%token ID MONTH DAY MERIDIAN NUMBER UNIT MUNIT SUNIT ZONE DAYZONE AGO %{ /* Steven M. Bellovin (unc!smb) */ /* Dept. of Computer Science */ /* University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill */ /* @(#)getdate.y 2.13 9/16/86 */ #include #include #include #include #define timezone tmzn /* ugly hack for obscure name clash */ #include #define daysec (24L*60L*60L) static int timeflag, zoneflag, dateflag, dayflag, relflag; static time_t relsec, relmonth; static int hh, mm, ss, merid, daylight; static int dayord, dayreq; static int month, day, year; static int ourzone; #define AM 1 #define PM 2 #define DAYLIGHT 1 #define STANDARD 2 #define MAYBE 3 %} %% timedate: /* empty */ | timedate item; item: tspec = {timeflag++;} | zone = {zoneflag++;} | dtspec = {dateflag++;} | dyspec = {dayflag++;} | rspec = {relflag++;} | nspec; nspec: NUMBER = {if (timeflag && dateflag && !relflag) year = $1; else {timeflag++;hh = $1/100;mm = $1%100;ss = 0;merid = 24;}}; tspec: NUMBER MERIDIAN = {hh = $1; mm = 0; ss = 0; merid = $2;} | NUMBER ':' NUMBER = {hh = $1; mm = $3; merid = 24;} | NUMBER ':' NUMBER MERIDIAN = {hh = $1; mm = $3; merid = $4;} | NUMBER ':' NUMBER NUMBER = {hh = $1; mm = $3; merid = 24; daylight = STANDARD; ourzone = $4%100 + 60*$4/100;} | NUMBER ':' NUMBER ':' NUMBER = {hh = $1; mm = $3; ss = $5; merid = 24;} | NUMBER ':' NUMBER ':' NUMBER MERIDIAN = {hh = $1; mm = $3; ss = $5; merid = $6;} | NUMBER ':' NUMBER ':' NUMBER NUMBER = {hh = $1; mm = $3; ss = $5; merid = 24; daylight = STANDARD; ourzone = $6%100 + 60*$6/100;}; zone: ZONE = {ourzone = $1; daylight = STANDARD;} | DAYZONE = {ourzone = $1; daylight = DAYLIGHT;}; dyspec: DAY = {dayord = 1; dayreq = $1;} | DAY ',' = {dayord = 1; dayreq = $1;} | NUMBER DAY = {dayord = $1; dayreq = $2;}; dtspec: NUMBER '/' NUMBER = {month = $1; day = $3;} | NUMBER '/' NUMBER '/' NUMBER = {month = $1; day = $3; year = $5;} | MONTH NUMBER = {month = $1; day = $2;} | MONTH NUMBER ',' NUMBER = {month = $1; day = $2; year = $4;} | NUMBER MONTH = {month = $2; day = $1;} | NUMBER MONTH NUMBER = {month = $2; day = $1; year = $3;}; rspec: NUMBER UNIT = {relsec += 60L * $1 * $2;} | NUMBER MUNIT = {relmonth += $1 * $2;} | NUMBER SUNIT = {relsec += $1;} | UNIT = {relsec += 60L * $1;} | MUNIT = {relmonth += $1;} | SUNIT = {relsec++;} | rspec AGO = {relsec = -relsec; relmonth = -relmonth;}; %% static int mdays[12] = {31, 0, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; #define epoch 1970 extern struct tm *localtime(); static time_t dateconv(mm, dd, yy, h, m, s, mer, zone, dayflag) int mm, dd, yy, h, m, s, mer, zone, dayflag; { time_t tod, jdate; register int i; time_t timeconv(); if (yy < 0) yy = -yy; if (yy < 100) yy += 1900; mdays[1] = 28 + (yy%4 == 0 && (yy%100 != 0 || yy%400 == 0)); if (yy < epoch || yy > 1999 || mm < 1 || mm > 12 || dd < 1 || dd > mdays[--mm]) return (-1); jdate = dd-1; for (i=0; itm_isdst)) jdate += -1*60*60; return (jdate); } static time_t dayconv(ord, day, now) int ord, day; time_t now; { register struct tm *loctime; time_t tod; time_t daylcorr(); tod = now; loctime = localtime(&tod); tod += daysec * ((day - loctime->tm_wday + 7) % 7); tod += 7*daysec*(ord<=0?ord:ord-1); return daylcorr(tod, now); } static time_t timeconv(hh, mm, ss, mer) register int hh, mm, ss, mer; { if (mm < 0 || mm > 59 || ss < 0 || ss > 59) return (-1); switch (mer) { case AM: if (hh < 1 || hh > 12) return(-1); return (60L * ((hh%12)*60L + mm)+ss); case PM: if (hh < 1 || hh > 12) return(-1); return (60L * ((hh%12 +12)*60L + mm)+ss); case 24: if (hh < 0 || hh > 23) return (-1); return (60L * (hh*60L + mm)+ss); default: return (-1); } } static time_t monthadd(sdate, relmonth) time_t sdate, relmonth; { struct tm *ltime; time_t dateconv(); time_t daylcorr(); int mm, yy; if (relmonth == 0) return 0; ltime = localtime(&sdate); mm = 12*ltime->tm_year + ltime->tm_mon + relmonth; yy = mm/12; mm = mm%12 + 1; return daylcorr(dateconv(mm, ltime->tm_mday, yy, ltime->tm_hour, ltime->tm_min, ltime->tm_sec, 24, ourzone, MAYBE), sdate); } static time_t daylcorr(future, now) time_t future, now; { int fdayl, nowdayl; nowdayl = (localtime(&now)->tm_hour+1) % 24; fdayl = (localtime(&future)->tm_hour+1) % 24; return (future-now) + 60L*60L*(nowdayl-fdayl); } static char *lptr; yylex() { extern int yylval; int sign; register char c; register char *p; char idbuf[20]; int pcnt; for (;;) { while (isspace(*lptr)) lptr++; if (isdigit(c = *lptr) || c == '-' || c == '+') { if (c== '-' || c == '+') { if (c=='-') sign = -1; else sign = 1; if (!isdigit(*++lptr)) { /* yylval = sign; return (NUMBER); */ return yylex(); /* skip the '-' sign */ } } else sign = 1; yylval = 0; while (isdigit(c = *lptr++)) yylval = 10*yylval + c - '0'; yylval *= sign; lptr--; return (NUMBER); } else if (isalpha(c)) { p = idbuf; while (isalpha(c = *lptr++) || c=='.') if (p < &idbuf[sizeof(idbuf)-1]) *p++ = c; *p = '\0'; lptr--; return (lookup(idbuf)); } else if (c == '(') { pcnt = 0; do { c = *lptr++; if (c == '\0') return(c); else if (c == '(') pcnt++; else if (c == ')') pcnt--; } while (pcnt > 0); } else return (*lptr++); } } struct table { char *name; int type, value; }; static struct table mdtab[] = { {"January", MONTH, 1}, {"February", MONTH, 2}, {"March", MONTH, 3}, {"April", MONTH, 4}, {"May", MONTH, 5}, {"June", MONTH, 6}, {"July", MONTH, 7}, {"August", MONTH, 8}, {"September", MONTH, 9}, {"Sept", MONTH, 9}, {"October", MONTH, 10}, {"November", MONTH, 11}, {"December", MONTH, 12}, {"Sunday", DAY, 0}, {"Monday", DAY, 1}, {"Tuesday", DAY, 2}, {"Tues", DAY, 2}, {"Wednesday", DAY, 3}, {"Wednes", DAY, 3}, {"Thursday", DAY, 4}, {"Thur", DAY, 4}, {"Thurs", DAY, 4}, {"Friday", DAY, 5}, {"Saturday", DAY, 6}, {0, 0, 0}}; #define HRS *60 #define HALFHR 30 static struct table mztab[] = { {"a.m.", MERIDIAN, AM}, {"am", MERIDIAN, AM}, {"p.m.", MERIDIAN, PM}, {"pm", MERIDIAN, PM}, {"nst", ZONE, 3 HRS + HALFHR}, /* Newfoundland */ {"n.s.t.", ZONE, 3 HRS + HALFHR}, {"ast", ZONE, 4 HRS}, /* Atlantic */ {"a.s.t.", ZONE, 4 HRS}, {"adt", DAYZONE, 4 HRS}, {"a.d.t.", DAYZONE, 4 HRS}, {"est", ZONE, 5 HRS}, /* Eastern */ {"e.s.t.", ZONE, 5 HRS}, {"edt", DAYZONE, 5 HRS}, {"e.d.t.", DAYZONE, 5 HRS}, {"cst", ZONE, 6 HRS}, /* Central */ {"c.s.t.", ZONE, 6 HRS}, {"cdt", DAYZONE, 6 HRS}, {"c.d.t.", DAYZONE, 6 HRS}, {"mst", ZONE, 7 HRS}, /* Mountain */ {"m.s.t.", ZONE, 7 HRS}, {"mdt", DAYZONE, 7 HRS}, {"m.d.t.", DAYZONE, 7 HRS}, {"pst", ZONE, 8 HRS}, /* Pacific */ {"p.s.t.", ZONE, 8 HRS}, {"pdt", DAYZONE, 8 HRS}, {"p.d.t.", DAYZONE, 8 HRS}, {"yst", ZONE, 9 HRS}, /* Yukon */ {"y.s.t.", ZONE, 9 HRS}, {"ydt", DAYZONE, 9 HRS}, {"y.d.t.", DAYZONE, 9 HRS}, {"hst", ZONE, 10 HRS}, /* Hawaii */ {"h.s.t.", ZONE, 10 HRS}, {"hdt", DAYZONE, 10 HRS}, {"h.d.t.", DAYZONE, 10 HRS}, {"gmt", ZONE, 0 HRS}, {"g.m.t.", ZONE, 0 HRS}, {"ut", ZONE, 0 HRS}, {"u.t.", ZONE, 0 HRS}, {"bst", DAYZONE, 0 HRS}, /* British Summer Time */ {"b.s.t.", DAYZONE, 0 HRS}, {"eet", ZONE, 0 HRS}, /* European Eastern Time */ {"e.e.t.", ZONE, 0 HRS}, {"eest", DAYZONE, 0 HRS}, /* European Eastern Summer Time */ {"e.e.s.t.", DAYZONE, 0 HRS}, {"met", ZONE, -1 HRS}, /* Middle European Time */ {"m.e.t.", ZONE, -1 HRS}, {"mest", DAYZONE, -1 HRS}, /* Middle European Summer Time */ {"m.e.s.t.", DAYZONE, -1 HRS}, {"wet", ZONE, -2 HRS }, /* Western European Time */ {"w.e.t.", ZONE, -2 HRS }, {"west", DAYZONE, -2 HRS}, /* Western European Summer Time */ {"w.e.s.t.", DAYZONE, -2 HRS}, {"jst", ZONE, -9 HRS}, /* Japan Standard Time */ {"j.s.t.", ZONE, -9 HRS}, /* Japan Standard Time */ /* No daylight savings time */ {"aest", ZONE, -10 HRS}, /* Australian Eastern Time */ {"a.e.s.t.", ZONE, -10 HRS}, {"aesst", DAYZONE, -10 HRS}, /* Australian Eastern Summer Time */ {"a.e.s.s.t.", DAYZONE, -10 HRS}, {"acst", ZONE, -(9 HRS + HALFHR)}, /* Australian Central Time */ {"a.c.s.t.", ZONE, -(9 HRS + HALFHR)}, {"acsst", DAYZONE, -(9 HRS + HALFHR)}, /* Australian Central Summer */ {"a.c.s.s.t.", DAYZONE, -(9 HRS + HALFHR)}, {"awst", ZONE, -8 HRS}, /* Australian Western Time */ {"a.w.s.t.", ZONE, -8 HRS}, /* (no daylight time there, I'm told */ {0, 0, 0}}; static struct table unittb[] = { {"year", MUNIT, 12}, {"month", MUNIT, 1}, {"fortnight", UNIT, 14*24*60}, {"week", UNIT, 7*24*60}, {"day", UNIT, 1*24*60}, {"hour", UNIT, 60}, {"minute", UNIT, 1}, {"min", UNIT, 1}, {"second", SUNIT, 1}, {"sec", SUNIT, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}; static struct table othertb[] = { {"tomorrow", UNIT, 1*24*60}, {"yesterday", UNIT, -1*24*60}, {"today", UNIT, 0}, {"now", UNIT, 0}, {"last", NUMBER, -1}, {"this", UNIT, 0}, {"next", NUMBER, 2}, {"first", NUMBER, 1}, /* {"second", NUMBER, 2}, */ {"third", NUMBER, 3}, {"fourth", NUMBER, 4}, {"fifth", NUMBER, 5}, {"sixth", NUMBER, 6}, {"seventh", NUMBER, 7}, {"eigth", NUMBER, 8}, {"ninth", NUMBER, 9}, {"tenth", NUMBER, 10}, {"eleventh", NUMBER, 11}, {"twelfth", NUMBER, 12}, {"ago", AGO, 1}, {0, 0, 0}}; static struct table milzone[] = { {"a", ZONE, 1 HRS}, {"b", ZONE, 2 HRS}, {"c", ZONE, 3 HRS}, {"d", ZONE, 4 HRS}, {"e", ZONE, 5 HRS}, {"f", ZONE, 6 HRS}, {"g", ZONE, 7 HRS}, {"h", ZONE, 8 HRS}, {"i", ZONE, 9 HRS}, {"k", ZONE, 10 HRS}, {"l", ZONE, 11 HRS}, {"m", ZONE, 12 HRS}, {"n", ZONE, -1 HRS}, {"o", ZONE, -2 HRS}, {"p", ZONE, -3 HRS}, {"q", ZONE, -4 HRS}, {"r", ZONE, -5 HRS}, {"s", ZONE, -6 HRS}, {"t", ZONE, -7 HRS}, {"u", ZONE, -8 HRS}, {"v", ZONE, -9 HRS}, {"w", ZONE, -10 HRS}, {"x", ZONE, -11 HRS}, {"y", ZONE, -12 HRS}, {"z", ZONE, 0 HRS}, {0, 0, 0}}; static lookup(id) char *id; { #define gotit (yylval=i->value, i->type) #define getid for(j=idvar, k=id; *j++ = *k++; ) char idvar[20]; register char *j, *k; register struct table *i; int abbrev; getid; if (strlen(idvar) == 3) abbrev = 1; else if (strlen(idvar) == 4 && idvar[3] == '.') { abbrev = 1; idvar[3] = '\0'; } else abbrev = 0; if (islower(*idvar)) *idvar = toupper(*idvar); for (i = mdtab; i->name; i++) { k = idvar; for (j = i->name; *j++ == *k++;) { if (abbrev && j==i->name+3) return gotit; if (j[-1] == 0) return gotit; } } getid; for (i = mztab; i->name; i++) if (strcmp(i->name, idvar) == 0) return gotit; for (j = idvar; *j; j++) if (isupper(*j)) *j = tolower(*j); for (i=mztab; i->name; i++) if (strcmp(i->name, idvar) == 0) return gotit; getid; for (i=unittb; i->name; i++) if (strcmp(i->name, idvar) == 0) return gotit; if (idvar[strlen(idvar)-1] == 's') idvar[strlen(idvar)-1] = '\0'; for (i=unittb; i->name; i++) if (strcmp(i->name, idvar) == 0) return gotit; getid; for (i = othertb; i->name; i++) if (strcmp(i->name, idvar) == 0) return gotit; getid; if (strlen(idvar) == 1 && isalpha(*idvar)) { if (isupper(*idvar)) *idvar = tolower(*idvar); for (i = milzone; i->name; i++) if (strcmp(i->name, idvar) == 0) return gotit; } return(ID); } time_t getdate(p, now) char *p; struct timeb *now; { #define mcheck(f) if (f>1) err++ time_t monthadd(); int err; struct tm *lt; struct timeb ftz; time_t sdate, tod; lptr = p; if (now == ((struct timeb *) NULL)) { now = &ftz; ftime(&ftz); } lt = localtime(&now->time); year = lt->tm_year; month = lt->tm_mon+1; day = lt->tm_mday; relsec = 0; relmonth = 0; timeflag=zoneflag=dateflag=dayflag=relflag=0; ourzone = now->timezone; daylight = MAYBE; hh = mm = ss = 0; merid = 24; if (err = yyparse()) return (-1); mcheck(timeflag); mcheck(zoneflag); mcheck(dateflag); mcheck(dayflag); if (err) return (-1); if (dateflag || timeflag || dayflag) { sdate = dateconv(month,day,year,hh,mm,ss,merid,ourzone,daylight); if (sdate < 0) return -1; } else { sdate = now->time; if (relflag == 0) sdate -= (lt->tm_sec + lt->tm_min*60 + lt->tm_hour*(60L*60L)); } sdate += relsec; sdate += monthadd(sdate, relmonth); if (dayflag && !dateflag) { tod = dayconv(dayord, dayreq, sdate); sdate += tod; } return sdate; } yyerror(s) char *s; {}