# build --- build the C Standard I/O Library declare _search_rule = '^int,^var,=bin=/&,=ebin=/&' # build the regular ciolib first # first the C files files .c$ | _ change ?* "cc &" | sh # then the assembly files .s$ | change ?* "pmac &" | sh echo >ciolib.b file_list> find '%#' -x | _ change "?*" "INSERT &.b" | _ { echo edb ciolib.b _ciolib; _ echo BRIEF; echo RFL; _ cto; _ echo SFL; echo QUIT } | x >> cto | x r lib>libedb _ciolib ciolib 0 -EOF # now build just the routines that are different cc -DSTAND_ALONE ([cat _standalone]).c # compile the single ratfor routiine rfc getarg.r -a echo >nciolib.b _standalone> change "?*" "INSERT &.b" | _ { echo edb nciolib.b _nciolib; _ echo BRIEF; echo RFL; _ cto; _ echo INSERT getarg.b; _ echo SFL; echo QUIT } | x >> cto | x r lib>libedb _nciolib nciolib 0 -EOF del _ciolib _nciolib