# Only the ME line is mandatory; the others are just samples of how to do # things. Virtually everything will need modifying for your local feeds # and newsgroups. # line indicating what we are willing to receive; note local groups near end ME:comp,news,sci,rec,misc,soc,talk,can,ont,tor,ut,to # sample insignificant feed not using batching (for special situations only) huey:news.config,to.huey/all::uux - -r -gd huey!rnews # sample of mailing newsgroups to someone (note distribution) daisy:soc.women,soc.couples/all::mail daisy@duck # sample small feed using batching gladstone:comp.protocols.tcp-ip,rec.aviation/all:f: # sample major batched feed, including assorted regional newsgroups, with # (unnecessary) explicit file name dewey:comp,news,sci,rec,misc,soc,talk,can,ont,tor,ut,to.dewey/all:f:dewey/togo # sample long-haul feed; note no regional groups, exclusion of a local # distribution, and exclusion of anything that passed through him under # another name (needed because he puts that form, not just "donald", in # his Path lines) donald/donald.angry.duck:comp,news,sci,rec,misc,soc,talk,to.donald/all,!ut:f: # sample local-postings-only feed direct to major site (gets them out fast) scrooge:comp,news,sci,rec,misc,soc,talk,to.scrooge/all:Lf: # sample ihave/sendme link # NOTE, this is uucp ihave/sendme, not related to NNTP in any way. # Send ihave telling louie what we have -- batcher turns the batch into a # giant control message and posts it to "to.louie". louie.wehave/louie:comp,news,sci,rec,misc,soc,talk,!to/all:I: # Send the actual control messages louie:to.louie/all:f: # Also, since ihave/sendme is slow, send local postings to louie without # waiting for ihave/sendme louie:comp,news,sci,rec,misc,soc,talk,!to/all:Lf: