The first intermediate form stream consists of one or more _m_o_d_u_l_e_s. Each module consists of a MODULE_OP, a list of _e_n_t_r_y _p_o_i_n_t _d_e_c_l_a_r_a_t_i_o_n_s separated by SEQ_OPs, and a NULL_OP terminat- ing the list of entry point declarations. The list of modules is terminated by a final NULL_OP. Each entry point declaration is an object identification number followed by a character string, expressed as the length of the string followed by the ASCII character codes for the charac- ters in the string. Each such string is assumed to be the name of a location defined in the current input module, and is made available to the link editor for resolving references made by other modules. A template for stream 1 would look something like this: _ 32 MODULE_OP | _ | 59 SEQ_OP | Repeat for each | Repeat for each Entry object id | entry point | module ... Entry point name _| | | 39 NULL_OP _| 39 NULL_OP Terminate stream - 9 - SSStttrrreeeaaammm 222 --------- SSStttaaatttiiiccc DDDaaatttaaa DDDeeeccclllaaarrraaatttiiiooonnnsss///DDDeeefffiiinnniiitttiiiooonnnsss In C terminology, a data "definition" reserves storage space for an object and possibly initializes that space, whereas a data "declaration" simply indicates that the storage space for an object resides outside the current module. The second intermediate form input stream defines or declares static data (objects that are not automatically allocated on the stack when a procedure is entered). The input stream consists of a series of _m_o_d_u_l_e_s, terminated by a NULL_OP. Each module contains a sequence of _D_E_F_I_N_E__S_T_A_T__O_Ps and _D_E_C_L_A_R_E__S_T_A_T__O_Ps, terminated by a NULL_OP. A template for the static data stream would look something like this: _ 32 MODULE_OP | _ | 59 SEQ_OP | Repeat for | Repeat for 14/11 DEFINE/DECLARE_STAT_OP | each defn/decl | each module ... with associated info _| | | 39 NULL_OP _| 39 NULL_OP Terminate stream SSStttrrreeeaaammm 333 --------- PPPrrroooccceeeddduuurrreee DDDeeefffiiinnniiitttiiiooonnnsss The third intermediate form input stream consists of one or more _m_o_d_u_l_e_s, terminated by a NULL_OP. Each module contains a list of _P_R_O_C__D_E_F_N__O_Ps, separated by SEQ_OPs and terminated with a NULL_OP. Each PROC_DEFN_OP causes a procedure to be defined and code for it to be generated. A template for stream 3 would look something like this: _ 32 MODULE_OP | _ | 59 SEQ_OP | Repeat for | Repeat for 50 PROC_DEFN_OP | each procedure | each module ... with associated info _| | | 39 NULL_OP _| 39 NULL_OP Terminate stream - 10 - ___PPP___rrr___iii___mmm___iii___ttt___iii___vvv___eee___ ___DDD___aaa___ttt___aaa___ ___MMM___ooo___ddd___eee___sss The following primitive data modes are presently handled by the code generator: IIINNNTTT___MMMOOODDDEEE 111 Integer objects are one 16-bit word in size. They have integral values in the range (-2**15) to (2**15 - 1), inclusive. LLLOOONNNGGG___IIINNNTTT___MMMOOODDDEEE 222 Long integer objects are two 16-bit words in size. They have integral values in the range (-2**31) to (2**31 - 1), inclusive. UUUNNNSSS___MMMOOODDDEEE 333 Unsigned objects are nominally one 16-bit word in size. They have integral values in the range 0 to (2**16 - 1). Bit fields (see FIELD_OP) can be of mode UNSIGNED, and may range from 1 bit to 16 bits in length (with consequent change in the range of values they can represent). LLLOOONNNGGG___UUUNNNSSS___MMMOOODDDEEE 444 Long unsigned objects are nominally two 16-bit words in size. They have integral values in the range 0 to (2**32 - 1). Machine addresses (pointers) are represented as long unsigned quantities. Bit fields (see FIELD_OP) can be of mode LONG UNSIGNED, and may range from 1 bit to 32 bits in length (with consequent change in the range of values they can represent). FFFLLLOOOAAATTT___MMMOOODDDEEE 555 Floating point objects are two 16-bit words in size. LLLOOONNNGGG FFFLLLOOOAAATTT___MMMOOODDDEEE 666 Long floating point objects are four 16-bit words in size. - 11 - SSSTTTOOOWWWEEEDDD___MMMOOODDDEEE 777 STOWED mode is the mode assigned to structured objects like arrays and structs (Pascal "records"). STOWED objects may be any size from 1 to 65536 16-bit words; IMF operators that need to know the size of a STOWED object invariably have a "length" or "size" parameter to carry that information. - 12 - ___OOO___ppp___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___sss___ ___UUU___sss___eee___fff___uuu___lll___ ___iii___nnn___ ___ttt___hhh___eee___ ___SSS___ttt___aaa___ttt___iii___ccc___ ___DDD___aaa___ttt___aaa___ ___SSS___ttt___rrr___eee___aaa___mmm DDDEEECCCLLLAAARRREEE___SSSTTTAAATTT___OOOPPP 111111 int 11 int object_id string external_name DECLARE_STAT informs the code generator that an object defined outside the current module will be referenced by a given integer object id. The parameter 'external_name' is a character string, represented in the IMF by a length followed by a stream of ASCII characters (one per word, right justified, zero filled). The external name is used by the link editor and the loader to resolve actual references to the object. Example: extern int abc where 'abc' is assigned the object id 6 11 DECLARE_STAT_OP 6 Object id of 'abc' 3 Length of name 'abc' 225 character 'a' 226 character 'b' 227 character 'c' DDDEEEFFFIIINNNEEE___SSSTTTAAATTT___OOOPPP 111444 int 14 int object_id tree init_list int size This operator causes storage for the object identified by 'object_id' to be allocated in the current link frame (static data area). 'Object_id' must be used in all subsequent references to the object, and the object's definition with DEFINE_STAT must precede all such references. The init_list is a list of initializers whose values will be assigned to successive portions of the newly-declared object. The size parameter specifies the amount of storage to be reserved for the object, in words. (Slightly fewer than 65,535 words are available for static storage in each module.) Example: static int abc[100] where abc is assigned the object id 6 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP 6 Object id for 'abc' 39 NULL_OP (no initializers present) - 13 - 100 Object is 100 words long - 14 - ___OOO___ppp___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___sss___ ___UUU___sss___eee___fff___uuu___lll___ ___iii___nnn___ ___ttt___hhh___eee___ ___PPP___rrr___ooo___ccc___eee___ddd___uuu___rrr___eee___ ___DDD___eee___fff___iii___nnn___iii___ttt___iii___ooo___nnn___ ___SSS___ttt___rrr___eee___aaa___mmm PPPRRROOOCCC___DDDEEEFFFNNN___OOOPPP 555000 int 50 int object_id int number_of_args string proc_name tree argument_list tree code Each procedure to be generated by the code generator is defined by a PROC_DEFN_OP. The 'object_id' is an integer identifier that must be used on calls to the procedure and other references to its entry control block (for example, pointers to functions as used in C). 'Number_of_args' should be self-explanatory. 'Proc_name' is a string (in the IMF, a length followed by ASCII character values) giving the internal name of the procedure. (This information is used to print trace information during debugging.) Each formal parameter (argument) is described by a PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP; 'argument_list' is simply a linked list of those descriptions. 'Code' is a subtree containing the body of the procedure: local variable definitions and expressions to be evaluated. Example: the following C function main (argc, argv) int argc; char **argv; { int i; i = 4; } 50 PROC_DEFN_OP 1 Procedure is object number 1 2 Procedure has 2 arguments 4 Procedure name is 4 characters long 237 m 225 a 233 i 238 n 49 PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP 2 Argument is object number 2 1 INT_MODE 0 VAL_DISP; pass argument by value 1 Argument is 1 word long 49 PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP 3 Argument is object number 3 4 LONG_UNS_MODE (a pointer) 1 REF_DISP; pass argument by reference 2 Argument is 2 words long - 15 - 39 NULL_OP; end of argument description list 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of procedure code 13 DEFINE_DYNM_OP 4 Object id is 4 39 NULL_OP; no initializers 1 Object is 1 word long 59 SEQ_OP; procedure code continues 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 4 Object id is 4 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant is 1 word long 4 Constant has value 4 1 Assignment transfers 1 word 39 NULL_OP; end of procedure code PPPRRROOOCCC___DDDEEEFFFNNN___AAARRRGGG___OOOPPP 444999 int 49 int object_id int mode int disposition int length tree next_argument Formal parameters to procedures are described by this operator. The 'object_id' is an integer identifier that must be supplied on subsequent references to the parameter (see OBJECT_OP). The 'mode' is the machine data type of the parameter. 'Disposition' indicates how the argument is to be treated on the call; the two alternatives at the moment are 0 (VALUE_DISP) for pass-by-value (aka copy in) and 1 (REF_DISP) for pass-by-reference. 'Length' gives the size of the argument in 16-bit words; it is primarily necessary for handling of STOWED arguments that are passed by value. 'Next_argument' is simply a link to the next PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP in a procedure's argument descriptor list, or a NULL_OP. See PROC_DEFN_OP for examples of PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP. - 16 - ___OOO___ppp___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___sss___ ___UUU___sss___eee___fff___uuu___lll___ ___iii___nnn___ ___PPP___rrr___ooo___ccc___eee___ddd___uuu___rrr___eee___ ___DDD___eee___fff___iii___nnn___iii___ttt___iii___ooo___nnn___sss AAADDDDDDAAAAAA___OOOPPP 111 int 1 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the sum of the values of the left and right operands. As a side effect, the sum is stored back into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP). Both operands must have the same mode as the ADDAA operation. The operation mode may not be STOWED. ADDAA stands for "add and assign." This operator is normally used to implement the addition assignment operator ("+=" in C, "+:=" in Algol 68). Example: i += 1 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 1 ADDAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 AAADDDDDD___OOOPPP 222 int 2 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the sum of the values of the left and right operands. Both operands must have the same mode as the ADD, and STOWED mode is not allowed. ADD is used to implement simple addition of fixed or floating point values. Example: i + 1 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 2 ADD_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE - 17 - 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 AAANNNDDDAAAAAA___OOOPPP 333 int 3 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the bitwise logical "and" of the values of the left and right operands. As a side effect, the conjunction is stored back into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP). Both operands must have the same mode as the ANDAA operation; the only allowable modes are INT, UNSIGNED, LONG INT, and LONG UNSIGNED. ANDAA stands for "'and' and assign." ANDAA_OP is used to implement the logical-and assignment operator ("&=" in C). Example: i &= 1 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 3 ANDAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 AAANNNDDD___OOOPPP 444 int 4 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the bitwise logical- "and" of the values of the left and right operands. Both operands must have the same mode as the AND operation; the only allowable modes are INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, and LONG UNSIGNED. AND_OP is normally used to implement the bitwise logical conjunc- tion of integers ("&" in C). Although AND_OP can be used to implement conjunction in Boolean expressions, the short-circuit - 18 - conjunction operator (SAND_OP) is probably a better choice, since it guarantees evaluation order and prevents undesirable side effects. Example: i & 1 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 4 AND_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 AAASSSSSSIIIGGGNNN___OOOPPP 555 int 5 int mode tree left tree right int length The result of this operator is an rvalue, namely the value of the right operand. As a side effect, the result is stored into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP). Both operands must have the same mode as the ASSIGN operation. Any mode is allowable, but the parameter 'length' must be set to the operand length, in 16-bit words. ASSIGN implements the semantics of assignment statements in most algorithmic languages. Note that STOWED mode values are allowed, so things like Pascal record assignment can be handled. Example: i = 1 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 1 length of assigned quantity is 1 word BBBRRREEEAAAKKK___OOOPPP 666 int 6 int levels - 19 - BREAK_OP yields no result value, but causes an exit from one or more enclosing loops or multiway-branch ("switch," in C terminology; "case" in Pascal) statements. The operand 'levels' is an integer giving the number of nested loops and multiway branches to terminate. Obviously, 'levels' must be between 1 and the number of nested loops and multiway branch statements currently active, inclusive. BREAK is mainly intended to implement premature loop exits. Because of (inadequate) historical reasons, a BREAK is also required to force control out of a multiway-branch alternative to the end of the statement. Thus, in implementing a Pascal-style case statement with the SWITCH_OP described below, each alter- native would end with a BREAK_OP with 'levels' equal to 1. If the BREAK_OP was missing, control would fall through from case to case, as it does in C. Example: break 2 (terminate 2 enclosing loops) 6 BREAK_OP 2 Levels to break CCCAAASSSEEE___OOOPPP 777 int 7 tree value tree actions tree next_case CASE is used to label an alternative in a multiway branch statement (like 'switch' in C or 'case' in Pascal). The 'value' parameter is the case label value for the alternative; it must be a CONST_OP node of the same mode as the switch expression (see SWITCH_OP). The mode may not be STOWED. The 'actions' parameter is the code to be executed for the given case label. The 'next_case' operand is a DEFAULT_OP or another CASE_OP or a NULL_OP (for the last alternative in the multiway-branch). CASE_OP is simply a structural device; it organizes the alter- natives in a multiway-branch so that variable-sized SWITCH operators are not necessary. Example: case 10: i += 1 (i is an integer with object id 12) 7 CASE_OP 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 10 value of first word is 10 1 ADDAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP - 20 - 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 7 or 12 or 39 CASE_OP or DEFAULT_OP or NULL_OP, depending on next element of SWITCH CCCHHHEEECCCKKK___LLLOOOWWWEEERRR___OOOPPP 777222 int 72 int mode tree expression tree lower_bound int source_line_number The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the parameter 'expression'. The expression must have the mode given by the parameter 'mode', and may not be FLOAT, LONG_FLOAT, or STOWED. If at run time the value of the expression is less than the value of the expression given by the parameter 'lower_bound', an error message is printed and a RANGE_ERROR exception raised. The parameter 'source_line_number' is printed as part of the error message, and is identified as the number of the source code line that caused the range check to be generated. This operator would normally be used in a situation that permit- ted optimized range checking, like assignment of one integer subrange variable to another. Example: var i: 0..100; j: 1..100; begin ...; j := i; ... end (where i has object id 12 and j has object id 13, and the code above appears on line 14) 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 Object id for j 72 CHECK_LOWER_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for i 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length is 1 word 1 Value is 1 14 Line number in source code 1 Length of assigned quantity is 1 word - 21 - CCCHHHEEECCCKKK___RRRAAANNNGGGEEE___OOOPPP 777000 int 70 int mode tree expression tree lower_bound tree upper_bound int source_line_number The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the parameter 'expression'. The expression must have the mode given by the parameter 'mode', and may not be FLOAT, LONG_FLOAT, or STOWED. If at run time the value of the expression is less than the value of the expression given by the parameter 'lower_bound' or greater than the value of the expression given by the parameter 'upper_bound' an error message is printed and a RANGE_ERROR exception raised. The parameter 'source_line_number' is printed as part of the error message, and is identified as the number of the source code line that caused the range check to be generated. This operator would normally be used where a complete range check was necessary (an array subscripted by an unconstrained integer variable, for example). Example: var a: array 1..10 of integer; i: integer; ...a[i]... where 'a' has object id 4, 'i' has id 12, and the subscripting operation appears on line 97 of the source code: 25 INDEX_OP 1 INT_MODE (element type of a) 40 OBJECT_OP; this is the base address of 'a' 7 STOWED_MODE 4 Object id of 'a' 70 CHECK_RANGE_OP; this is the index expression 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id of 'i' 9 CONST_OP; this is the lower bound 1 INT_MODE 1 Length of constant is 1 word 1 Value of constant is 1 9 CONST_OP; this is the upper bound 1 INT_MODE 1 Length of constant is 1 word 10 Value of constant is 10 97 Range check is on line 97 1 Array element size is 1 word - 22 - CCCHHHEEECCCKKK___UUUPPPPPPEEERRR___OOOPPP 777111 int 71 int mode tree expression tree upper_bound int source_line_number The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the parameter 'expression'. The expression must have the mode given by the parameter 'mode', and may not be FLOAT, LONG_FLOAT, or STOWED. If at run time the value of the expression is greater than the value of the expression given by the parameter 'upper_bound', an error message is printed and a RANGE_ERROR exception raised. The parameter 'source_line_number' is printed as part of the error message, and is identified as the number of the source code line that caused the range check to be generated. Like CHECK_LOWER, this operator is normally used in situations that permit optimized range checks. Example: var i: 1..100; j: 1..10; begin ...; j := i; ... end (where i has object id 12 and j has object id 13, and the code above appears on line 14) 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 Object id for j 71 CHECK_UPPER_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for i 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length is 1 word 10 Value is 10 14 Line number in source code 1 Length of assigned quantity is 1 word CCCOOOMMMPPPLLL___OOOPPP 888 int 8 int mode tree operand The result of this operator is an rvalue, the bitwise complement of the operand. The operand must have the same mode as the COMPL operation; the only allowable modes are INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, and LONG UNSIGNED. - 23 - This operator implements bitwise complementation in languages that support bit operations (e.g. the "~" operator in C). In most cases, it should not be used for logical negation; the NOT_OP is more appropriate. Example: ~i (i is an integer object with id 12) 8 COMPL_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id is 12 CCCOOONNNSSSTTT___OOOPPP 999 int 9 int mode int length int word[1] int word[2] ... int word[length] The result of this operator is an rvalue, equivalent to the value of the constant it defines. 'Length' is the length of the constant in 16-bit machine words. 'Mode' may take on any of the operand mode values, although STOWED constants are not of much use outside initializers. CONST_OP is the only operator whose IMF representation varies in length depending on its contents. Most literals in a source language program eventually are expressed as CONST_OPs in the IMF. Example: 14 (an integer constant) 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 14 first word has value 14 CCCOOONNNVVVEEERRRTTT___OOOPPP 111000 int 10 int source_mode int destination_mode tree operand The result of this operator is an rvalue, namely the value of the operand converted to the data mode specified by 'destination_mode'. The operand mode must be the same as 'source_mode'. STOWED mode is not permissible in either mode - 24 - parameter. Note that in most cases, no range checking is per- formed; it is possible, for example, to convert an UNSIGNED quantity into an negative INT quantity. Floating point to integer conversions are performed by truncation. CONVERT is the only means of converting data from one mode to another; the code generator never coerces data from one mode to another, unless the coercion is called for by a CONVERT operator. Example: x = i (x is a FLOAT object, with id 6; i is an INT object, with id 12) 5 ASSIGN_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 6 Object id is 6 10 CONVERT_OP 1 from INT_MODE 5 to FLOAT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id is 12 DDDEEECCCLLLAAARRREEE___SSSTTTAAATTT___OOOPPP 111111 int 11 int object_id string external_name See "Operators useful in the Static Data Stream". DDDEEEFFFAAAUUULLLTTT___OOOPPP 111222 int 12 tree actions tree next_case This operator is used to label the default action in a multiway- branch statement. (In C, the default action is labeled "default"; in Pascal, it is labeled "otherwise".) The DEFAULT_OP need not be the last alternative in the list of alternatives fol- lowing a SWITCH. A DEFAULT_OP behaves much like a CASE_OP, in that control will fall through to the next alternative unless the actions conclude with a BREAK_OP. Example: default: i += 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 12 DEFAULT_OP 1 ADDAA_OP 1 INT_MODE - 25 - 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 7 or 39 CASE_OP or NULL_OP, depending on structure of SWITCH DDDEEEFFFIIINNNEEE___DDDYYYNNNMMM___OOOPPP 111333 int 13 int object_id tree init_list int size This operator causes storage for the object identified by 'object_id' to be allocated in the current stack frame. It is generated for local variable declarations and for temporary variables allocated by the front end. 'Object_id' must be used in all subsequent references to the object, and the object's definition with DEFINE_DYNM must precede all such references. The init_list is a list of expressions whose values will be assigned to successive words of the newly-declared object (see INITIALIZER_OP and ZERO_INITIALIZER_OP). The size parameter specifies the amount of storage to be reserved for the object, in 16-bit words. (Slightly fewer than 65,535 words are available for local storage in each procedure.) When processing a declaration, the front-end should assign each declared variable an integer "object id." To be safe, the object id should be unique within an IMF module. This object id must be used whenever the variable being declared is referenced. Example: int blank = 160; (a local declaration; assume 'blank' is assigned the object id 4) 13 DEFINE_DYNM_OP 4 Object id is 4 26 INITIALIZER_OP 1 INT_MODE 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length is 1 word 160 Value of first word is 160 39 NULL_OP (end of init list) 1 Size is 1 word - 26 - DDDEEEFFFIIINNNEEE___SSSTTTAAATTT___OOOPPP 111444 int 14 int object_id tree init_list int size This operator causes storage for the object identified by 'object_id' to be allocated in the current link frame (static data area). It is normally generated by the front end for global variable declarations. 'Object_id' must be used in all sub- sequent references to the object, and the object's definition with DEFINE_STAT must precede all such references. The init_list is a list of _c_o_n_s_t_a_n_t_s whose values will be assigned to succes- sive words of the newly-declared object (see INITIALIZER_OP and ZERO_INITIALIZER_OP). The size parameter specifies the amount of storage to be reserved for the object, in 16-bit words. (Sligh- tly fewer than 65,535 words are available for static storage in each module.) Any storage reserved by a DEFINE_STAT_OP that is not filled by an initializer will be set to zero. When processing a declaration, the front-end should assign each declared variable an integer "object id." To be safe, the object id should be unique within an IMF module. This object id must be used whenever the variable being declared is referenced. Example: int blank = 160; (a global declaration; assume 'blank' is assigned the object id 4) 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP 4 Object id is 4 26 INITIALIZER_OP 1 INT_MODE 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length is 1 word 160 Value of first word is 160 39 NULL_OP (end of init list) 1 Size is 1 word DDDEEERRREEEFFF___OOOPPP 111555 int 15 int mode tree operand The result of this operator is an lvalue, the object whose address is given by the value of the operand. The operand must yield a 32-bit LONG INT or LONG UNSIGNED value. The operation mode is not restricted. DEREF is one of the few operators that yield an lvalue, and are - 27 - therefore allowed as left-operands of assignments. DEREF is normally used for indirection through pointers in languages that support them explicitly (eg "^" operator in Pascal, or unary "*" in C), although it is also useful in obtaining the value of a variable that is passed to a procedure by reference. Example: i = *p (or i = p^ in Pascal) (i is an integer object with id 12; p is a long unsigned object with id 32) 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id is 12 15 DEREF_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 32 Object id is 32 DDDIIIVVVAAAAAA___OOOPPP 111666 int 16 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the quotient of the value of the left operand divided by the value of the right. As a side effect, the quotient is stored back into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP). Both operands must have the same mode as the DIVAA operation; any mode other than STOWED is acceptable. DIVAA stands for "divide and assign." The operator is usually used to implement the division assignment operator ("/=" in C, "/:=" or "divab" in Algol 68). If the operation mode is UNSIGNED or LONG UNSIGNED and the right operand is a power of 2, the division will be performed by a right logical shift. Example: i /= 10 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 16 DIVAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 10 value of first word is 1 - 28 - DDDIIIVVV___OOOPPP 111777 int 17 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the quotient of the value of the left operand divided by the value of the right. Both operands must have the same mode as the DIV operation, and the mode STOWED is not allowed. DIV is used to implement simple division. If the operation mode is UNSIGNED or LONG UNSIGNED and the right operand is a power of 2, the division will be performed by a right logical shift. Example: i / 10 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 17 DIV_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 10 value of first word is 1 DDDOOO___LLLOOOOOOPPP___OOOPPP 111888 int 18 tree body tree condition This operator implements a test-at-the-bottom loop. 'Body' specifies the operations to be performed in the loop. The loop is performed until the value of the expression specified by 'con- dition' is non-zero. A BREAK_OP may be used to terminate execu- tion of the loop from within the body, and a NEXT_OP may be used to cause an immediate transfer to the condition test from within the body. It is not kosher to use a DO_LOOP as a value-returning construct. Example: do i *= 2 until (i > j) (where i and j are integer objects, with ids 12 and 60) 18 DO_LOOP_OP 33 MULAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id is 12 - 29 - 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length is 1 word 2 Value is 2 23 GT_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id is 12 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 60 Object id is 60 EEEQQQ___OOOPPP 111999 int 19 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue: 1 if the value of the left operand equals the value of the right, and 0 otherwise. Both operands must have the mode specified by the parameter 'mode', but note that the result mode of EQ is _a_l_w_a_y_s INTEGER. The operation mode may not be STOWED. EQ is used to implement test-for-equality for both expressions yielding Boolean values and for control flow tests. The restric- tion against STOWED operands will hopefully be lifted in the near future. Example: i == 1 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 19 EQ_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 FFFIIIEEELLLDDD___OOOPPP 666999 int 69 int mode int offset_from_msb int length_in_bits tree base_address - 30 - FIELD is used to select a partial field of a word or double word. It may be used on the left hand side of assignments, to cause the right hand side value to be placed in the field, or as an rvalue, to yield the value stored in the field. The operation mode must be INT, UNSIGNED, LONG INT, or LONG UNSIGNED. The parameter 'base_address' is an lvalue which specifies the first 16-bit word containing any portion of the bit field. The parameter 'offset_from_msb' gives the offset, in bits, of the beginning of the field from the left-hand (most significant) bit of the first word. The parameter 'length_in_bits' gives the length of the bit field. Bit fields may be 1 to 32 bits in length, and must be aligned so as not to cross more than one word boundary. FIELDs behave like lvalues in most circumstances; for instance, they can be used in left-hand-sides of assignments. However, bit fields cannot be addressed, so they may not be passed by reference on procedure calls or used as an operand of the REFTO operator. FIELDs can always be used as rvalues. Bit fields may not cross more than one word boundary, since this would require 48 bit shifts for field extraction. Formally, this means that 'offset_from_msb' + 'length_in_bits' must be less than or equal to 32. Example: Fetching the right-hand byte of a 16-bit word in the integer object i, with id 12: 69 FIELD_OP 1 INT_MODE 8 Bit field begins 8 bits from the most significant bit 8 Bit field is 8 bits long 40 OBJECT_OP; the base address of the field 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for 'i' FFFOOORRR___LLLOOOOOOPPP___OOOPPP 222000 int 20 tree init tree cond tree reinit tree body The FOR_LOOP_OP implements the general-purpose C 'for' loop. The parameters 'init', 'reinit', and 'body' correspond to statements; 'cond' corresponds to a Boolean expression. The for-loop for (init; cond; reinit) statement is equivalent to - 31 - init; while cond do begin statement; reinit end A typical application in languages other than C might be the construction of an arithmetic loop like the Pascal 'for' or the Fortran 'do'. Within the body of the loop, a BREAK_OP may be used to cause early loop termination, and a NEXT_OP may be used to cause an immediate jump to the 'reinit' code in preparation for another iteration. It is not reasonable to use a FOR_LOOP as a value-returning construct. Example: for (i = 1; i <= n; i += 1) j *= i; (where i, j, n are integers with object ids 12, 60, 44) 20 FOR_LOOP_OP 5 ASSIGN 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length is 1 word 1 Value is 1 1 Assign 1 word 28 LE_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 44 Object id 44 1 ADDAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length is 1 word 1 Value is 1 33 MULAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 60 Object id 60 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 - 32 - GGGEEE___OOOPPP 222111 int 21 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, 1 if the value of the left operand is greater-than-or-equal-to the value of the right, 0 otherwise. Both operands must have the mode given in the parameter 'mode'; note, however, that the result of GE is _a_l_w_a_y_s of mode INTEGER. The operation mode may not be STOWED. Note that if the operands are unsigned, a "magnitude" comparison is performed to insure correct results. GE_OP implements the test for greater-or-equal in both Boolean expressions and flow-of-control tests. The restriction against STOWED operands may be lifted someday. Example: i >= 1 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 21 GE_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 GGGOOOTTTOOO___OOOPPP 222222 int 22 int object_id GOTO_OP is used to implement unrestricted 'goto' statements in languages that support such nonsense. The parameter 'object_id' is the integer object identifier of the label which is the target of the goto. (See LABEL_OP). The stack is _n_o_t adjusted if the target label is outside the current procedure. Example: goto label (where 'label' has object id 99) 22 GOTO_OP 99 Object ID of target label - 33 - GGGTTT___OOOPPP 222333 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, 1 if the value of the left operand is greater than the value of the right, 0 otherwise. Both operands must have the mode given by the parameter 'mode'; but note that GT always returns a value of mode INTEGER. The operation mode may not be STOWED. Note that if the operands are of mode unsigned, a "magnitude" comparison will be performed to insure correct results. GT implements the test for greater-than for Boolean expressions and expressions in flow-of-control context. The restriction against STOWED operands might be lifted if the public demands it. Example: i > 1 (where i is an integer object with object id 12) 23 GT_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 length is 1 word 1 value of first word is 1 IIIFFF___OOOPPP 222444 int 24 int mode tree condition tree then_part tree else_part IF can be used to implement conditional expressions or con- ditional evaluation of statements; it always returns an rvalue. If the value of the condition is non-zero, the 'then_part' will be evaluated; otherwise, the 'else_part' will be evaluated. Either 'then_part' or 'else_part' may be omitted (ie, replaced by a NULL_OP). The operation mode may not be STOWED; if the operator is used to return a value (as in a conditional expres- sion) then the modes of both the 'then_part' and the 'else_part' must be the same as the operation mode. IF is most often used to implement conditional statements (eg the 'if' statement of most algorithmic languages). Since the code generator tends to view operators as value-returning, IF may also be used to implement conditional expressions ('if'-'then'-'else' in the Algol family, or '?:' in C). - 34 - Example: if a < b then m = a else m = b (where a, b, m are floating point objects with id's 1, 2, 13) 24 IF_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 31 LT_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 1 Object id 1 40 OBJECT_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 2 Object id 2 5 ASSIGN_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 13 Object id 13 40 OBJECT_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 1 Object id 1 2 Length is 2 words 5 ASSIGN_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 13 Object id 13 40 OBJECT_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 2 Object id 2 2 Length is 2 words IIINNNDDDEEEXXX___OOOPPP 222555 int 25 int mode tree array_base tree index_expression int element_size The result of this operator is an lvalue, one member of a vector of identical objects. The parameter 'array_base' is the base of the vector; it is typically a simple OBJECT_OP, although it may be an expression yielding the base address of the vector (a dereferenced pointer, for example). It must be an lvalue. The 'index_expression' selects the particular vector element desired; it should have a value greater than or equal to zero and less than the number of elements in the vector. (Note that this implies zero-origin addressing.) (Note furthermore that there is no subscript checking.) The 'index_expression' must be of mode INTEGER or UNSIGNED (indexing across 64K-word segment boundaries produces incorrect results in V mode). 'Element_size' is the size of one element of the vector, in 16-bit words. The opera- tion mode must be the same as the mode of the vector elements, - 35 - but is otherwise unrestricted; in particular, STOWED mode is allowed. INDEX is used to implement array subscripting. The operator has deliberately been made rather primitive, to allow the front-end greater freedom in selecting storage layouts. For example, mul- tidimensional arrays may be implemented by treating arrays as vector elements, and subsuming the additional addressing cal- culations in the 'index_expression'. This allows a compiler to select row- or column-major addressing. Note that subscripting is vastly more efficient if vector elements are a power of 2 words in length, and furthermore that lengths 1, 2, and 4 are most efficient. Example: a[i + 1] (where a is a floating point object with id 1, and i is an integer object with id 12) 25 INDEX_OP 5 FLOAT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 1 Object id 1 2 ADD_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length is 1 word 1 Value is 1 2 Array element is 2 words long IIINNNIIITTTIIIAAALLLIIIZZZEEERRR___OOOPPP 222666 int 26 int mode tree expression tree next_initializer Initializers are the initial-value expressions that appear in definitions of variables in C (see DEFINE_DYNM_OP and DEFINE_STAT_OP). In the case of local variables, which are reinitialized whenever they are allocated, these expressions are arbitrary. In the case of static variables, these expressions must be constants or REFTO operators whose operands are constants or OBJECT_OPs. Initializers are formed by linking a number of INITIALIZER_OPs and ZERO_INITIALIZER_OPs together through their 'next_initializer' fields. ZERO_INITIALIZER_OP is a compact representation of an initializer consisting of all zeros. Any mode is allowable in an INITIALIZER. INT and UNSIGNED - 36 - initializers cause one word to be filled; LONG INT, LONG UNSIGNED, and FLOAT cause two words to be filled; LONG FLOAT causes four words to be filled; STOWED expressions fill as many words as the size of the expression allows (STOWED mode CONST_OPs are particularly useful here). Example: int ai[3] = {1, 2, 3} (a local declaration, where ai is assigned object id 8) 13 DEFINE_DYNM_OP 8 Object has id 8 26 INITIALIZER_OP 1 INT_MODE 9 CONST_OP (the init. expression) 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 1 Constant has value 1 26 INITIALIZER_OP 1 INT_MODE 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 2 Constant has value 2 26 INITIALIZER_OP 1 INT_MODE 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 3 Constant has value 3 39 NULL_OP (end of initializers) 3 Object has size 3 words As an alternative, 13 DEFINE_DYNM_OP 8 Object has id 8 26 INITIALIZER_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 9 CONST_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 3 Constant is 3 words long 1 First word is 1 2 Second word is 2 3 Third word is 3 39 NULL_OP (end of initializers) 3 Object is 3 words long LLLAAABBBEEELLL___OOOPPP 222777 int 27 int object_id LABEL_OP is used to place the target label for 'goto' statements. The parameter 'object_id' is the integer identifier used by - 37 - GOTO_OPs to identify their target labels. Example: label lab;.... lab: (assume the label declaration causes 'lab' to be assigned the object id 6) 27 LABEL_OP 6 The object ID of the label LLLEEE___OOOPPP 222888 int 28 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, 1 if the value of the left operand is less than or equal to the value of the right, 0 otherwise. Both operands must have the mode specified by the parameter 'mode'; STOWED mode is not allowable. Note that LE _a_l_w_a_y_s returns a value of mode INTEGER. Magnitude comparisons are generated for unsigned operands, to insure correct results. Use LE_OP to implement all tests for less-than-or-equal-to, whether they appear in boolean expressions or flow-of-control tests. The restriction against STOWED operands may be lifted if the author feels sufficiently threatened. Example: i <= 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 28 LE_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 1 Constant has value 1 LLLSSSHHHIIIFFFTTTAAAAAA___OOOPPP 222999 int 29 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand shifted logically (zero-fill) left the number of bit places specified by the value of the right operand. As a side effect, the result is stored back into the left operand. The - 38 - left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP). The operation mode may be INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, or LONG UNSIGNED, and the left operand must have the same mode. The right operand must be of mode INT or UNSIGNED, and really should have a value between 0 and the length of the left operand, inclusive. (Reasonable results outside this range are not guaranteed.) LSHIFTAA stands for "left-shift and assign." The operator is used to implement "<<=" in C. Example: i <<= 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 29 LSHIFTAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 1 Constant has value 1 LLLSSSHHHIIIFFFTTT___OOOPPP 333000 int 30 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand shifted left logically (zero-fill) the number of bit places specified by the value of the right operand. The opera- tion mode may be INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, or LONG UNSIGNED, and the left operand must have the same mode. The right operand must be of mode INT or UNSIGNED, and really should have a value between 0 and the length of the left operand, inclusive. (Reasonable results outside this range are not guaranteed.) LSHIFT is used to implement the "<<" operator in C. Example: i << 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 30 LSHIFT_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 1 Constant has value 1 - 39 - LLLTTT___OOOPPP 333111 int 31 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, 1 if the value of the left operand is less than the value of the right, 0 otherwise. Both operands must have the mode given in the parameter 'mode'. Note that LT always returns a value of mode INTEGER, no matter what the operation mode was. The operation mode may not be STOWED. Magnitude comparisons are used if the operands are unsigned, to insure correct results. LT is used to implement the test for less-than, in both Boolean expressions and flow-of-control expressions. The restriction against STOWED operands may be removed if an angry armed mob storms the author's office. Example: i < 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 31 LT_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 1 Constant has value 1 MMMOOODDDUUULLLEEE___OOOPPP 333222 int 32 This operator is not used in procedure definitions; it is used strictly to separate modules in input streams. MMMUUULLLAAAAAA___OOOPPP 333333 int 33 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operation is an rvalue, the product of the value of the left operand and the value of the right. As a side effect, the product is stored into the left operand. The left - 40 - operand must be an lvalue or a bit field. Both operands must have the same mode as the operation, and that mode may not be STOWED. MULAA stands for "multiply and assign." It is used to implement the multiplication assignment operators ("*=" in C, "*:=" or "mulab" in Algol 68). When either operand is known to be a power of 2, the multiplication will be replaced by a left logical shift. Example: i *= 10 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 33 MULAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 10 Constant has value 10 MMMUUULLL___OOOPPP 333444 int 34 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operation is an rvalue, the product of the value of the left operand and the value of the right. Both operands must have the same mode as the operation, and that mode may not be STOWED. MUL_OP is used to implement simple multiplication. When either operand is known to be a power of 2, the multiplication will be replaced by a left logical shift. Example: i * 2 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 34 MUL_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 2 Constant has value 2 - 41 - NNNEEEGGG___OOOPPP 333555 int 35 int mode tree operand The result of this operator is an rvalue, the additive inverse of the value of the operand. Unsigned operands are subtracted from 2**n, where n is the number of bits used to represent them (16 or 32, in this implementation). The operation mode must be the same as the mode of the operand, and may not be STOWED. NEG_OP implements the unary minus (negation) operator for all the primitive arithmetic data modes. Example: -i (where i is an integer object with id 12) 35 NEG_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object has id 12 NNNEEEXXXTTT___OOOPPP 333666 int 36 int levels NEXT_OP yields no result value, but causes an immediate restart of a particular enclosing loop. 'Levels' - 1 enclosing loops are terminated (see BREAK_OP) and then a branch is taken to the proper restart point in the next enclosing loop. For the FOR_LOOP, the restart point is the re-initialization statement at the end of the body. For DO_LOOPs and WHILE_LOOPs, the restart point is the evaluation of the iteration condition. Example: next 2 (break 1 loop, continue the next outermost) 36 NEXT_OP 2 Levels NNNEEE___OOOPPP 333777 int 37 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, 1 if the value of the left operand does not equal the value of the right, 0 otherwise. - 42 - The modes of both operands must match the mode of the operation, and STOWED mode is not allowed. Note that NE_OP always returns a value of mode INTEGER, no matter what operation mode is specified. NE implements the test for inequality in all contexts. Use of nuclear weapons might be enough to convince the author to lift the restriction against STOWED operands. Example: i <> 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 37 NE_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 1 Constant has value 1 NNNOOOTTT___OOOPPP 333888 int 38 int mode tree operand The result of this operator is an rvalue, the logical negation of the operand value. (Ie, if the operand has value zero, the result of the NOT_OP will be 1; if the operand is non-zero, the result of the NOT_OP will be zero.) The mode of the operand must be the same as the mode of the operation, and STOWED mode is not allowed. The result of a NOT_OP is _a_l_w_a_y_s of mode INTEGER, no matter what the operation mode. NOT_OP is normally used to implement Boolean negation. For bitwise complementation, use COMPL_OP. Example: !i (where i is an integer object with id 12) 38 NOT_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object has id 12 NNNUUULLLLLL___OOOPPP 333999 int 39 - 43 - The null operator is usually used to terminate lists constructed with the sequence operator SEQ_OP, or to indicate that a subtree has been omitted. For example, if a conditional has no else_part, the missing subtree must be represented by a NULL_OP. SEQ also acts as a delimiter at several places in the input stream. Example: 39 NULL_OP OOOBBBJJJEEECCCTTT___OOOPPP 444000 int 40 int mode int object_id The result of this operator is an lvalue, corresponding to a variable defined by the front end. 'Mode' is unrestricted; objects may have any primitive data mode, including STOWED (for arrays and records). The 'object_id' parameter gives the identification number that was supplied in the definition or declaration of the object. Normally, each occurrence of a variable in the source program produces an OBJECT_OP in the intermediate form. OBJECTs are the primitive lvalues from which all other lvalue-producing constructs are derived. Each object that is referenced in the intermediate form must be identified by a simple integer known as the "object id." Typically these ids are assigned at declaration time (for variables) or at time of first reference (for locations, like procedure names or statement labels). Object ids should be unique within each IMF module. Example: i (where i is an integer object, with object id 12) 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 OOORRRAAAAAA___OOOPPP 444111 int 41 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the bitwise inclusive- or of the values of the left and right operands. As a side - 44 - effect, the result is stored back into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP). The operation mode must be INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, or LONG UNSIGNED, and the modes of both operands must match the operation mode. ORAA stands for "logical or and assign." It is used to implement the C assignment operator "|=". Example: i |= 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 41 ORAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 1 Constant has value 1 OOORRR___OOOPPP 444222 int 42 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the bitwise inclusive- or of the values of the left and right operands. The operation mode must be INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, or LONG UNSIGNED, and the modes of both operands must match the operation mode. OR is used to implement bit-oriented logical operations, like the "|" operator of C. Although OR can be used in Boolean expres- sions, the sequential-OR operator SOR_OP is usually more appropriate. Example: i | 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 42 OR_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id 12 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 1 Constant has value 1 - 45 - PPPOOOSSSTTTDDDEEECCC___OOOPPP 444333 int 43 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand before the operator is executed. As a side effect, the left operand is decremented by the value of the right operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP), and must have the same mode as the operation. The right operand must be a CONST_OP, with the same mode as the operation. The POSTDEC operator corresponds to the C postfix autodecrement construct. Example: p-- (where p is a long unsigned (pointer) object with object id 15, and p is intended to point to integers) 43 POSTDEC_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 15 Object id of p 9 CONST_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 2 Constant has length 2 0 Constant has value... 1 ...1, expressed as a long integer PPPOOOSSSTTTIIINNNCCC___OOOPPP 444444 int 44 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand before the operator is executed. As a side effect, the left operand is incremented by the value of the right operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP), and must have the same mode as the operation. The right operand must be a CONST_OP, with the same mode as the operation. The POSTINC operator corresponds to the C postfix autoincrement construct. Example: p++ (where p is a long unsigned (pointer) object with object id 15, and p is intended to point to integers) 44 POSTINC_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE - 46 - 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 15 Object id of p 9 CONST_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 2 Constant has length 2 0 Constant has value... 1 ...1, expressed as a long integer PPPRRREEEDDDEEECCC___OOOPPP 444555 int 45 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand decremented by the value of the right operand. As a side effect, the result is stored back into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP), and must have the same mode as the operation. The right operand must be a CONST_OP, with the same mode as the operation. The PREDEC operator corresponds to the C prefix autodecrement construct. Example: --p (where p is a long unsigned (pointer) object with object id 15, and p is intended to point to integers) 45 PREDEC_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 15 Object id of p 9 CONST_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 2 Constant has length 2 0 Constant has value... 1 ...1, expressed as a long integer PPPRRREEEIIINNNCCC___OOOPPP 444666 int 46 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand incremented by the value of the right operand. As a side effect, the result is stored back into the left operand. The - 47 - left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP), and must have the same mode as the operation. The right operand must be a CONST_OP, with the same mode as the operation. The PREINC operator corresponds to the C prefix autoincrement construct. Example: ++p (where p is a long unsigned (pointer) object with object id 15, and p is intended to point to integers) 46 PREINC_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 15 Object id of p 9 CONST_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 2 Constant has length 2 0 Constant has value... 1 ...1, expressed as a long integer PPPRRROOOCCC___CCCAAALLLLLL___AAARRRGGG___OOOPPP 444777 int 47 int mode tree expression tree next_argument Procedure call arguments are specified in a linked list of PROC_CALL_ARG_OPs attached to a PROC_CALL_OP. An argument expression is specified by the parameter 'expression'; its mode must be given by the parameter 'mode'. The parameter 'next_argument' is simply the next procedure argument in the list. Any mode expression is allowable as an argument, since the Prime procedure call convention passes a fixed-size pointer to the actual argument, rather than the argument itself. Note that arguments (with the exception of bit fields) are always passed by reference. If arguments are to be copied on procedure entry or exit, the _c_a_l_l_e_d procedure must do the copying. (See PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP; an argument will be copied automatically if it is given the disposition VALUE_DISP.) Bit fields are an excep- tion; they are not addressable objects, and so are always passed by value. See PROC_CALL_OP for examples of PROC_CALL_ARG_OP. PPPRRROOOCCC___CCCAAALLLLLL___OOOPPP 444888 int 48 int mode - 48 - tree procedure tree argument_list The PROC_CALL_OP is used to generate a call to a procedure. The parameter 'mode' is the mode of the return value of the procedure, if any. The parameter 'procedure' is an lvalue representing the address of the procedure to be called; the most common case is simply an OBJECT_OP with an object id equal to the id of a declared procedure (see PROC_DEFN_OP). The parameter 'argument_list' is a singly-linked list of expressions to be pas- sed as arguments to the procedure; each expression in the argument list is contained in a PROC_CALL_ARG_OP subtree, and the entire list is terminated with a NULL_OP. PROC_CALL implements invocation of both "procedures" and "func- tions" (or "value-returning procedures"). Example: l = strlen (s) where l is an integer object with id 13, s is a STOWED object (an array of integers) with id 14, and strlen is a procedure with id 50. 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 object id for l 48 PROC_CALL_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP; this gives the procedure address 7 STOWED_MODE 50 Object id for strlen 47 PROC_CALL_ARG_OP; description of first arg 7 STOWED_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 14 Object id for s 39 NULL_OP; ends list of arguments 1 Number of words transferred by ASSIGN PPPRRROOOCCC___DDDEEEFFFNNN___AAARRRGGG___OOOPPP 444999 int 49 int object_id int mode int disposition int length tree next_argument This operator cannot be used as part of the code of a procedure. See "Operators Useful in the Procedure Definition Stream". - 49 - PPPRRROOOCCC___DDDEEEFFFNNN___OOOPPP 555000 int 50 int object_id int number_of_args string proc_name tree argument_list tree code This operator cannot be used as part of the code of a procedure. See "Operators Useful in the Procedure Definition Stream". RRREEEFFFTTTOOO___OOOPPP 555111 int 51 int mode tree operand The result of this operator is an rvalue, the virtual memory address of the operand. The operand must be an lvalue, but it can have any mode. In particular, the operand _m_a_y _n_o_t _b_e _a _b_i_t _f_i_e_l_d. The operation mode must be LONG INT or LONG UNSIGNED. REFTO implements the unary "&" operator in C. Example: &i (where i is an integer object with id 12) 51 REFTO_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE; pointers are generally of this mode 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for i RRREEEMMMAAAAAA___OOOPPP 555222 int 52 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operation is an rvalue, the remainder result- ing from division of the value of the left operand by the value of the right. As a side effect, the result is stored back into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field. Both operands must have the same mode as the operation, and the operation mode may not be STOWED, FLOAT, or LONG FLOAT. (The restriction against floating point operands may be lifted in the near future.) - 50 - Note that this operator produces the _r_e_m_a_i_n_d_e_r resulting from the division; the remainder may be negative. If a true modulus is desired, the absolute value of the left operand should be remain- dered by the right operand, instead. Example: i %= 2 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 52 REMAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for i 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length of constant is 1 word 2 Value of constant is 2 RRREEEMMM___OOOPPP 555333 int 53 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operation is an rvalue, the remainder result- ing from division of the value of the left operand by the value of the right. Both operands must have the same mode as the operation, and the operation mode may not be STOWED, FLOAT, or LONG FLOAT. (The restriction against floating point operands may be lifted in the near future.) Note that this operator produces the _r_e_m_a_i_n_d_e_r resulting from the division; the remainder may be negative. If a true modulus is desired, the absolute value of the left operand should be remain- dered by the right operand, instead. Example: i % 2 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 53 REM_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for i 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length of constant is 1 word 2 Value of constant is 2 - 51 - RRREEETTTUUURRRNNN___OOOPPP 555444 int 54 int mode tree operand The operand is evaluated and returned as the result of the current procedure. If the operand is absent (represented by a NULL_OP) a procedure return takes place, but no effort is made to return a particular value. The operation mode may not be STOWED. This operator is used to implement the "return" statement in many algorithmic languages. All procedures should end with a RETURN_OP. Example: return (0) 54 RETURN_OP 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 0 Constant has value 0 RRRSSSHHHIIIFFFTTTAAAAAA___OOOPPP 555555 int 55 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand shifted right the number of bit places specified by the value of the right operand. As a side effect, the result is stored back into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP). The operation mode may be INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, or LONG UNSIGNED, and the left operand must have the same mode. The right operand must be of mode INT or UNSIGNED, and really should have a value between 0 and the length of the left operand, inclusive. (Reasonable results outside this range are not guaranteed.) RSHIFTAA stands for "right-shift and assign." The operator is used to implement ">>=" in C. If the operation mode is UNSIGNED or LONG UNSIGNED, the vacated bits on the left are zero-filled (logical shift); if the operation mode is INT or LONG INT, the vacated bits on the left are sign-filled (arithmetic shift). Example: i >>= 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 55 RSHIFTAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE - 52 - 12 Object id for i 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length of constant is 1 word 1 Value of constant is 1 RRRSSSHHHIIIFFFTTT___OOOPPP 555666 int 56 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand shifted right the number of bit places specified by the value of the right operand. The operation mode may be INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, or LONG UNSIGNED, and the left operand must have the same mode. The right operand must be of mode INT or UNSIGNED, and really should have a value between 0 and the length of the left operand, inclusive. (Reasonable results outside this range are not guaranteed.) This operator is used to implement ">>" in C. If the operation mode is UNSIGNED or LONG UNSIGNED, the vacated bits on the left are zero-filled (logical shift); if the operation mode is INT or LONG INT, the vacated bits on the left are sign-filled (arith- metic shift). Example: i >> 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 56 RSHIFT_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for i 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length of constant is 1 word 1 Value of constant is 1 SSSAAANNNDDD___OOOPPP 555777 int 57 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operation is an rvalue. The left operand is evaluated first. If it is zero, the result of the operation is zero and evaluation is terminated. If it is non-zero, then the - 53 - value of the right operand is returned as the result of the operator. The modes of both operands must be the same as the mode of the result. SAND is used to implement sequential ("short-circuit") logical conjunctions. Example: i && j (where i, j are integer objects with ids 12 and 13) 57 SAND_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for i 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 Object id for j SSSEEELLLEEECCCTTT___OOOPPP 555888 int 58 int mode int offset tree structure The result of this operator is an lvalue, one member of a heterogeneous data structure (ala the Pascal "record" or the C "struct"). The parameter 'mode' is the mode of the element selected; it is unrestricted. The parameter 'structure' is an lvalue expression yielding the base address of the structure. Typically it is an OBJECT_OP with an object_id field equal to the object id of a STOWED object defined by DEFINE_STAT or DEFINE_DYNM. Example: rec.field (rec is a record with object id 4; field is an integer field offset 3 words from the beginning of the record) 58 SELECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 3 Offset from beginning of struct 40 OBJECT_OP 7 STOWED mode 4 Object id of 'rec' SSSEEEQQQ___OOOPPP 555999 int 59 tree left - 54 - tree right SEQ causes the left operand to be evaluated, then the right operand. The result is the result of the right operand. SEQ_OP corresponds roughly to the "," operator in C and the semicolon statement separator in Pascal. Example: i = 1; j = 2 (where i, j are integer objects with ids 12, 13) 59 SEQ_OP 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id of 'i' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant length is 1 word 1 Constant value is 1 1 Assignment transfers 1 word 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 Object id of 'j' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant length is 1 word 1 Constant value is 1 1 Assignment transfers 1 word A frequently-used alternative to the above is 59 SEQ_OP 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id of 'i' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant length is 1 word 1 Constant value is 1 1 Assignment transfers 1 word 59 SEQ_OP 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 Object id of 'j' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant length is 1 word 1 Constant value is 1 - 55 - 1 Assignment transfers 1 word 39 NULL_OP; end of sequence SSSOOORRR___OOOPPP 666000 int 60 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue. The left operand is evaluated first. If it is non-zero, it is returned as the result of the operation. If it is zero, the value of the right operand is returned as the result of the operation. The mode of the operation result is always INTEGER. The operands may be of any mode other than STOWED. SOR is used to implement sequential ("short-circuit") logical disjunctions. Example: i || j (where i, j are integer objects with ids 12 and 13) 60 SOR_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for i 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 Object id for j SSSUUUBBBAAAAAA___OOOPPP 666111 int 61 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand minus the value of the right operand. As a side effect, the difference is stored back into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP). Both operands must have the same mode as the operation, and the mode may not be STOWED. SUBAA stands for "subtract and assign." It is used to implement the "-=" operator of C and the "-:=" or "minusab" operator of Algol 68. Example: i -= 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) - 56 - 61 SUBAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for 'i' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant is of length 1 1 Constant has value 1 SSSUUUBBB___OOOPPP 666222 int 62 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the value of the left operand minus the value of the right operand. Both operands must have the same mode as the operation, and that mode may not be STOWED. Example: i - 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 62 SUB_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for 'i' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant is of length 1 1 Constant has value 1 SSSWWWIIITTTCCCHHH___OOOPPP 666333 int 63 int mode tree selector tree alternative_list SWITCH_OP is used to generate a multiway-branch statement, like the 'switch' of C or the 'case' of Pascal. When the SWITCH is used as a value-returning construct, the modes of all the CASESs must match the operation mode, and must not be STOWED. The parameter 'selector' is an expression to be evaluated and com- pared with all alternative values in CASE_OPs. 'Alternative_list' is a singly-linked list of CASE_OPs and at most one DEFAULT_OP, terminated with a NULL_OP. - 57 - Note that there is no automatic jump from the end of an alter- native to the end of the switch; if one is desired, a BREAK_OP should be used. This behavior allows construction of alter- natives with multiple case labels, as illustrated in the example below. Example: The following Pascal 'case' statement, assuming i and j are integer variables with object ids 12 and 13, respectively case i of 1: j := 6; 2, 4: j := 10; otherwise j := 9; end; 63 SWITCH_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for 'i' 7 CASE_OP; the first alternative 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length of constant is 1 1 Value of constant is 1 59 SEQ_OP; actions for first CASE 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 Object id for 'j' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length of constant is 1 word 6 Value of constant is 6 1 Assignment transfers 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; continuing CASE actions 6 BREAK_OP 1 1 Level (the SWITCH) 39 NULL_OP; end of CASE actions 7 CASE_OP; second alternative 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 2 Constant has value 2 39 NULL_OP; no actions, control falls through 7 CASE_OP; second case of second alternative 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 4 Constant has value 4 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of actions 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE - 58 - 13 Object id for 'j' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 10 Constant has value 10 1 Assignment transfers 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; actions continue 6 BREAK_OP 1 1 Level 39 NULL_OP; end of actions 12 DEFAULT_OP; default actions for SWITCH 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of actions 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 Object id for 'j' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length 1 9 Value 9 1 Assignment transfers 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; default actions continue 6 BREAK_OP 1 1 Level 39 NULL_OP; end of default actions 39 NULL_OP; end of alternatives for SWITCH UUUNNNDDDEEEFFFIIINNNEEE___DDDYYYNNNMMM___OOOPPP 666444 int 64 int object_id UNDEFINE_DYNM is used to release space assigned to an object allocated in the current local storage area. The parameter 'object_id' is the object identifier used in the DEFINE_DYNM_OP that assigned space to the object. This operator is rarely used; it is normally unnecessary unless the language supported by the front-end allows nested blocks or the front-end generates and deallocates temporary variables explicitly. Example: If object number 44 has been allocated by the front end as a temporary, it can be deallocated with 64 UNDEFINE_DYNM_OP 44 ID of object to be deallocated - 59 - WWWHHHIIILLLEEE___LLLOOOOOOPPP___OOOPPP 666555 int 65 tree condition tree body WHILE_LOOP_OP generates a test-at-the-top loop. The parameter 'condition' must be an expression yielding a result of zero (for loop termination) or non-zero (for loop continuation). The parameter 'body' is the body of the loop (which may contain BREAK ops for early termination or NEXT ops for explicit continuation). Example: while (i < j) do i <<= 1; where i, j are integer objects with ids 12 and 13 65 WHILE_LOOP_OP 31 LT_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object ID for i 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 13 Object ID for j 29 LSHIFTAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object ID for i 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length 1 1 Value 1 XXXOOORRRAAAAAA___OOOPPP 666666 int 66 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the bitwise exclusive- or of the values of the left and right operands. As a side effect, the result is stored back into the left operand. The left operand must be an lvalue or a bit field (see FIELD_OP). Both operands must have the same mode as the operation, and only modes INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, and LONG UNSIGNED are allowable. XORAA stands for "exclusive-or and assign." It is used to implement the "^=" operator of C. Example: i ^= 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) - 60 - 66 XORAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for 'i' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant is of length 1 1 Constant has value 1 XXXOOORRR___OOOPPP 666777 int 67 int mode tree left tree right The result of this operator is an rvalue, the bitwise exclusive- or of the values of the left and right operands. Both operands must have the same mode as the operation, and only modes INT, LONG INT, UNSIGNED, and LONG UNSIGNED are allowable. Example: i ^ 1 (where i is an integer object with id 12) 67 XOR_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 12 Object id for 'i' 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant is of length 1 1 Constant has value 1 ZZZEEERRROOO___IIINNNIIITTTIIIAAALLLIIIZZZEEERRR___OOOPPP 666888 int 68 int size tree next_initializer Initializers are the initial-value expressions that appear in definitions of variables in C (see DEFINE_DYNM_OP and DEFINE_STAT_OP). Local variables are reinitialized whenever the procedure containing them is entered; global (static) variables are initialized only when the program containing them is loaded. ZERO_INITIALIZER provides a compact way of specifying an all- zeros initializer. The parameter 'size' is the number of 16-bit zero words to be generated; 'next_initializer' is simply a link to the next INITIALIZER or ZERO_INITIALIZER in a variable's - 61 - initial-value list. Example: int a[3] = {0, 0, 0} (a global declaration where 'a' has object id 1) 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP 1 Object id for 'a' 68 ZERO_INITIALIZER_OP 3 Fill 3 words with zero 39 NULL_OP; no more initializers 3 Size of 'a', in 16-bit words - 62 - ___EEE___xxx___ttt___eee___nnn___ddd___eee___ddd___ ___EEE___xxx___aaa___mmm___ppp___lll___eee___sss These examples should illustrate some global aspects of using the code generator. They include a segment of C source code, the (annotated) intermediate form code produced by the C front end, and the (annotated) assembly language generated by the VCG. BBBaaasssiiiccc VVVCCCGGG IIInnnpppuuuttt CCC CCCooodddeee extern int e1, e2; /* defined outside this module */ int v1, v2; /* defined here, visible outside */ static int s1, s2; /* defined here, not visible outside */ proc1 () /* procedure defined here, visible outside */ { } proc2 () /* more of the same */ { } IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 111 32 A MODULE_OP; begins the input module 59 SEQ_OP; initiates the sequence of entry points 7 Object number 7 is an entry point... 5 whose name is 5 characters long... 240 p 242 r 239 o 227 c 177 1 59 SEQ_OP; next member of the list of entry points 8 Object number 8 is an entry point... 5 whose name is 5 characters long... 240 p 242 r 239 o 227 c 178 2 59 SEQ_OP; next member of the list of entry points 3 Object number 3 is an entry point... 2 whose name is 2 characters long... 246 v - 63 - 177 1 59 SEQ_OP; next member of the list of entry points 4 Object number 4 is an entry point... 2 whose name is 2 characters long... 246 v 178 2 39 NULL_OP; terminates the list of entries in this module 39 NULL_OP; terminates the list of modules in the input IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 222 32 MODULE_OP; beginning of this input module 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of static data declarations list 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP; reserve space for an object 3 Object ID is 3 39 NULL_OP; there are no initializers for this object 1 Its size is 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; next element of declarations list 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP; reserve space for an object 4 Object ID is 4 39 NULL_OP; there are no initializers for this object 1 Its size is 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; next element of declarations list 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP; reserve space for an object 5 Object ID is 5 39 NULL_OP; there are no initializers for this object 1 Its size is 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; next element of declarations list 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP; reserve space for an object 6 Object ID is 6 39 NULL_OP; there are no initializers for this object 1 Its size is 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; next element of declarations list 11 DECLARE_STAT_OP; declare object defined outside this module 1 Object ID is 1 2 Name has 2 characters... 229 e 177 1 59 SEQ_OP; next element of declarations list 11 DECLARE_STAT_OP; declare object defined outside this module 2 Object ID is 2 2 Name has 2 characters... 229 e 178 2 39 NULL_OP; end of static data definition/declaration list 39 NULL_OP; end of modules in input stream IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 333 32 MODULE_OP; beginning of next module in input stream 59 SEQ_OP; first element of procedure definitions list 50 PROC_DEFN_OP; procedure definition follows 7 Procedure is object number 7 0 Procedure has no arguments - 64 - 5 Procedure name is 5 characters long... 240 p 242 r 239 o 227 c 177 1 39 NULL_OP; empty argument description list 39 NULL_OP; no code for this procedure 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure definitions list 50 PROC_DEFN_OP; procedure definition follows 8 Procedure is object number 8 0 Procedure has no arguments 5 Procedure name is 5 characters long... 240 p 242 r 239 o 227 c 178 2 39 NULL_OP; empty argument description list 39 NULL_OP; no code for this procedure 39 NULL_OP; end of procedure definitions list (and this module) 39 NULL_OP; end of modules in this input stream PPPMMMAAA CCCooodddeee SEG Assemble in 64V mode RLIT Place literals in procedure frame SYML Allow 8-character external names ENT PROC1,L7_ PROC1 is an entry point with address L7_ ENT PROC2,L8_ Similarly for PROC2, ENT V1,L3_ V1, ENT V2,L4_ and V2 LINK Output data in link (static) frame L3_ EQU * BSZ '1 Reserve one word for L3_, init to zero PROC Output data in proc (procedure) frame LINK L4_ EQU * BSZ '1 Reserve one word for L4_, init to zero PROC LINK L5_ EQU * BSZ '1 Reserve one word for L5_, init to zero PROC LINK L6_ EQU * BSZ '1 Reserve one word for L6_, init to zero PROC LINK EXT E1 Declare symbol E1 external to this module L1_ EQU * IP E1 Generate a pointer for the loader to fill in PROC LINK EXT E2 Declare symbol E2 external to this module - 65 - L2_ EQU * IP E2 Generate a pointer for the loader PROC PROC L65535_ EQU * Beginning of a procedure EAL L7_ Set up stack frame owner pointer for debugging STL SB%+18 LDA ='4000 STA% SB% PRTN "Procedure Return" at end of procedure L7_ ECB L65535_,,SB%+'0,0,'24 Entry control block for procedure DATA '5 PL/I character varying form procedure name DATA '170362 DATA '167743 DATA '130405 PROC L65534_ EQU * Beginning of second procedure EAL L8_ Set up stack frame owner pointer STL SB%+18 LDA ='4000 STA% SB% PRTN L8_ ECB L65534_,,SB%+'0,0,'24 Entry control block DATA '5 Procedure name DATA '170362 DATA '167743 DATA '131370 END End of this module - 66 - SSStttooorrraaagggeee AAAllllllooocccaaatttiiiooonnn CCC CCCooodddeee int i, /* a static integer variable */ ii [10]; /* a static integer array */ struct { int f1, f2; } s; /* a static structure with two integer fields */ main (argc, argv) /* a non-trivial procedure, with arguments */ int argc; /* integer argument */ char **argv; /* pointer-to-pointer-to-character argument */ { int li, /* a local integer variable */ lii [10]; /* a local integer array */ struct { int m1, m2; } ls; /* a local structure with two integer fields */ i; /* use of various things in expressions */ ii [0]; s.f1; li; lii [0]; ls.m1; argv; argc; } IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 111 32 MODULE_OP; beginning of next module in input stream 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of entry point declaration list 1 Object number 1 is an entry point... 1 whose name is 1 character long... 233 i 59 SEQ_OP; next member of entry point list 3 Object number 3 is an entry point... 1 whose name is 1 character long... 243 s 59 SEQ_OP; next member of entry point list 4 Object number 4 is an entry point... 4 whose name is 4 characters long... 237 m 225 a 233 i 238 n 59 SEQ_OP; next member of entry point list 2 Object number 2 is an entry point... - 67 - 2 whose name is 2 characters long... 233 i 233 i 39 NULL_OP; end of entry point list (and this module) 39 NULL_OP; end of modules in this input stream IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 222 32 MODULE_OP; beginning of next module 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of static data declarations/definitions 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP; reserve space for a static variable 1 Object ID is 1 39 NULL_OP; no initializers for this variable 1 Object size is 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; next member of static data list 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP; reserve space for a static variable 2 Object ID is 2 39 NULL_OP; no initializers for this variable 10 Object size is 10 words 59 SEQ_OP; next member of static data list 14 DEFINE_STAT_OP; reserve space for a static variable 3 Object ID is 3 39 NULL_OP; no initializers for this variable 2 Object size is 2 words 39 NULL_OP; end of static data list 39 NULL_OP; end of modules in this input stream IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 333 32 MODULE_OP; beginning of next module in input stream 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of procedure definition list 50 PROC_DEFN_OP; procedure definition follows 4 Object ID of procedure is 4 2 Procedure has 2 arguments 4 Procedure name is 4 characters long... 237 m 225 a 233 i 238 n 49 PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP; description of first argument 5 Argument has object ID 5 1 Argument has mode 1 (INTEGER) 0 Argument has disposition 0 (pass-by-value) 1 Argument is 1 word long 49 PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP; description of second argument 6 Argument has object ID 6 4 Argument has mode 4 (LONG UNSIGNED, or pointer) 1 Argument has disposition 1 (pass-by-reference) 2 Argument is 2 words long 39 NULL_OP; end of argument descriptor list 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of procedure code 13 DEFINE_DYNM_OP; reserve space for local variable 7 Object ID 7 39 NULL_OP; no initializers - 68 - 1 Size 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code 13 DEFINE_DYNM_OP; reserve space for local variable 8 Object ID 8 39 NULL_OP; no initializers 10 Size 10 words 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code 13 DEFINE_DYNM_OP; reserve space for local variable 9 Object ID 9 39 NULL_OP; no initializers 2 Size 2 words 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code 40 OBJECT_OP; (this is actually an expression subtree) 1 Mode 1 (INTEGER) 1 Object ID 1 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code 25 INDEX_OP; again, the top of an expression subtree 1 Mode 1 (INTEGER) 40 OBJECT_OP; this one is the base address of the array 7 Mode 7 (STOWED) 2 Object ID 2 9 CONST_OP; this one is the index expression 1 Mode 1 (INTEGER) 1 Length is 1 word 0 Value of word is 0 1 Array element size is 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code 58 SELECT_OP; again, the top of an expression subtree 1 Mode 1 (INTEGER) 0 Field to be selected has word offset 0 from base 40 OBJECT_OP; the base address of the structure 7 Mode 7 (STOWED) 3 Object ID 3 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code 40 OBJECT_OP; an expression, again 1 Mode 1 (INTEGER) 7 Object ID is 7 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code 25 INDEX_OP; using an array element as an expression 1 Mode 1 (INTEGER) 40 OBJECT_OP; this is the base of the array being indexed 7 Mode 7 (STOWED) 8 Object ID is 8 9 CONST_OP; this is the subscript expression 1 MODE 1 (INTEGER) 1 Length of constant is 1 word 0 Value of constant is 0 1 Array element size is 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code 58 SELECT_OP; using struct field as an expression 1 Mode 1 (INTEGER) 0 Offset of selected field is 0 words from base 40 OBJECT_OP; this is the base address of the structure 7 Mode 7 (STOWED) 9 Object ID is 9 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code - 69 - 40 OBJECT_OP; just the top of an expression tree 4 Mode 4 (LONG_UNSIGNED, or pointer) 6 Object ID is 6 59 SEQ_OP; next element of procedure code 40 OBJECT_OP; an expression, again 1 Mode 1 (INTEGER) 5 Object ID is 5 39 NULL_OP; end of procedure body code (and proc defn) 39 NULL_OP; end of procedure defn list (and this module) 39 NULL_OP; end of this input stream PPPMMMAAA CCCooodddeee SEG Assemble in 64V mode RLIT Place literals in procedure frame SYML Allow 8-character external symbols ENT I,L1_ I is an entry point, with address L1_ ENT S,L3_ S is an entry point, with address L3_ ENT MAIN,L4_ MAIN is an entry point, with address L4_ ENT II,L2_ II is an entry point, with address L2_ LINK Emit data in link (static data) frame L1_ EQU * BSZ '1 Reserve 1 word for L1_ PROC LINK L2_ EQU * BSZ '12 Reserve 10 words ('12 octal) for L2_ PROC LINK L3_ EQU * BSZ '2 Reserve 2 words for L3_ PROC PROC L65535_ EQU * Beginning of a procedure ARGT Transfer arguments from caller EAL L4_ Set up stack frame owner pointer for debugging STL SB%+18 LDA ='4000 STA% SB% LDA SB%+'24,* Make copy of pass-by-value arguments STA SB%+'24 LDA LB%+'400 Evaluate expression 1, LDA LB%+'401 2, LDA LB%+'413 3, LDA SB%+'25 4, LDA SB%+'32 5, LDA SB%+'44 6, LDL SB%+'27 7, LDA SB%+'24 8 PRTN Return from the procedure L4_ ECB L65535_,,SB%+'24,2,'46 Entry control block DATA '4 PL/I char varying procedure name DATA '166741 DATA '164756 END End of this PMA module - 70 - SSStttrrriiinnnggg CCCooopppyyy CCC CCCooodddeee strcpy (s, t) /* copy string s to string t */ char s[], t[]; { int i; /* a local integer variable, for indexing */ i = 0; /* start at first char */ while ((t[i] = s[i]) != '\0') /* copy until a zero char is seen */ i += 1; /* incrementing the index each time */ } IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 111 32 MODULE_OP; begins the input module 59 SEQ_OP; begins sequence of entry points 1 Object number 1 is an entry point 6 whose name is 6 characters long... 243 s 244 t 242 r 227 c 240 p 249 y 39 NULL_OP; terminates entry point list 39 NULL_OP; terminates list of modules in the input IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 222 32 MODULE_OP; begins the input module 39 NULL_OP; terminates the sequence of static data definitions 39 NULL_OP; terminates list of modules in the input IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 333 32 MODULE_OP; begins next module in the input stream 59 SEQ_OP; first procedure definition follows 50 PROC_DEFN_OP; procedure definition follows 1 Procedure is object number 1 2 There are 2 arguments, described below. 6 Procedure name is 6 characters long... 243 s 244 t 242 r 227 c 240 p 249 y 49 PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP; description of argument number 1 2 Argument is object number 2 4 LONG_UNS_MODE; argument is a pointer - 71 - 1 REF_DISP; argument is passed-by-reference 2 Argument is 2 words long 49 PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP; description of argument number 2 3 Argument is object number 3 4 LONG_UNS_MODE; argument is a pointer 1 REF_DISP; argument is passed-by-reference 2 Argument is 2 words long 39 NULL_OP; end of argument descriptions 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of procedure code list 13 DEFINE_DYNM_OP; declare a local variable 4 Variable has object id 4 39 No initializers 1 Variable is 1 word in length 59 SEQ_OP; next element of code list 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 4 Object id is 4 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant has length 1 0 Constant has value 0 1 Assignment transfers 1 word 59 SEQ_OP; next element of code list 65 WHILE_OP 37 NE_OP 1 INT_MODE 5 ASSIGN_OP 1 INT_MODE 25 INDEX_OP; the LHS of the assignment 1 INT_MODE 15 DEREF_OP; this is the base address 7 STOWED_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 3 Object id is 3 40 OBJECT_OP; this is the subscript 1 INT_MODE 4 Object id is 4 1 Array element size is 1 word 25 INDEX_OP; the RHS of the assignment 1 INT_MODE 15 DEREF_OP; the base address expression 7 STOWED_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 2 Object id is 2 40 OBJECT_OP; the subscript, again 1 INT_MODE 4 Object id is 4 1 Array element size is 1 word 1 Assignment transfers 1 word 9 CONST_OP; the right operand of the NE_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Constant is 1 word long - 72 - 0 Constant has value 0 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of the body of the WHILE loop 1 ADDAA_OP 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 4 Object id is 4 9 CONST_OP 1 INT_MODE 1 Length is 1 word 1 Value is 1 39 NULL_OP; end of the body of the WHILE loop 39 NULL_OP; end of the statements for the current procedure 39 NULL_OP; end of the procedure definitions in this module 39 NULL_OP; end of this input stream PPPMMMAAA CCCooodddeee SEG RLIT SYML ENT STRCPY,L1_ PROC L65535_ EQU * ARGT Transfer arguments from caller EAL L1_ Set up stack frame owner pointer for debugging STL SB%+18 LDA ='4000 STA% SB% CRA Load A with zero STA SB%+'32 Store in i JMP L65533_ Enter the WHILE loop at the test FIN (dump literals here) L65532_ EQU * Top of the WHILE loop body IRS SB%+'32 Increment i RCB (takes two instructions on this turkey machine) L65533_ EQU * WHILE loop test starts here LDX SB%+'32 Load index register with i LDA SB%+'24,*X Load next character in string s STA SB%+'27,*X Store it in next position in string t BNE L65532_ If it's non-zero, go back for more characters L65534_ EQU * Exit label for the WHILE loop PRTN Return from string copy procedure L1_ ECB L65535_,,SB%+'24,2,'33 DATA '6 DATA '171764 DATA '171343 DATA '170371 END - 73 - TTTrrreeeeee PPPrrriiinnnttt CCC CCCooodddeee /* recursive tree-printing routine */ #define NULL 0 /* a nil pointer */ struct TNODE /* the data structure out of which the tree is built */ { int value; struct TNODE *left, *right; }; typedef struct TNODE tnode; /* create a new type, for convenience */ treeprint (t) tnode *t; { if (t != NULL) { treeprint (t->left); printf ("%4d\n", t->value); /* output the 'value' field */ treeprint (t->right); } } IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 111 32 MODULE_OP; beginning of next module in input stream 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of list of entry point declarations 1 Object number 1 is an entry point 9 whose name is 9 characters long... 244 t 242 r 229 e 229 e 240 p 242 r 233 i 238 n 244 t 39 NULL_OP; end of entry point list for this module 39 NULL_OP; end of modules in this input stream IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 222 32 MODULE_OP; beginning of next module in this input stream 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of list of static data definitions 11 DECLARE_STAT_OP; declare an externally-defined object 3 Object has object id 3 6 Name of object is 6 characters long... 240 p - 74 - 242 r 233 i 238 n 244 t 230 f 39 NULL_OP; end of static data for this module 39 NULL_OP; end of modules in this input stream IIIMMMFFF SSStttrrreeeaaammm 333 32 MODULE_OP; beginning of next module in input stream 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of list of procedure definitions 50 PROC_DEFN_OP; procedure definition follows 1 Procedure has object id 1 1 Procedure has 1 argument 9 Procedure name is 9 characters long... 244 t 242 r 229 e 229 e 240 p 242 r 233 i 238 n 244 t 49 PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP; description of procedure argument 2 Argument has object id 2 4 Argument has mode LONG_UNS (it's a pointer) 1 Argument has REF disposition (pass-by-reference) 2 Argument is 2 words long 39 NULL_OP; no further argument descriptions 59 SEQ_OP; beginning of statement list 24 IF_OP 1 INT_MODE 37 NE_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 2 Object has id 2 9 CONST_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 2 Constant has length 2 0 First word of constant is 0 0 Second word of constant is 0 59 SEQ_OP; then-part of IF statement follows 48 PROC_CALL_OP (for treeprint) 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP; this is the base address 7 STOWED_MODE; arbitrary, for procs. 1 Object id of procedure is 1 47 PROC_CALL_ARG_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 15 DEREF_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 58 SELECT_OP - 75 - 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 1 Field offset is 1 word 15 DEREF_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 2 Object id is 2 39 NULL_OP; end of argument list 59 SEQ_OP; next element of IF body follows 48 PROC_CALL_OP (for printf) 1 INT_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP; the base address 7 STOWED_MODE; ignored in this case 3 Object id of procedure is 3 47 PROC_CALL_ARG_OP 1 INT_MODE 15 DEREF_OP 1 INT_MODE 51 REFTO_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE (pointer to char) 9 CONST_OP; this is the string 7 STOWED_MODE 5 Length is 5 words 165 Value is % 180 4 228 d 138 newline 0 0 47 PROC_CALL_ARG_OP 1 INT_MODE 58 SELECT_OP 1 INT_MODE 0 Field is at offset 0 15 DEREF_OP; base address of struct 7 STOWED_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 2 Object id is 2 39 NULL_OP; end of argument list 59 SEQ_OP; next element of body of IF follows 48 PROC_CALL_OP 1 INT_MODE (ignored) 40 OBJECT_OP; the procedure address 7 STOWED_MODE 1 Object id is 1 47 PROC_CALL_ARG_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 15 DEREF_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 58 SELECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE 3 Field has offset 3 words 15 DEREF_OP 7 STOWED_MODE 40 OBJECT_OP 4 LONG_UNS_MODE - 76 - 2 Object id is 2 39 NULL_OP; end of treeprint args 39 NULL_OP; end of then-part of IF 39 NULL_OP; omitted else-part of the IF 39 NULL_OP; end of statements in this procedure 39 NULL_OP; end of procedure definition list (and this module) 39 NULL_OP; end of modules in this input stream PPPMMMAAA CCCooodddeee SEG RLIT SYML ENT TREEPRINT,L1_ Make 'treeprint' available outside this module LINK EXT PRINTF L3_ EQU * IP PRINTF Use 'printf', defined outside this module PROC PROC L65535_ EQU * Beginning of 'treeprint' ARGT Transfer arguments from caller EAL L1_ Set up stack frame owner pointer for debugging STL SB%+18 LDA ='4000 STA% SB% LDL SB%+'24 If the argument... BLEQ L65534_ nonzero... LDX ='1 we first get the pointer in the 'left' field EAXB SB%+'24,*X by addressing the field with XB LDL XB%+'0 then loading the value of the pointer into L STL SB%+'27 then storing it in a temporary PCL L1_ call 'treeprint' recursively AP SB%+'27,*SL using the temporary to pass the value LINK DATA '245 This is the format string for 'printf'... DATA '264 ...value is "%4d\n\0" DATA '344 DATA '212 DATA '0 PROC PCL LB%+'400,* Here's the call to 'printf' AP LB%+'402,S passing the formatting string AP SB%+'24,*SL and the value field of the current tnode LDX ='3 Now we get the pointer in the 'right' field EAXB SB%+'24,*X pretty much as we did it before LDL XB%+'0 STL SB%+'27 PCL L1_ and call 'treeprint', AP SB%+'27,*SL passing it the pointer to the right subtree L65534_ EQU * PRTN return from 'treeprint' L1_ ECB L65535_,,SB%+'24,1,'31 DATA '11 DATA '172362 - 77 - DATA '162745 DATA '170362 DATA '164756 DATA '172041 END - 78 - ___TTT___hhh___eee___ ___'''___DDD___rrr___iii___fff___ttt___'''___ ___CCC___ooo___mmm___ppp___iii___lll___eee___rrr TTThhheee '''DDDrrriiifffttt''' LLLaaannnggguuuaaagggeee DDDeeessscccrrriiippptttiiiooonnn 'Drift' is an extremely simplified programming language for computers with Von Neumann-style architectures. While too restrictive to be generally useful, it does have a few interest- ing features. It is an expression-oriented language rather than statement-oriented; non-declarative constructs generally yield a value of some sort. The syntax is intended to be conducive to simple error recovery schemes (particularly to panic-mode symbol skipping) while retaining a reasonable degree of cleanliness and human engineering (for example, statements are terminated by end- of-line, rather than some delimiter like a semicolon; continuations across lines are represented explicitly by an '&'). The semantics of the language closely reflect the expression- oriented semantics of the VCG itself. 'Drift' programs are composed of variable declarations, function declarations, and expressions. Variables may be global in scope or restricted to the function in which they are declared. Function declarations may not be nested. All variables represent floating point quantities; all functions return floating point quantities. The return value of a function is the return value of the last expression in the expression series that comprises its body. Functions may be recursive and need not be defined before use. The function named 'main' is assumed to be the main program, and will be invoked by whatever environment supports 'drift' programs. Expressions are made of the four standard operators (+, -, *, /), assignment ('=', treated uniformly as an arithmetic operator yielding the value of its right-hand-side), two-way selection ('if'), and a loop ('while'). Variables in expressions yield their values (or take on new ones if used as the left operand of an assignment operator). They must be declared before they are used. Function calls in expressions cause parameters to be passed by value to the named function; the value returned by the function then takes the place of the call in the expression. The quad ('#') is a pseudovariable used for input/output. When used in the right-hand-side of an assignment, it causes input of a floating point value from standard input; when used in the left-hand-side, it causes output of the right-hand-side to stan- dard output. BBBNNNFFF The syntax of 'drift' presented below employs the extended BNF used throughout the Software Tools Subsystem documentation. - 79 - Alternatives enclosed in curly braces {} may be repeated any num- ber of times, including zero. Alternatives enclosed in square brackets [] may be used once or not at all. program -> newlines {declaration newlines} eof declaration -> global_variable_declaration | function_declaration global_variable_declaration -> 'float' identifier {',' newlines identifier} identifier -> letter {letter | digit | '_'} newlines -> {NEWLINE} function_declaration -> 'function' identifier '(' formal_parameters ')' newlines {local_variable_declaration newlines} series newlines 'end_function' formal_parameters -> [identifier {',' newlines identifier}] local_variable_declaration -> 'float' identifier {',' newlines identifier} series -> expression newlines {expression newlines} expression -> sum {'=' sum} sum -> term {('+' | '-') term} term -> primary {('*' | '/') primary} primary -> '#' | 'null' | number | identifier | identifier '(' actual_parameters ')' | loop | conditional | '(' series ')' loop -> - 80 - 'while' newlines series newlines 'do' newlines series newlines 'od' conditional -> 'if' newlines series newlines 'then' newlines series newlines ['else' newlines series newlines] 'fi' actual_parameters -> [series {',' newlines series}] EEExxxaaammmpppllleeesss The following programs compute the value of a base raised to a positive integer exponent. The first is iterative, while the second is recursive. -- A sample program in 'drift' float x, y function power (base, exponent) float result result = 1 while exponent -- that is, while exponent <> 0 do result = result * base exponent = exponent - 1 od result end_function function main () x = # y = # # = power (x, y) end_function -- The same sample, only done recursively float x, y function power (base, exponent) if exponent - 81 - then base * power (base, exponent - 1) else 1 fi end_function function main () x = # y = # # = power (x, y) end_function TTThhheee CCCooommmpppiiillleeerrr The 'drift' compiler was implemented in Ratfor under the Software Tools Subsystem in about two man-days. Conceptually, it generates intermediate form code for the VCG in two passes: the first (lexical and syntactic) generates an internal form used only by the front end, while the second (semantic) does semantic checking and converts the internal form to IMF. The lexical analyzer used in the compiler is a fairly stan- dard one employed in a number of Software Tools Subsystem programs because of its compactness and high speed. It resides almost entirely in the subroutine 'getsym'. The parser code is input to 'stacc', a recursive-descent parser generator that is part of the Software Tools package. The production for 'program' is actually the main routine of the com- piler. Note that very little attempt is made to recover from syntactic errors; the purpose of the compiler is the demonstra- tion of code generation, not parsing. The parser drives the com- pilation process, making calls on the lexical analyzer and inter- nal form code generation routines as necessary. The IMF generation process is concentrated in the subroutine 'semantic_analysis' and its descendents. This routine invokes 'void_context', 'lvalue_context', and 'rvalue_context' to propagate contextual information during a traversal of the inter- nal form tree. The bulk of the IMF generation takes place in 'rvalue_context', since most operators yield floating point values. Special cases are handled in the other two contexts: left-hand-sides of assignments by 'lvalue_context' and constructs that don't yield values by 'void_context'. Since the internal form is tree structured, the translation to IMF is straightfor- ward. GGGlllooobbbaaalll VVVaaarrriiiaaabbbllleee DDDeeefffiiinnniiitttiiiooonnnsss # global variables for 'drift' compiler # dynamic storage used by symbol table routines: DS_DECL (Mem, MEMSIZE) - 82 - # symbol tables: pointer Functions, Globals, Locals, Reserved_words common /stcom/ Functions, Globals, Locals, Reserved_words # lexical stuff: character Inbuf (INBUFSIZE), Symtext (MAX_SYM_LEN) integer Symbol, Ibp, Current_line real Symval common /lexcom/ Inbuf, Symtext, Symbol, Ibp, Current_line, Symval # files for I/O: filedes In_stream, Ent_stream, Data_stream, Code_stream common /filcom/ In_stream, Ent_stream, Data_stream, Code_stream # internal form memory: integer Ifmem (INTERNAL_FORM_MEMSIZE), Next_ifmem common /if1com/ Ifmem common /if2com/ Next_ifmem # semantic stack: ifpointer Stack (SEMANTIC_STACK_SIZE) integer Sp common /semcom/ Sp, Stack # other junk: integer Next_obj_id, Ex$in_id, Ex$out_id, Error_count common /miscom/ Next_obj_id, Ex$in_id, Ex$out_id, Error_count PPPaaarrrssseeerrr SSSooouuurrrccceee CCCooodddeee # 'stacc' parser for drift .common "drift_com.r.i"; # file containing global variables .symbol Symbol; # "current symbol" variable .scanner getsym; # name of lexical analysis routine .state state; # "parse state" variable .terminal # terminal symbols 256 # start higher than largest character value FLOAT_SYM ID_SYM FUNCTION_SYM END_FUNCTION_SYM NULL_SYM NUMBER_SYM WHILE_SYM DO_SYM OD_SYM IF_SYM THEN_SYM ELSE_SYM - 83 - FI_SYM ; NEWLINE EOF ; program -> ! call begin_program nls { declaration nls } EOF. ! call end_program ? call pmr ("EOF expected*n"p, state) ; declaration -> global_variable_declaration | function_declaration ; global_variable_declaration -> FLOAT_SYM ID_SYM ! call declare_global_variable (Symtext) ? call pmr ("missing identifier*n"p, state, state) { ',' nls ID_SYM ! call declare_global_variable (Symtext) ? call pmr ("missing identifier*n"p, state) } ; nls -> { NEWLINE } ; - 84 - function_declaration -> FUNCTION_SYM ID_SYM ! call begin_function (Symtext) ? call pmr ("missing function name*n"p, state) '(' ! call make_null ? call pmr ("missing parameters*n"p, state) formal_parameters ! call make_function_parameters ')' ? call pmr ("missing ')'*n"p, state) nls ! call make_null { local_variable_declaration nls } series ! call make_function_body ? call pmr ("missing function body*n"p, state) nls END_FUNCTION_SYM ! call end_function ? call pmr ("missing 'end_function'*n"p, state) ; formal_parameters -> ID_SYM ! call declare_formal_parameter (Symtext) { ',' nls ID_SYM ! call declare_formal_parameter (Symtext) ? call pmr ("missing identifier*n"p, state) } | epsilon ; local_variable_declaration -> FLOAT_SYM ID_SYM ! call declare_local_variable (Symtext) ? call pmr ("missing identifier*n"p, state) { ',' nls ID_SYM - 85 - ! call declare_local_variable (Symtext) ? call pmr ("missing identifier*n"p, state) } ; series -> expression nls { expression ! call sequentialize nls } ; expression -> sum { '=' sum ! call make_dyad (ASSIGN_NODE) ? call pmr ("missing right-hand-side*n"p, state) } ; sum -> ! integer node term { ( '+' ! node = ADD_NODE | '-' ! node = SUBTRACT_NODE ) term ! call make_dyad (node) ? call pmr ("missing right operand*n"p, state) } ; term -> ! integer node primary { ( - 86 - '*' ! node = MULTIPLY_NODE | '/' ! node = DIVIDE_NODE ) primary ! call make_dyad (node) ? call pmr ("missing right operand*n"p, state) } ; primary -> ! character id (MAX_SYM_LEN) '#' ! call make_quad | NULL_SYM ! call make_null | NUMBER_SYM ! call make_constant (Symval) | ID_SYM ! call scopy (Symtext, 1, id, 1) ( '(' actual_parameters ')' ! call make_call (id) ? call pmr ("missing ')'*n"p, state) | epsilon ! call make_object (id) ) | loop | conditional | '(' series ')' ? call pmr ("missing ')'*n"p, state) ; loop -> WHILE_SYM nls series ? call pmr ("missing loop condition*n"p, state) - 87 - nls DO_SYM ? call pmr ("missing 'do'*n"p, state) nls series ? call pmr ("missing loop body*n"p, state) nls OD_SYM ! call make_loop ? call pmr ("missing 'od'*n"p, state) ; conditional -> IF_SYM nls series ? call pmr ("missing 'if' condition*n"p, state) nls THEN_SYM ? call pmr ("missing 'then'*n"p, state) nls series ? call pmr ("missing then_part*n"p, state) ( ELSE_SYM nls series ? call pmr ("missing else_part*n"p, state) nls | nls ! call make_null ) FI_SYM ! call make_conditional ? call pmr ("missing 'fi'*n"p, state) ; actual_parameters -> ! call make_null series ! call make_actual_parameter { ',' nls series ! call make_actual_parameter ? call pmr ("missing parameter after ','*n"p, state) } | - 88 - epsilon ; RRReeemmmaaaiiinnndddeeerrr ooofff CCCooommmpppiiillleeerrr SSSooouuurrrccceee CCCooodddeee # drift --- sample compiler for VCG demonstration define (GLOBAL_VARIABLES,"drift_com.r.i") define (MAX_SYM_LEN, MAXLINE) define (MEMSIZE, 4096) define (SEMANTIC_STACK_SIZE, 100) define (INTERNAL_FORM_MEMSIZE, 20000) define (INBUFSIZE, 300) define (PBLIMIT, 150) define (UNDEFINED, 0) define (DEFINED, 1) define (ifpointer, integer) define (unknown, integer) # Types of internal form nodes: define (ADD_NODE,1) define (ARG_NODE,2) define (ASSIGN_NODE,3) define (CALL_NODE,4) define (COND_NODE,5) define (CONSTANT_NODE,6) define (DECLARE_VAR_NODE,7) define (DIVIDE_NODE,8) define (FUNCTION_NODE,9) define (IO_NODE,10) define (LOOP_NODE,11) define (MULTIPLY_NODE,12) define (NULL_NODE,13) define (PARAM_NODE,14) define (SEQ_NODE,15) define (SUBTRACT_NODE,16) define (VAR_NODE,17) define (LAST_NODE_TYPE,VAR_NODE) # Elements of internal form records: define (ARG_EXPR (n), Ifmem (n + 2)) define (ARG_LIST (n), Ifmem (n + 3)) define (COND (n), Ifmem (n + 2)) define (ELSE_PART (n), Ifmem (n + 4)) define (FUNC_BODY (n), Ifmem (n + 5)) define (LEFT (n), Ifmem (n + 2)) define (LINE_NUM (n), Ifmem (n + 1)) define (LOOP_BODY (n), Ifmem (n + 3)) define (NODE_TYPE (n), Ifmem (n)) define (NPARAMS (n), Ifmem (n + 4)) define (OBJ_ID (n), Ifmem (n + 2)) define (PARAM_LIST (n), Ifmem (n + 3)) - 89 - define (RIGHT (n), Ifmem (n + 3)) define (THEN_PART (n), Ifmem (n + 3)) define (WORD1 (n), Ifmem (n + 2)) define (WORD2 (n), Ifmem (n + 3)) include "drift.stacc.defs" # macro defns. produced by 'stacc' include "/uc/allen/vcg/vcg_defs.r.i" # macro defns. for IMF operators integer state call program (state) if (state ~= ACCEPT) call error ("syntactically incorrect program"p) stop end include "drift.stacc.r" # Ratfor source code produced by 'stacc' # begin_function --- set up environment for compiling a function subroutine begin_function (name) character name (ARB) include GLOBAL_VARIABLES pointer mktabl integer info2 (2) integer lookup, gen_id ifpointer func_node ifpointer ialloc Next_ifmem = 1 # initialize internal form memory Locals = mktabl (1) # initialize local variable symbol table Sp = 0 # initialize semantic stack pointer # Place function name in 'Functions' table, if it's not already there if (lookup (name, info2, Functions) == YES) if (info2 (2) == DEFINED) call warning ("function *s multiply defined*n"p, name) else { info2 (2) = DEFINED call enter (name, info2, Functions) } else { info2 (1) = gen_id (1) info2 (2) = DEFINED call enter (name, info2, Functions) } - 90 - # Output an entry point definition for the procedure: call emit (SEQ_OP, Ent_stream) call emit (info2 (1), Ent_stream) # object id of function call emit_string (name, Ent_stream) # function name # Put function node on semantic stack: func_node = ifalloc (FUNCTION_NODE) NPARAMS (func_node) = 0 OBJ_ID (func_node) = info2 (1) call push (func_node) return end # begin_program --- do pre-program initialization subroutine begin_program include GLOBAL_VARIABLES pointer mktabl filedes create, open character infile (MAXARG) integer getarg, gen_id call dsinit (MEMSIZE) # init. dynamic storage Functions = mktabl (2) # symbol table for function names Globals = mktabl (1) # symbol table for global variables Reserved_words = mktabl (1) # symbol table for reserved words Next_obj_id = 1 # for object id generator Error_count = 0 Ibp = 1 # buffer pointer... Inbuf (Ibp) = EOS # ...and input buffer used by lexer Current_line = 0 # open input file specified on command line: if (getarg (1, infile, MAXARG) == EOF) In_stream = STDIN else { In_stream = open (infile, READ) if (In_stream == ERR) call cant (infile) } # create temporary files for passing the IMF to the code generator: Ent_stream = create ("_drift_.ct1"s, READWRITE) Data_stream = create ("_drift_.ct2"s, READWRITE) Code_stream = create ("_drift_.ct3"s, READWRITE) if (Ent_stream == ERR || Data_stream == ERR || Code_stream == ERR) call error ("can't open temporary files _drift_.ct[1-3]"p) - 91 - call emit (MODULE_OP, Ent_stream) call emit (MODULE_OP, Data_stream) call emit (MODULE_OP, Code_stream) # define object id's for the two run-time routines we'll need: Ex$in_id = gen_id (1) # run-time routine for input call emit (SEQ_OP, Data_stream) call emit (DECLARE_STAT_OP, Data_stream) call emit (Ex$in_id, Data_stream) call emit_string ("EX$IN"s, Data_stream) Ex$out_id = gen_id (1) # run-time routine for output call emit (SEQ_OP, Data_stream) call emit (DECLARE_STAT_OP, Data_stream) call emit (Ex$out_id, Data_stream) call emit_string ("EX$OUT"s, Data_stream) # build the reserved-word table used by the lexical analyzer: call enter ("do"s, DO_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("else"s, ELSE_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("end_function"s, END_FUNCTION_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("fi"s, FI_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("float"s, FLOAT_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("function"s, FUNCTION_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("if"s, IF_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("null"s, NULL_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("od"s, OD_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("then"s, THEN_SYM, Reserved_words) call enter ("while"s, WHILE_SYM, Reserved_words) # fire up lexical analysis: call getsym return end # declare_formal_parameter --- put formal param name in table, assign obj id subroutine declare_formal_parameter (name) character name (ARB) include GLOBAL_VARIABLES integer obj_id integer lookup, gen_id ifpointer param_node ifpointer ifalloc if (lookup (name, obj_id, Locals) == YES) { call warning ("*s: multiply declared*n"p, name) return } - 92 - obj_id = gen_id (1) call enter (name, obj_id, Locals) # create new parameter node and combine it with previous sequence # on the semantic stack: param_node = ifalloc (PARAM_NODE) OBJ_ID (param_node) = obj_id call push (param_node) call sequentialize NPARAMS (Stack (Sp - 1)) += 1 return end # declare_global_variable --- put name in global table, assign object id subroutine declare_global_variable (name) character name (ARB) include GLOBAL_VARIABLES integer obj_id integer lookup, gen_id if (lookup (name, obj_id, Globals) == YES) { call warning ("*s: multiply declared*n"p, name) return } obj_id = gen_id (1) call enter (name, obj_id, Globals) # go ahead and reserve space in the static data storage area for # the variable we just declared: call emit (SEQ_OP, Data_stream) call emit (DEFINE_STAT_OP, Data_stream) call emit (obj_id, Data_stream) call emit (NULL_OP, Data_stream) # no initializers call emit (2, Data_stream) # 2 words for a floating object return end # declare_local_variable --- enter name in local table, assign object id subroutine declare_local_variable (name) character name (ARB) include GLOBAL_VARIABLES integer obj_id - 93 - integer lookup, gen_id ifpointer decl_var_node ifpointer ifalloc if (lookup (name, obj_id, Locals) == YES) { call warning ("*s: multiply declared*n"p, name) return } obj_id = gen_id (1) call enter (name, obj_id, Locals) # make new variable declaration node and put it into a sequence # following all previously declared variables: decl_var_node = ifalloc (DECLARE_VAR_NODE) OBJ_ID (decl_var_node) = obj_id call push (decl_var_node) call sequentialize return end # emit --- place value on an output stream subroutine emit (val, stream) integer val filedes stream call print (stream, "*i*n"s, val) return end # emit_string --- place length of string and string on an output stream subroutine emit_string (str, stream) character str (ARB) filedes stream integer i integer length call emit (length (str), stream) for (i = 1; str (i) ~= EOS; i += 1) call emit (str (i), stream) return end - 94 - # end_function --- clean up after parse of a function is completed subroutine end_function include GLOBAL_VARIABLES call semantic_analysis (Stack (Sp)) call rmtabl (Locals) # get rid of all local variable information return end # end_program --- clean up after the entire program is parsed subroutine end_program include GLOBAL_VARIABLES pointer position integer info2 (2) integer sctabl character sym (MAX_SYM_LEN) logical first call close (In_stream) # terminate IMF streams by ending sequence of definitions, then # ending sequence of modules: call emit (NULL_OP, Ent_stream); call emit (NULL_OP, Ent_stream) call emit (NULL_OP, Data_stream); call emit (NULL_OP, Data_stream) call emit (NULL_OP, Code_stream); call emit (NULL_OP, Code_stream) call close (Ent_stream) call close (Data_stream) call close (Code_stream) # check function table for names that were referenced but not # declared; presumably these are externally compiled first = TRUE position = 0 while (sctabl (Functions, sym, info2, position) ~= EOF) if (info2 (2) == UNDEFINED) { if (first) { call print (STDOUT, "External symbols:*n"p) first = FALSE } call print (STDOUT, "*s*n"p, sym) } return end - 95 - # gen_id --- generate new object identifiers integer function gen_id (num_ids) integer num_ids include GLOBAL_VARIABLES gen_id = Next_obj_id Next_obj_id += num_ids return end # getsym --- get next symbol from input stream subroutine getsym include GLOBAL_VARIABLES procedure getchar forward procedure putback (c) forward procedure empty_buffer forward character c integer i integer getlin, lookup real ctor logical too_long, continuation continuation = FALSE # true if we want to ignore a line boundary repeat { # until we find a legal symbol repeat getchar until (c ~= ' 'c) select (c) when (NEWLINE) { Current_line += 1 Symbol = NEWLINE if (~continuation) break } when (';'c) { Symbol = NEWLINE # but no line number advance if (~continuation) - 96 - break } when ('-'c) { getchar if (c == '-'c) { # -- begins comments empty_buffer Current_line += 1 Symbol = NEWLINE if (~continuation) break } else { putback (c) Symbol = '-'c break } } when ('&'c) continuation = TRUE when ('+'c, '*'c, '/'c, '#'c, '('c, ')'c, ','c, '='c, EOF) { Symbol = c break } when (SET_OF_LETTERS) { # a-z or A-Z; starting an identifier too_long = FALSE i = 1 while (IS_LETTER (c) || IS_DIGIT (c) || c == '_'c) { Symtext (i) = c i += 1 if (i > MAX_SYM_LEN) { i -= 1 too_long = TRUE } getchar } putback (c) Symtext (i) = EOS if (too_long) call warning ("symbol beginning *s is too long*n"p, Symtext) if (lookup (Symtext, Symbol, Reserved_words) == NO) Symbol = ID_SYM break } when ('.'c, SET_OF_DIGITS) { putback (c) Symval = ctor (Inbuf, Ibp) # advances Ibp Symbol = NUMBER_SYM break } else - 97 - call warning ("'*c': unrecognized character*n"p, c) } # repeat until a valid symbol is found return # getchar --- get the next character from the input stream procedure getchar { if (Inbuf (Ibp) == EOS) # time to read a new buffer? if (getlin (Inbuf (PBLIMIT), In_stream) == EOF) c = EOF else { c = Inbuf (PBLIMIT) # pick up the first char read Ibp = PBLIMIT + 1 } else { # text was already available c = Inbuf (Ibp) Ibp += 1 } } # putback --- push a character back onto the input stream procedure putback (c) { character c if (Ibp <= 1) call error ("too many characters pushed back"p) else { Ibp -= 1 Inbuf (Ibp) = c } } # empty_buffer --- kill remainder of line in input buffer procedure empty_buffer { Inbuf (Ibp) = EOS # will force a read in 'getchar' } end # ifalloc --- allocate space for a particular type node in internal form memory ifpointer function ifalloc (node_type) - 98 - integer node_type include GLOBAL_VARIABLES # These declarations assume that the internal form node types form # a dense ascending sequence of integers from 1 to LAST_NODE_TYPE: integer sizeof (LAST_NODE_TYPE) data sizeof / _ 4, # ADD_NODE 3, # ARG_NODE 4, # ASSIGN_NODE 4, # CALL_NODE 5, # COND_NODE 4, # CONSTANT_NODE 3, # DECLARE_VAR_NODE 4, # DIVIDE_NODE 6, # FUNCTION_NODE 2, # IO_NODE 4, # LOOP_NODE 4, # MULTIPLY_NODE 2, # NULL_NODE 3, # PARAM_NODE 4, # SEQ_NODE 4, # SUBTRACT_NODE 3 _ # VAR_NODE / if (node_type < 1 || node_type > LAST_NODE_TYPE) call error ("ifalloc received bad node type"p) if (Next_ifmem + sizeof (node_type) > INTERNAL_FORM_MEMSIZE) call error ("insufficient internal form memory"p) ifalloc = Next_ifmem Next_ifmem += sizeof (node_type) NODE_TYPE (ifalloc) = node_type LINE_NUM (ifalloc) = Current_line return end # lvalue_context --- generate VCG code for constructs used as lvalues # (assumes I/O quads have already been eliminated from LHS's) subroutine lvalue_context (node) ifpointer node include GLOBAL_VARIABLES select (NODE_TYPE (node)) when (VAR_NODE) { call emit (OBJECT_OP, Code_stream) - 99 - call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (OBJ_ID (node), Code_stream) } when (SEQ_NODE) { if (NODE_TYPE (RIGHT (node)) == NULL_NODE) call lvalue_context (LEFT (node)) else { call emit (SEQ_OP, Code_stream) call void_context (LEFT (node)) call lvalue_context (RIGHT (node)) } } else call warning ("assignment on line *i has an illegal left side*n"p, LINE_NUM (node)) return end # make_actual_parameter --- link actual parameter expression to list subroutine make_actual_parameter include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer act_param ifpointer ifalloc, pop act_param = ifalloc (ARG_NODE) ARG_EXPR (act_param) = pop (0) call push (act_param) call sequentialize return end # make_call --- generate a call to a function subroutine make_call (name) character name (ARB) include GLOBAL_VARIABLES integer info2 (2) integer lookup, gen_id ifpointer call_node ifpointer ifalloc, pop # if function name is in Functions table, all is well; if not, - 100 - # we add it provisionally (it may be defined later). if (lookup (name, info2, Functions) == NO) { info2 (1) = gen_id (1) info2 (2) = UNDEFINED call enter (name, info2, Functions) } call_node = ifalloc (CALL_NODE) OBJ_ID (call_node) = info2 (1) ARG_LIST (call_node) = pop (0) call push (call_node) return end # make_conditional --- make conditional (if-then-else-fi) node subroutine make_conditional include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer cond ifpointer if_alloc, pop cond = if_alloc (COND_NODE) ELSE_PART (cond) = pop (0) THEN_PART (cond) = pop (0) COND (cond) = pop (0) call push (cond) return end # make_constant --- make constant node from given value subroutine make_constant (val) real val include GLOBAL_VARIABLES real rkluge integer ikluge (2) equivalence (rkluge, ikluge) # used to unpack floating point constants ifpointer cnode ifpointer ifalloc cnode = ifalloc (CONSTANT_NODE) rkluge = val WORD1 (cnode) = ikluge (1) WORD2 (cnode) = ikluge (2) - 101 - call push (cnode) return end # make_dyad --- make node for a dyadic operator (=, +, -, *, /) subroutine make_dyad (node_type) integer node_type include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer node ifpointer ifalloc, pop node = ifalloc (node_type) RIGHT (node) = pop (0) LEFT (node) = pop (0) call push (node) return end # make_function_body --- add function body to function definition node subroutine make_function_body include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer body ifpointer pop call sequentialize # combine declarations and code body = pop (0) # note deep-stack addressing makes sequencing FUNC_BODY (Stack (Sp)) = body # necessary... return end # make_function_parameters --- add params to function definition node subroutine make_function_parameters include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer params ifpointer pop params = pop (0) # note: deep-stack addressing makes use of PARAM_LIST (Stack (Sp)) = params # a particular sequence necessary - 102 - return end # make_loop --- pop cond and body off stack, generate a loop node subroutine make_loop include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer loop ifpointer ifalloc, pop loop = ifalloc (LOOP_NODE) LOOP_BODY (loop) = pop (0) COND (loop) = pop (0) call push (loop) return end # make_null --- push new "null operator" node on stack subroutine make_null include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer ifalloc call push (ifalloc (NULL_NODE)) return end # make_object --- push node referencing a variable on the stack subroutine make_object (name) character name (ARB) include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer node ifpointer ifalloc integer obj_id integer lookup node = ifalloc (VAR_NODE) if (lookup (name, obj_id, Locals) == NO && lookup (name, obj_id, Globals) == NO) { - 103 - call warning ("*s: undeclared identifier*n"p, name) obj_id = 0 } OBJ_ID (node) = obj_id call push (node) return end # make_quad --- generate an input/output operation node subroutine make_quad include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer ifalloc call push (ifalloc (IO_NODE)) return end # output_arguments --- output IMF for procedure call arguments subroutine output_arguments (arg_node) ifpointer arg_node include GLOBAL_VARIABLES select (NODE_TYPE (arg_node)) when (ARG_NODE) { call emit (PROC_CALL_ARG_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call rvalue_context (ARG_EXPR (arg_node)) } when (NULL_NODE) ; when (SEQ_NODE) { call output_arguments (LEFT (arg_node)) call output_arguments (RIGHT (arg_node)) } else call error ("in output_argument: shouldn't happen"p) return end - 104 - # output_params --- output IMF for procedure formal parameter definitions subroutine output_params (param_node) ifpointer param_node include GLOBAL_VARIABLES select (NODE_TYPE (param_node)) when (PARAM_NODE) { call emit (PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP, Code_stream) call emit (OBJ_ID (param_node), Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (VALUE_DISP, Code_stream) call emit (2, Code_stream) # FLOATs are 2 words long } when (NULL_NODE) ; when (SEQ_NODE) { call output_params (LEFT (param_node)) call output_params (RIGHT (param_node)) } else call error ("in output_param: shouldn't happen"p) return end # pmr --- panic mode recovery for parser subroutine pmr (message, state) character message (ARB) integer state include GLOBAL_VARIABLES call warning (message) state = ACCEPT while (Symbol ~= EOF && Symbol ~= ')'c && Symbol ~= NEWLINE && Symbol ~= END_FUNCTION_SYM && Symbol ~= THEN_SYM && Symbol ~= ELSE_SYM && Symbol ~= FI_SYM && Symbol ~= DO_SYM && Symbol ~= OD_SYM && Symbol ~= ','c) call getsym return end - 105 - # pop --- pop a node pointer off the semantic stack ifpointer function pop (dummy) integer dummy # needed to satisfy FORTRAN syntax requirements include GLOBAL_VARIABLES if (Sp < 1) call error ("semantic stack underflow"p) pop = Stack (Sp) Sp -= 1 return end # push --- push a node pointer onto the semantic stack subroutine push (node) ifpointer node include GLOBAL_VARIABLES if (Sp >= SEMANTIC_STACK_SIZE) call error ("semantic stack overflow"p) Sp += 1 Stack (Sp) = node return end # rvalue_context --- generate VCG code for constructs used as rvalues subroutine rvalue_context (node) ifpointer node include GLOBAL_VARIABLES select (NODE_TYPE (node)) when (ADD_NODE, SUBTRACT_NODE, MULTIPLY_NODE, DIVIDE_NODE) { select (NODE_TYPE (node)) when (ADD_NODE) call emit (ADD_OP, Code_stream) when (SUBTRACT_NODE) call emit (SUB_OP, Code_stream) when (MULTIPLY_NODE) call emit (MUL_OP, Code_stream) when (DIVIDE_NODE) call emit (DIV_OP, Code_stream) - 106 - call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call rvalue_context (LEFT (node)) call rvalue_context (RIGHT (node)) } when (ASSIGN_NODE) { if (NODE_TYPE (LEFT (node)) == IO_NODE) { # fake up output by calling 'ex$out' at run time: call emit (PROC_CALL_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (OBJECT_OP, Code_stream) call emit (STOWED_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (Ex$out_id, Code_stream) call emit (PROC_CALL_ARG_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call rvalue_context (RIGHT (node)) call emit (NULL_OP, Code_stream) } else { call emit (ASSIGN_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call lvalue_context (LEFT (node)) call rvalue_context (RIGHT (node)) call emit (2, Code_stream) # assign 2 words } } when (CALL_NODE) { call emit (PROC_CALL_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (OBJECT_OP, Code_stream) call emit (STOWED_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (OBJ_ID (node), Code_stream) call output_arguments (ARG_LIST (node)) call emit (NULL_OP, Code_stream) } when (COND_NODE) { call emit (IF_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call rvalue_context (COND (node)) call rvalue_context (THEN_PART (node)) if (NODE_TYPE (ELSE_PART (node)) == NULL_NODE) call warning ("'if' on line *i needs an 'else' part*n"p, LINE_NUM (node)) call rvalue_context (ELSE_PART (node)) } when (CONSTANT_NODE) { call emit (CONST_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (2, Code_stream) # 2-word floats call emit (WORD1 (node), Code_stream) call emit (WORD2 (node), Code_stream) } - 107 - when (DECLARE_VAR_NODE) { call emit (DEFINE_DYNM_OP, Code_stream) call emit (OBJ_ID (node), Code_stream) call emit (NULL_OP, Code_stream) # no initializers call emit (2, Code_stream) # size is 2 words } when (IO_NODE) { # fake up input by calling 'ex$in' at run time: call emit (PROC_CALL_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (OBJECT_OP, Code_stream) call emit (STOWED_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (Ex$in_id, Code_stream) call emit (NULL_OP, Code_stream) # no arguments } when (LOOP_NODE) call warning ("while-loop at line *i is used as an rvalue*n"p, LINE_NUM (node)) when (NULL_NODE) call emit (NULL_OP, Code_stream) when (SEQ_NODE) { if (NODE_TYPE (RIGHT (node)) == NULL_NODE) call rvalue_context (LEFT (node)) else { call emit (SEQ_OP, Code_stream) call void_context (LEFT (node)) # can never yield a value call rvalue_context (RIGHT (node)) } } when (VAR_NODE) { call emit (OBJECT_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call emit (OBJ_ID (node), Code_stream) } else call error ("in rvalue_context: shouldn't happen"p) return end # semantic_analysis --- check function and output VCG code for it subroutine semantic_analysis (func) ifpointer func include GLOBAL_VARIABLES # output the procedure definition node: - 108 - call emit (SEQ_OP, Code_stream) call emit (PROC_DEFN_OP, Code_stream) call emit (OBJ_ID (func), Code_stream) call emit (NPARAMS (func), Code_stream) call emit_string (EOS, Code_stream) # we'll ignore this for now # take care of the formal parameter declarations: call output_params (ARG_LIST (func)) call emit (NULL_OP, Code_stream) # finally, take care of local variables and the function code: call rvalue_context (FUNC_BODY (func)) return end # sequentialize --- combine two nodes with a "sequence" node subroutine sequentialize include GLOBAL_VARIABLES ifpointer seq_node ifpointer ifalloc, pop seq_node = ifalloc (SEQ_NODE) RIGHT (seq_node) = pop (0) LEFT (seq_node) = pop (0) call push (seq_node) return end # void_context --- generate VCG code for constructs that yield no value subroutine void_context (node) ifpointer node include GLOBAL_VARIABLES select (NODE_TYPE (node)) when (COND_NODE) { # an 'if' used as a statement call emit (IF_OP, Code_stream) call emit (FLOAT_MODE, Code_stream) call rvalue_context (COND (node)) call void_context (THEN_PART (node)) call void_context (ELSE_PART (node)) } when (LOOP_NODE) { call emit (WHILE_LOOP_OP, Code_stream) - 109 - call rvalue_context (COND (node)) call void_context (LOOP_BODY (node)) } when (SEQ_NODE) { call emit (SEQ_OP, Code_stream) call void_context (LEFT (node)) call void_context (RIGHT (node)) } else call rvalue_context (node) return end # warning --- print warning message subroutine warning (format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) character format (ARB) unknown a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9 include GLOBAL_VARIABLES call print (ERROUT, "*i: "s, Current_line) call print (ERROUT, format, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) Error_count += 1 return end RRRuuunnn---TTTiiimmmeee SSSuuuppppppooorrrttt RRRooouuutttiiinnneeesss SSSooouuurrrccceee CCCooodddeee * RUN-TIME SUPPORT FOR 'DRIFT' * UNFORTUNATELY, EX$IN MUST BE WRITTEN IN ASSEMBLER SINCE * FORTRAN DOESN'T ALLOW FUNCTIONS WITHOUT ARGUMENTS. * AN ALTERNATIVE WOULD BE TO HAVE THE COMPILER GENERATE * A DUMMY ARGUMENT ON THE CALL; THEN EX$IN AND EX$OUT * COULD BE WRITTEN IN RATFOR, PASCAL, OR WHAT HAVE YOU. * EX$IN --- READ A LINE FROM STANDARD INPUT, CONVERT FROM CHARACTER * TO REAL, AND RETURN VALUE SEG RLIT SYML SUBR EX$IN EX$IN ECB EX$IN$ DYNM LINE(100),I - 110 - EX$IN$ EQU * CALL GETLIN READ NEXT INPUT LINE AP LINE,S AP =-10,SL BGT CVT_IN IF WE HIT EOF, CALL SWT JUST QUIT CVT_IN EQU * LT OTHERWISE, STA I CALL CTOR CONVERT TO REAL AP LINE,S AP I,SL PRTN AND RETURN WITH VALUE IN F END * EX$OUT --- WRITE REAL VALUE TO STANDARD OUTPUT, RETURN VALUE UNCHANGED SEG RLIT SYML SUBR EX$OUT EX$OUT ECB EX$OUT$,,VAL,1 DYNM VAL(3) EX$OUT$ EQU * ARGT CALL PRINT JUST USE SWT I/O TO OUTPUT VALUE AP =-11,S ON STDOUT AP =C'*r*n.',S AP VAL,*SL FLD VAL,* RETURN VALUE IN F SO THIS FUNCTION PRTN BEHAVES LIKE A PSEUDO-VARIABLE END - 111 - ___III___nnn___ttt___eee___rrr___mmm___eee___ddd___iii___aaa___ttt___eee___ ___FFF___ooo___rrr___mmm___ ___OOO___ppp___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___///___FFF___uuu___nnn___ccc___ttt___iii___ooo___nnn___ ___III___nnn___ddd___eee___xxx absolute address REFTO_OP actual parameter PROC_CALL_ARG_OP add, addition ADD_OP, ADDAA_OP address REFTO_OP alignment FIELD_OP allocation of storage DEFINE_DYNM_OP, DEFINE_STAT_OP, DECLARE_STAT_OP alternative in a multiway-branch CASE_OP, DEFAULT_OP and AND_OP, SAND_OP argument in a procedure call: PROC_CALL_ARG_OP in a procedure definition: PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP arithmetic operators ADDAA_OP, ADD_OP, CONVERT_OP, DIVAA_OP, DIV_OP, MULAA_OP, MUL_OP, NEG_OP, REMAA_OP, REM_OP, SUBAA_OP, SUB_OP array allocation: DEFINE_DYNM_OP, DEFINE_STAT_OP, DECLARE_STAT_OP indexing: INDEX_OP assignment operators ADDAA_OP, ANDAA_OP, ASSIGN_OP, DIVAA_OP, LSHIFTAA_OP, MULAA_OP, ORAA_OP, POSTDEC_OP, POSTINC_OP, PREDEC_OP, PREINC_OP, REMAA_OP, RSHIFTAA_OP, SUBAA_OP, XORAA_OP autodecrement POSTDEC_OP, PREDEC_OP autoincrement POSTINC_OP, PREINC_OP automatic variable allocation DEFINE_DYNM_OP - 112 - bit fields FIELD_OP bitwise logical operators ANDAA_OP, AND_OP, COMPL_OP, LSHIFTAA_OP, LSHIFT_OP, ORAA_OP, OR_OP, RSHIFTAA_OP, RSHIFT_OP, XORAA_OP, XOR_OP boolean operators NOT_OP, SAND_OP, SOR_OP bounds checking CHECK_RANGE_OP, CHECK_LOWER_OP, CHECK_UPPER_OP branch GOTO_OP, LABEL_OP break (loop termination) BREAK_OP, NEXT_OP byte access FIELD_OP call procedures, functions, subroutines: PROC_CALL_OP, PROC_CALL_ARG_OP case statement SWITCH_OP character operations FIELD_OP checking CHECK_RANGE_OP, CHECK_UPPER_OP, CHECK_LOWER_OP choice boolean: IF_OP arithmetic: SWITCH_OP coercions CONVERT_OP common blocks DECLARE_STAT_OP comparison operators EQ_OP, GE_OP, GT_OP, LE_OP, LT_OP, NE_OP complement COMPL_OP, NOT_OP conditional expressions IF_OP conjunction AND_OP, ANDAA_OP - 113 - constants CONST_OP continuation of loops NEXT_OP control flow BREAK_OP, DO_LOOP_OP, FOR_LOOP_OP, GOTO_OP, IF_OP, LABEL_OP, NEXT_OP, PROC_CALL_OP, RETURN_OP, SEQ_OP, SWITCH_OP, WHILE_LOOP_OP conversions CONVERT_OP copy ASSIGN_OP data CONST_OP, INITIALIZER_OP, ZERO_INITIALIZER_OP deallocation UNDEFINE_DYNM_OP declarations DEFINE_DYNM_OP, DEFINE_STAT_OP, DECLARE_STAT_OP decrement POSTDEC_OP, PREDEC_OP, SUBAA_OP default case DEFAULT_OP define procedures: PROC_DEFN_OP storage: DEFINE_DYNM_OP, DEFINE_STAT_OP dereferencing DEREF_OP descriptor address: REFTO_OP difference SUBAA_OP, SUB_OP disjunction ORAA_OP, OR_OP disposition of arguments PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP division DIVAA_OP, DIV_OP, RSHIFTAA_OP, RSHIFT_OP do loop C-style: DO_LOOP_OP - 114 - Fortran-style: FOR_LOOP_OP double precision LONG_FLOAT_MODE dynamic variablesa DEFINE_DYNM_OP, UNDEFINE_DYNM_OP element of an array: INDEX_OP of a structure or record: SELECT_OP else IF_OP entry points See descriptions of Intermediate Form stream 1 equality EQ_OP, NE_OP exception No exception handling, yet exclusive-or XORAA_OP, XOR_OP exit from procedures: RETURN_OP from loops: BREAK_OP, NEXT_OP external symbols DECLARE_STAT_OP false zero fields of words: FIELD_OP of structures or records: SELECT_OP fixed-point modes INT_MODE, LONG_INT_MODE, UNS_MODE, LONG_UNS_MODE floating-point modes FLOAT_MODE, LONG_FLOAT_MODE flow of control BREAK_OP, DO_LOOP_OP, FOR_LOOP_OP, GOTO_OP, IF_OP, LABEL_OP, NEXT_OP, PROC_CALL_OP, RETURN_OP, SEQ_OP, SWITCH_OP, WHILE_LOOP_OP formal parameters PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP - 115 - functions declaration: PROC_DEFN_OP call: PROC_CALL_OP global variables declaration: DECLARE_STAT_OP definition: DEFINE_STAT_OP goto GOTO_OP greater-than GT_OP guarantees None here. immediate operands CONST_OP inclusive-or ORAA_OP, OR_OP incrementation ADDAA_OP, POSTINC_OP, PREINC_OP indexing INDEX_OP indirection DEREF_OP inequality EQ_OP, NE_OP initialization INITIALIZER_OP, ZERO_INITIALIZER_OP integer modes: INT_MODE, LONG_INT_MODE, UNS_MODE, LONG_UNS_MODE conversion: CONVERT_OP inverse additive: NEG_OP bitwise: COMPL_OP boolean: NOT_OP invocation of procedures: PROC_CALL_OP iteration DO_LOOP_OP, FOR_LOOP_OP, WHILE_LOOP_OP jump GOTO_OP - 116 - labels LABEL_OP layouts of storage: FIELD_OP; also see data modes less-than LT_OP literals CONST_OP local variables DEFINE_DYNM_OP, UNDEFINE_DYNM_OP locations REFTO_OP logical operators ANDAA_OP, AND_OP, COMPL_OP, NOT_OP, ORAA_OP, OR_OP, SAND_OP, SOR_OP, XORAA_OP, XOR_OP long data modes LONG_INT_MODE, LONG_UNS_MODE, LONG_FLOAT_MODE loops DO_LOOP_OP, FOR_LOOP_OP, WHILE_LOOP_OP lower bound checking CHECK_RANGE_OP, CHECK_LOWER_OP lvalues DEREF_OP, INDEX_OP, OBJECT_OP, SELECT_OP magnitude comparisons (unsigned arithmetic) GE_OP, GT_OP, LE_OP, LT_OP member of an array: INDEX_OP of a structure or record: SELECT_OP minus SUBAA_OP, SUB_OP modes INT_MODE, LONG_INT_MODE, UNS_MODE, LONG_UNS_MODE, FLOAT_MODE, LONG_FLOAT_MODE, STOWED_MODE modulus REMAA_OP, REM_OP multidimensional arrays INDEX_OP multiplication MULAA_OP, MUL_OP, LSHIFTAA_OP, LSHIFT_OP - 117 - multiway branch SWITCH_OP negation NEG_OP objects OBJECT_OP or (logical) ORAA_OP, OR_OP, XORAA_OP, XOR_OP otherwise in Pascal case statement: DEFAULT_OP packed data structures arrays: no support structures: FIELD_OP parameters formal: PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP actual: PROC_CALL_ARG_OP pass-by-value: see VALUE_DISP in PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP pass-by-reference: see REF_DISP in PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP partial fields FIELD_OP passing parameters PROC_CALL_ARG_OP by value: see VALUE_DISP in PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP by reference: see REF_DISP in PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP pointers obtaining them: REFTO_OP indirection through them: DEREF_OP portions of a machine word FIELD_OP postdecrement POSTDEC_OP postincrement POSTINC_OP predecrement PREDEC_OP preincrement PREINC_OP primitive data modes INT_MODE, LONG_INT_MODE, UNS_MODE, LONG_UNS_MODE, FLOAT_MODE, LONG_FLOAT_MODE, STOWED_MODE - 118 - procedure calling: PROC_CALL_OP definition: PROC_DEFN_OP public symbols See description of IMF stream 1 DECLARE_STAT_OP quotient DIVAA_OP, DIV_OP range checking CHECK_RANGE_OP, CHECK_LOWER_OP, CHECK_UPPER_OP real FLOAT_MODE, LONG_FLOAT_MODE records STOWED_MODE SELECT_OP reference (pass-by) see REF_DISP in PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP references REFTO_OP remainder REMAA_OP, REM_OP reserving storage DEFINE_DYNM_OP, DEFINE_STAT_OP returning from procedures/function/subroutines RETURN_OP semicolon SEQ_OP sets bit vector implementations: FIELD_OP shift left: LSHIFTAA_OP, LSHIFT_OP right: RSHIFTAA_OP, RSHIFT_OP short data modes INT_MODE, UNS_MODE, FLOAT_MODE sign change NEG_OP stack allocating storage on: DEFINE_DYNM_OP deallocating storage on: UNDEFINE_DYNM_OP - 119 - statements ASSIGN_OP, BREAK_OP, DO_LOOP_OP, FOR_LOOP_OP, GOTO_OP, IF_OP, NEXT_OP, PROC_CALL_OP, RETURN_OP, SWITCH_OP, WHILE_LOOP_OP static variables DEFINE_STAT_OP, DECLARE_STAT_OP storage allocation: DEFINE_DYNM_OP, DEFINE_STAT_OP, DECLARE_STAT_OP deallocation: UNDEFINE_DYNM_OP structures STOWED_MODE SELECT_OP subscripting INDEX_OP subtraction SUBAA_OP, SUB_OP, PREDEC_OP, POSTDEC_OP sum ADDAA_OP, ADD_OP, POSTINC_OP, PREINC_OP switch SWITCH_OP, CASE_OP, DEFAULT_OP target label LABEL_OP temporary variables DEFINE_DYNM_OP, UNDEFINE_DYNM_OP termination of procedures: RETURN_OP tests EQ_OP, GE_OP, GT_OP, LE_OP, LT_OP, NE_OP transfers GOTO_OP true non-zero truncation CONVERT_OP type primitive types: INT_MODE, LONG_INT_MODE, UNS_MODE, LONG_UNS_MODE, FLOAT_MODE, LONG_FLOAT_MODE, STOWED_MODE unary minus: NEG_OP complementation: COMPL_OP, NOT_OP - 120 - unsigned data modes UNS_MODE, LONG_UNS_MODE upper bound checking CHECK_RANGE_OP, CHECK_UPPER_OP use list DECLARE_STAT_OP value (pass-by) see VALUE_DISP in PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP variables OBJECT_OP vector element selection INDEX_OP zeros ZERO_INITIALIZER_OP - 121 - ___AAA___DDD___DDD___EEE___NNN___DDD___UUU___MMM Arnold D. Robbins August, 1984 IIInnntttrrroooddduuuccctttiiiooonnn With the second release of the Georgia Tech C Compiler, 'vcg' has been changed in two ways. This addendum describes those changes. OOObbbjjjeeecccttt CCCooodddeee PPPrrroooddduuuccceeeddd DDDiiirrreeeccctttlllyyy 'Vcg' has been changed to directly generate 64V-mode relocatable object code, instead of symbolic assembly language. This _e_n_o_r_m_o_u_s_l_y speeds up code generation time, since the Prime Macros Assembler, PMA, is no longer needed to turn the assembly code into binary. As an option, 'vcg' will still produce PMA, which can be assembled normally. This is occasionally useful, since the object code routines still have some bugs buried deep within them. See the help on 'vcg' for details on producing assembly code. SSShhhiiifffttt IIInnnssstttrrruuuccctttiiiooonnnsss Whenever a shift instruction is needed, 'vcg' used to generate code to build an instruction and then XEC it. Now, 'vcg' will generate a shortcall into a table of shift instruc- tions. This table is included in the "vcglib" library, and in the "ciolib" library for C programs. This change saves code space for programs with a lot of shift instructions. - 122 - ___TTT___AAA___BBB___LLL___EEE___ ___OOO___FFF___ ___CCC___OOO___NNN___TTT___EEE___NNN___TTT___SSS ___FFF___ooo___rrr___eee___www___ooo___rrr___ddd ................................................. 1 ___HHH___ooo___www___ ___ttt___ooo___ ___UUU___sss___eee___ ___TTT___hhh___iii___sss___ ___GGG___uuu___iii___ddd___eee .................................... 1 ___OOO___vvv___eee___rrr___vvv___iii___eee___www ................................................. 2 PPPhhhiiilllooosssoooppphhhyyy ............................................... 2 Design Considerations ................................. 2 Implementation Approaches ............................. 2 SSStttrrruuuccctttuuurrreee ................................................ 3 IIInnnpppuuuttt///OOOuuutttpppuuuttt SSSeeemmmaaannntttiiicccsss ................................... 5 Input Structure ....................................... 5 Output Structure ...................................... 5 ___CCC___ooo___ddd___eee___ ___GGG___eee___nnn___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___ ___UUU___sss___aaa___ggg___eee ..................................... 7 ___III___nnn___ppp___uuu___ttt___ ___DDD___aaa___ttt___aaa___ ___SSS___ttt___rrr___eee___aaa___mmm___ ___FFF___ooo___rrr___mmm___aaa___ttt___sss ................................ 9 SSStttrrreeeaaammm 111 --------- EEEnnntttrrryyy PPPoooiiinnnttt DDDeeeccclllaaarrraaatttiiiooonnnsss .................... 9 - ii - SSStttrrreeeaaammm 222 --------- SSStttaaatttiiiccc DDDaaatttaaa DDDeeeccclllaaarrraaatttiiiooonnnsss///DDDeeefffiiinnniiitttiiiooonnnsss ........ 10 SSStttrrreeeaaammm 333 --------- PPPrrroooccceeeddduuurrreee DDDeeefffiiinnniiitttiiiooonnnsss ....................... 10 ___PPP___rrr___iii___mmm___iii___ttt___iii___vvv___eee___ ___DDD___aaa___ttt___aaa___ ___MMM___ooo___ddd___eee___sss ..................................... 11 INT_MODE 1 ............................................ 11 LONG_INT_MODE 2 ....................................... 11 UNS_MODE 3 ............................................ 11 LONG_UNS_MODE 4 ....................................... 11 FLOAT_MODE 5 .......................................... 11 LONG FLOAT_MODE 6 ..................................... 11 STOWED_MODE 7 ......................................... 12 ___OOO___ppp___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___sss___ ___UUU___sss___eee___fff___uuu___lll___ ___iii___nnn___ ___ttt___hhh___eee___ ___SSS___ttt___aaa___ttt___iii___ccc___ ___DDD___aaa___ttt___aaa___ ___SSS___ttt___rrr___eee___aaa___mmm ............... 13 DECLARE_STAT_OP 11 .................................... 13 DEFINE_STAT_OP 14 ..................................... 13 ___OOO___ppp___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___sss___ ___UUU___sss___eee___fff___uuu___lll___ ___iii___nnn___ ___ttt___hhh___eee___ ___PPP___rrr___ooo___ccc___eee___ddd___uuu___rrr___eee___ ___DDD___eee___fff___iii___nnn___iii___ttt___iii___ooo___nnn___ ___SSS___ttt___rrr___eee___aaa___mmm ...... 15 PROC_DEFN_OP 50 ....................................... 15 PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP 49 ................................... 16 ___OOO___ppp___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___sss___ ___UUU___sss___eee___fff___uuu___lll___ ___iii___nnn___ ___PPP___rrr___ooo___ccc___eee___ddd___uuu___rrr___eee___ ___DDD___eee___fff___iii___nnn___iii___ttt___iii___ooo___nnn___sss ................ 17 ADDAA_OP 1 ............................................ 17 ADD_OP 2 .............................................. 17 ANDAA_OP 3 ............................................ 18 AND_OP 4 .............................................. 18 ASSIGN_OP 5 ........................................... 19 BREAK_OP 6 ............................................ 19 CASE_OP 7 ............................................. 20 CHECK_LOWER_OP 72 ..................................... 21 CHECK_RANGE_OP 70 ..................................... 22 CHECK_UPPER_OP 71 ..................................... 23 COMPL_OP 8 ............................................ 23 - iii - CONST_OP 9 ............................................ 24 CONVERT_OP 10 ......................................... 24 DECLARE_STAT_OP 11 .................................... 25 DEFAULT_OP 12 ......................................... 25 DEFINE_DYNM_OP 13 ..................................... 26 DEFINE_STAT_OP 14 ..................................... 27 DEREF_OP 15 ........................................... 27 DIVAA_OP 16 ........................................... 28 DIV_OP 17 ............................................. 29 DO_LOOP_OP 18 ......................................... 29 EQ_OP 19 .............................................. 30 FIELD_OP 69 ........................................... 30 FOR_LOOP_OP 20 ........................................ 31 GE_OP 21 .............................................. 33 GOTO_OP 22 ............................................ 33 GT_OP 23 .............................................. 34 IF_OP 24 .............................................. 34 INDEX_OP 25 ........................................... 35 INITIALIZER_OP 26 ..................................... 36 LABEL_OP 27 ........................................... 37 LE_OP 28 .............................................. 38 LSHIFTAA_OP 29 ........................................ 38 LSHIFT_OP 30 .......................................... 39 LT_OP 31 .............................................. 40 MODULE_OP 32 .......................................... 40 MULAA_OP 33 ........................................... 40 MUL_OP 34 ............................................. 41 NEG_OP 35 ............................................. 42 NEXT_OP 36 ............................................ 42 NE_OP 37 .............................................. 42 NOT_OP 38 ............................................. 43 NULL_OP 39 ............................................ 43 OBJECT_OP 40 .......................................... 44 ORAA_OP 41 ............................................ 44 OR_OP 42 .............................................. 45 POSTDEC_OP 43 ......................................... 46 POSTINC_OP 44 ......................................... 46 PREDEC_OP 45 .......................................... 47 PREINC_OP 46 .......................................... 47 PROC_CALL_ARG_OP 47 ................................... 48 PROC_CALL_OP 48 ....................................... 48 PROC_DEFN_ARG_OP 49 ................................... 49 PROC_DEFN_OP 50 ....................................... 50 REFTO_OP 51 ........................................... 50 REMAA_OP 52 ........................................... 50 REM_OP 53 ............................................. 51 RETURN_OP 54 .......................................... 52 RSHIFTAA_OP 55 ........................................ 52 RSHIFT_OP 56 .......................................... 53 SAND_OP 57 ............................................ 53 SELECT_OP 58 .......................................... 54 SEQ_OP 59 ............................................. 54 SOR_OP 60 ............................................. 56 - iv - SUBAA_OP 61 ........................................... 56 SUB_OP 62 ............................................. 57 SWITCH_OP 63 .......................................... 57 UNDEFINE_DYNM_OP 64 ................................... 59 WHILE_LOOP_OP 65 ...................................... 60 XORAA_OP 66 ........................................... 60 XOR_OP 67 ............................................. 61 ZERO_INITIALIZER_OP 68 ................................ 61 ___EEE___xxx___ttt___eee___nnn___ddd___eee___ddd___ ___EEE___xxx___aaa___mmm___ppp___lll___eee___sss ........................................ 63 BBBaaasssiiiccc VVVCCCGGG IIInnnpppuuuttt .......................................... 63 C Code ................................................ 63 IMF Stream 1 .......................................... 63 IMF Stream 2 .......................................... 64 IMF Stream 3 .......................................... 64 PMA Code .............................................. 65 SSStttooorrraaagggeee AAAllllllooocccaaatttiiiooonnn ....................................... 67 C Code ................................................ 67 IMF Stream 1 .......................................... 67 IMF Stream 2 .......................................... 68 IMF Stream 3 .......................................... 68 PMA Code .............................................. 70 SSStttrrriiinnnggg CCCooopppyyy .............................................. 71 C Code ................................................ 71 IMF Stream 1 .......................................... 71 IMF Stream 2 .......................................... 71 IMF Stream 3 .......................................... 71 PMA Code .............................................. 73 TTTrrreeeeee PPPrrriiinnnttt ............................................... 74 C Code ................................................ 74 IMF Stream 1 .......................................... 74 IMF Stream 2 .......................................... 74 IMF Stream 3 .......................................... 75 PMA Code .............................................. 77 - v - ___TTT___hhh___eee___ ___'''___DDD___rrr___iii___fff___ttt___'''___ ___CCC___ooo___mmm___ppp___iii___lll___eee___rrr ..................................... 79 TTThhheee '''DDDrrriiifffttt''' LLLaaannnggguuuaaagggeee ..................................... 79 Description ........................................... 79 BNF ................................................... 79 Examples .............................................. 81 TTThhheee CCCooommmpppiiillleeerrr ............................................. 82 Global Variable Definitions ........................... 82 Parser Source Code .................................... 83 Remainder of Compiler Source Code ..................... 89 Run-Time Support Routines Source Code ................. 110 ___III___nnn___ttt___eee___rrr___mmm___eee___ddd___iii___aaa___ttt___eee___ ___FFF___ooo___rrr___mmm___ ___OOO___ppp___eee___rrr___aaa___ttt___ooo___rrr___///___FFF___uuu___nnn___ccc___ttt___iii___ooo___nnn___ ___III___nnn___ddd___eee___xxx ................ 112 ___AAA___DDD___DDD___EEE___NNN___DDD___UUU___MMM ................................................. 122 IIInnntttrrroooddduuuccctttiiiooonnn ............................................. 122 OOObbbjjjeeecccttt CCCooodddeee PPPrrroooddduuuccceeeddd DDDiiirrreeeccctttlllyyy ............................ 122 SSShhhiiifffttt IIInnnssstttrrruuuccctttiiiooonnnsss ....................................... 122 - 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